King's Business - 1928-11

November : 1928



i 19— N um ber 11 cents a copy

$1.25 a y e ar in U. S. $1.50 foreign

JOHN BUNYAN, author of “Pilgrim’ Progress;” l> The three hundredth anniversary of his birth isbeing A celebrated this month.



In the Golden W est....Training for Christian Leadership B IBLICAL...The Institute was founded and still stands without reservation upon the Bible. Every member of the Board of Directors and every teacher and Missionary is required to sign the Statement of Doctrine the first of every year; and no one can ever preach or teach in the. Institute building any doctrine contrary to it. The two-year course includes 304 hours of study in the English Bible. I N TERDENOM IN AT ION A L .. .over thirty-five denominations represented in the student body. International...students come from thirty countries. Two hundred and more graduates are preaching the Gospel in foreign lands. O FFER ING courses as follows: Bible, Music, Evangelism, Missions, Christian Service Medical, Christian Education, Christian Psychology and Prophecy. L OYAL to Christ and His Church. Members of the Faculty are affiliated with f and are active in the evangelical churches. Students are assigned for prac­ tical Christian work to the churches of their own denominations. The Institute cooperates in the largest possible way with the Church. A T T EN D AN C E limited to those with a vital Christian experience of at least 1 V. one year...not under eighteen years of age and not over forty-five, mission-f aries and full-time Christian workers excepted, with a high school education or its equivalent, insuring an exceptional spiritual atmosphere and wonderful Christian fellowship.

The second semester ot the year 1928 29 opens February 1st. Applications now being received for entrance at that date.

For Bulletin containing full information...address Extension Dept., BIBLE INSTITUTE CE LC / ANGELE/ 5 3 6 - 5 5 8 S OUTH H O P E S T . , LOS A N G E L E S , C ALI F ORN I A


Discovered/ * 7 he Scientific Secret o f Caruso’s Amazing Vocal Power

Rich in Butter-Fat HE WISE FA RM E R weighs and tests the milk of every cow on the place. Only cows that give a plentiful flow of milk rich in butter-fat, pay for their keep 6s? yield a profit. A ll others are “ star boarders” and will soon “ eat their heads off” unless he gets rid of them. When investing your funds, follow the example of the wise farmer and put the investment to every test. * Past performances show that A n ­ n u it y A g re em en ts of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles are rich in golden “ butter-fat,” yielding a high rate of interest...safeguarding the principal...and enabling you to help advance the interests of God’s Kingdom. Send us your name and address on the coupon below, and we will immediately forward you full particulars about this form of investment.

A post mortem of Caruso’s throat showed superb de­ velopment o f his Hyo- G lossus muscle — again proving the soundness of l Eugene Feuchtinger *e I theories o f voice produc­ tion.

EugeneFeuchtinger.A.M., Musician - Scientist, who discovered a method g developing the singint speaking voice ofany 1 orwomanbystrengthen the Hyo-Glossus mu>

The arrow points to the all - important Hyo-Glossus muscle. Whether your voice is strong or weak, pleas­ ant or . unpleasant, harsh or melodious, depends upon the de­ velopment of that muscle.

The G reat D iscovery Professor Feuchtinger, A. M.—famous in the music centers of Europe—discovered the secret of isolating the Hyo-Glossus muscle. He devoted years of his life to scientific research ana finally perfected a system of voice training that will develop your H yo-G lossus muscle by simple, silent exercises right in your own hornet Opera Stars His Students Since the ¡^-ofessor brought his discovery to America, orators, choir singers, club women, preachers and teachers—over 10,000 happy pupils have received his won­ derful training. There is nothing complicated about Phys­ ical Voice Culture. It is ideally adapted for correspondence instruction. The ex­ ercises are silent. You can practice them in the privacy of your own home. The results are positive. 100%ImprovementGuaranteed The Perfect Voice Institute guarantees that Physical Voice Culture will improve your voice 100%. You are to be your own judge—take this training—if your voice is not improved 100% in your own opinion, we will refund your money. Send for FREE Book Send us the coupon below and we’ll send you FREE this valuable work, “Physical Voice Culture’* Prof. Feuchtinger is glad to give you this book. You assume no ob­ ligation but will do yourself a great and lasting good by studying it. It may be the first step in your career. Do not delay. Perfect Voice Institute 1922 SunnysideAve., Studio53-18Chicago Perfect V a irp In d ifn iA . 1922 Sunnyside Ave. rc rie cc v oice m su iu ie studio 53-18 Chicago Please send me a copy of your ;new FREE book. Physical Voice Culture” . I understand that it is mine to keep and there is no obligation on my part. I am interested in □ Singing □ Speaking □ Stammering □ Weak Voice

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Bible Institute of Los Angeles Annuity Dept. 536 So. Hope St. Los Angeles, Calif.

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Bible In stitu te of Los A ngeles 536-558 So. H ope S treet Los Angeles, Calif. G entlem en: Please send me, w ithout obligation, your Booklet AA con­ cerning “A nnuity Incom e A greem ents."

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“ For if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself to the battle ?” —l Cor. 14:8

The above question was o f immense importance in the day the A postle Paul first raised it; and it is equally so today.

TheGospel of theKingdom


An Examination of Modern Dispensationalism By PHILIP MAURO

It is very evident to all th a t a t the p resen t tim e the a ir is charged w ith various d isco rd an t sounds of dubious and conflicting signification. M r. Philip M auro, w ell-know n Bible teach er an d m em ber of th e b a r of the U nited S tates Suprem e C ourt, has, during the p a st few y ears, m ade a careful stu d y of these d ivers and stra n g e sounds; an d in this, his la te st book, he reveals in a m o st im pressive m anner th e so u rce from w hich they come. CAN YOU ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS?

1. D id C h rist com e to ra ise u p ag a in , a n d to m a k e p e r ­ m a n e n t, th e “ m id d le w all of p a r titio n ’* b e tw e e n Je w a n d G en tile o r to ta k e it a w a y e n tire ly a n d fo re v e r? 2. D id H e c o m e to re s to re th e “sh a d o w s” of th e old c o v e n a n t, o r to a b o lish th em ? 3. D o w e fin d in th e W o rd of G od a c le a r d efin itio n of w h a t is k n o w n as “ D isp e n sa tio n a l T e a c h in g ” ? 4. D o th e S c rip tu re s re v e a l a n d d istin g u ish sev en “ d is­ p e n s a tio n s,” com m o n ly d e sig n a te d in c u r re n t te a c h in g a s follow s: a. In n o c e n c e , b. C o n scien ce, c. H u m a n G o v e rn m e n t, d. P ro m ise , e. L aw . f. G race, g. T h e M illen n ium . 5. D id C h rist com e to re in s ta te th e b o n d s-w o m a n a n d h e r so n in th e fam ily of A b ra h a m a n d to m a k e th e so n

of th e b o n d s-w o m a n to b e h e ir w ith th e so n o f th e fre e w o m an ? 6. W as it a n y p a r t of th e w o rk of C h rist— a. T o rev iv e a n d re c o n s titu te th e Je w ish n a tio n ? b. T o re -e sta b lish th a t p e o p le in th e la n d th a t w as o n c e th e irs? c. T o rev iv e th e ir sy stem o f w o rsh ip , e tc.? 7. W h e n th e tim es o f th e G e n tiles a re en d ed , w h a t th e n ? a. W ill th e “ d ay of th e L o rd ” th e n com e? 8. W ill C h ris t a p p e a r su d d e n ly , a s a th ief in th e n ig h t; as th e lig h tn in g th a t lig h te th fro m o n e p a r t to a n o th e r u n d e r h e av en ? a. W ill th e d o o r of sa lv a tio n th e n b e sh u t? 9. W ill th e d e a d b e ra ise d a n d th e rig h te o u s se p a ra te d fro m th e w ick ed ?

The above are some of the many questions pressing for settlement at the present discussed in this remarkable book. Every Christian and Bible student should possess a cop y and study it carefully. Clear and Scriptural answers to these g o a long way towards making you “ a good soldier o f Jesus Christ,” thoroughly equipped and able “ to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason o f the hope that is in you.” (1 Peter 3 :1 5 ; 2 Tim . 2 :3 .)


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HAMILTON BROTHERS Hamilton Place and Tremont Sts., Boston, Mass.

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Motto: “ I, the Lord, do keep it; I will water it every moment: lest any hurt it, I will keep it night and day." Isaiah 27:3

PUBL ISHED MONTHLY BY AND REPRESENTING THE BIBLE I N S T I TUTE OF LOS ANGELES J ohn M urdoch M ac I nnis Editor-in-Chief C harles E. H urlburt , Associate Editor K eith L. B rooks , Managing Editor E rnest E. N ichols , Circulation Manager Volume 'X IX November, 1928 Number 11

BOARD QF DIRECTORS BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES J. M. I rvine , President J. M. R ust , 1st Vice-President L eon V. S haw , 2nd Vice-President A lexander M ac K eigan , Secretary M rs . L yman S tewart , Asst. Secretary H oward F rost C. E. F uller N athan N ewby W illiam H azlett J. O. S mith D r . J ohn .M. M ac I nnis , Dean D r . R alph A tkinson , Associate Dean W m . A. F isher , E x e c u t i v e Secretary and Treasurer. . Terms: $1.25 per year. Single copies 25 cents. Foreign Coun­ tries (including Canada) $1.50 per year. Clubs of 5 or more 25 cents reduction on each sub­ scription sent to one or to sep­ arate addresses as preferred. Remittance: Should be made by Bank Draft, Express or P. O. Money Order, payable to the “Bible Institute of Los Angeles.” Receipts will not be sent for regular subscriptions, but date of expiration will show plainly, each month, on outside wrapper or cover of magazine. Manuscripts: T h e K i n g ' s B usiness cannot accept re­ sponsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts sent to it for consideration. Change of Address : Please send both old and new ad­ dresses at least one month pre­ vious to date of desired change.

Table of Contents EDITORIALS


D r . J ohn M. M ac I nnis , Dean D r . R alph A tkinson , , Associate Dean R ev . J ohn H. H unter , Secretary of Faculty R ev . W illiam H. P ike , Secretary Evening School R ev . A lan S. P earce , Secretary Cor. School- R ev . A lbert E. K elly , . Student Secretary D r . G. C ampbell M organ D r . J ohn M c N eill D r . C harles E, H urlburt R ev . A lva J. M c C lain C hristian M. B ooks R ev . K eith L. B rooks P rof . A lfred A. B utler M iss F lorence C haffee R ev . J ohn A. H ubbard P rof . H. W. K ellogg M iss R uth W alter P rof . H. G. T ovey - P rof . J. B. T rowbridge M iss C harlotte L. W oodbridge H. W. B oyd , M.D. M rs . A lma K. M oss P rof . R aymond C onner B, G. P inkerton , M.D. Advertising: For information with reference to advertising in T he K ing ’ s B usiness ad­ dress the Religious Press Assn., 325 North 13th St., Philadel­ phia, Pa., or North American Bldg., Chicago, 111. Entered as Second Class Mat­ ter November 17, 1910, at the Post 'Office at Los Angeles, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at spe­ cial rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized October 1, 1918. F. J ean H olt , M.D. Ross A. H arris , M.D. J oseph J acobs , M.D, M argaret M orris , M.D. M iss A lta D avis

The Christ of Calvary.:...... ,.... .......................,...645 “Be Ye Thankful” ............. .................... ...............645 Read “Pilgrim's, Progress” This Month............. 646 A Solemn. Charge.,,;,............. .....:................... ...I..646 Eye-Minded Pedple,,.;!....;...:.,.,.....:.. ......... ......647 Are You There .... .........................................648 The Gateway of Truth...... :....................................648 Degrading. Our Mission.............................. :._..._:..649 Editorial 14ashhghts!igi. . . ......................... 650 * ’•* * * ARTICLES ,A Thanksgiving Meditation—Roy Allison...... ...652 The Principles of Legal Evidence HpSjThe Late Hon. Alfred Russell, L.L.D.......... 654 What. About “Saving the Sunday School” ? H'PljMiss Florence M. C h a f f e e . . . ...... .........657 The Kingdom of Heaven and the Church ISggrhe Late Dan Crawford..,....... ......... 659 The Unoccupied Fields of the Dutch Indies ■ - R . A. Jaffray....-...,.....A...... ..............660 Knowing Christ in the Energizing of the Will —Professor Howard W- Kellogg..:...,.........,....,663’ A Bright Light in a Smoky City —Ethel Laros 664 Listen—Young Man! What Makes a Real Man? i\:—Rev. Charles H. Leggett..... ........... ___ ___ 666 * îj« * * DEPARTMENTS Here’s Where Our Readers Express Their Sentiments .................. ............ ............... 668 Passages That Perplex*—K. L. B........ .............. :..669 B. B. B. B. Page....... :............„.............. ............... Stories of Our Great Hymns:............ ....................672 Striking Stories of God’s Workings............ .......673 Finest of the Wheat...... ....................... 675 The Junior King’s Business - Mr s . Orali G. Brooks............ .........................677 International Lesson Commentary........ ...............679 Notes on Christian Endeavor—Alan S. Pearce....692 Our literature Table............. ,............ ..................696 This Month’s Special Book News......................... 7Q2 Illustrated Daily Texts........:.,...........,.......... 706

BT THE BOARD OP DIRECTORS OP THE an (a) To stan d fo r th e in fallib le W ord of God and its g re a t fundam ental tru th s, (b) To stre n g th e n th e fa ith of all I n g J l e s " k n o 4 n . — Pff U J lY M U 1™ ! fo,r en g ag e in definite C h r i s t i L V o r k / T d f To m a k e l ^ e B ib ” I — M ANGELES (c) To ible In s titu te of Los . f T o m a g n ify G od o u r F a th e r a n d th e p erso n , w o rk a n d com iner o f o u r L o rd a .^ f o u n d ï u o n s ^ f > T o e m p h a sise I i — M i l l M M 536-558 S. Hope Street BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES Los Angeles, California BIBLE in s t it iit k H T n „

Wholehearted Praise " I will praise thee, O LORD my GOD, with all my heart: and I will glorify Thy name for ever­ more. For great is Thy mercy toward me: and Thou hast delivered my soul from the lowest hell.”

Psalm lxxxvi. 12, 13.

“(3§ij! renher thanks to (Hob abofre, je fountain of eternal lobe; p ilose mercf firm tl|rougl} ages past Pas stooh, anh slfall forefrer last. “P lp i can P is migljtg beeiis express, Pot onlg bast, but numberless? Ptyat mortal eloquence can raise Pig tribute of immortal praise?”

November 1928

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The Christ of Calvary ERE are the concessions of a Unitarian on the great truth of Christ’s atonement. ¿¡Thomas Starr King said: “The diJcfrme'of vicarious atonement is embodied by the holiest memories, as it has been consecrated by the loftiest talent of Christendom. It fired the fierce eloquence of Tertullian in

Within the narrow limits of a few hours, the Christ of Calvary experienced every form of human weakness and infernal wickedness—ingratitude, desertion, injury, in§ult—physical and mental anguish indescribable, that culminated in the most ignominious death known among Jews or Gentiles. The spotless Son of God was seized in the night, dragged from court to court, arrayed in an old robe, :with a thorn crown on His head, insulted, slapped, beaten, spit upon, compelled to carry His own cross until He fell, nailed to the tree, hung between two malefactors, God-forsaken. Every member of His body suffered cruel torture. His head was wounded by thorns, His face spit upon, cuffed, marred, the hair plucked off. His body was mangled with scourging, stripped, covered with a cloak

> the early Church, and gushed in honied periods from the lips of Chrysostom; it enlisted the life­ long zeal of Athanasius to keep it pure; the sublimity of it fired every power, and commanded all the resources of the tnighty soul of Augustine; the learning of Jerome, and the energy of Ambrose were committed to its defence; it was the text for the subtle eye and analytic thought of

Aquinas; it was the pillar of Lu­ ther’s sdtil, toiling for man ; it was shaped into intellectual propor­ tions and systematic symmetry by the iron logic of. Calvin; it in­ spired the beautiful humility of Feneldn;, it fostered the devotion and sqj^sacrifice of O b e r 1 i n ; flowed like molten metal into the rigid forms of Edwards’ intellect, and kindled the deep and steady rapture of Wesley’s heart. All the great enterprises of Christian his­ tory have been born from the in­ fluence, immediate or r e m o t e , which the vicarious theory of re­ demption has expressed upon the hedrt and mind of humanity.” Ffancis Turretin speaks of the atonement as the chief part of our salvation, the anchor of faith, the refuge of hope, the rule of char­ ity, . the true foundation of the Christian religion, and the richest treasure of the Christian Church. He further remarks: “So long as this doctrine is maintained in its integrity, Christianity itself and the peace and blessedness of all who believe in Christ are beyond

of scorn. His arms and legs were cramped with pain. His hands were pierced by cruel nails. His feet were likewise torn with spikes. His side was pierced. His tongue was forced to taste vinegar and gall. His back was given to the smiters. His heart was broken. What did this all mean? Was this a martyr’s death, as some are now telling us? Contemplate that cross prayerfully and we must say with Bishop Hall in his fine inter­ pretation of Calvary— “Seest thou thy S a v i o u r hanging on the cross? All who a c c e p t «H im . hang there with Him. The members take the same lot as the head. Every believer is a limb of that body; therefore, how can he but die with Him and in Him? That real union, then, which is betwixt Christ and us, makes the cross or any passion of Christ’s ours; so the thorns pierced our heads, the siourges blooded our backs, the nails wounded our hands and feet, and the spear gored our- sides and hearts; by vir­ tue whereof we receive justifica­

the teach of danger; but if it is reflected, or any way impaired, the whole structure of the Christian faith must sink into decay and ruin.” He who knows not the Christ of Calvary knows not God, and he who does not thus know, knows not any­ thing that is worth knowing. Adolph Saphir says: “To knbiv Jesus Christ, and Him crucified, is not the minimum of knowledge, but the maximum of knowledge . . . it is riot to know little, but to know all; here is not a descent from a loftier region, but an elevation to the high­ est sanctuary. In Jesus Christ and Him crucified all doc­ trines, all God s teachings, and man’s experiences, cul- triittate; and from Jesus Christ and Him crucified all duties,- all works, all ministries are to culminate and to be evolved.”

tion from our sins, and true mortification of our corrup­ tions. Every believer, therefore, is dead already for his sins in his Saviour; he need not fear that he shall die again.” “He suffered in our stead; He saved His people thus. The curse that fell upon His head Was due by right to us. The storm that bowed His blessed head Is hushed forever now,

And rest divine is mine instead^ While glory crowns His brow.”

“Be Ye Thankful” T HIS exhortation of three words in Col 3:15 is strangely Connected with the words: “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts.” Here is a hint as to the

November 1928


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ford jail solely because he claimed the right to preach the Gospel. During this time he wrote many of his works, notably “Grace Abounding.” His fnasterpiece, “Pilgrim’s Progress,” though written in prison, was not written, it is believed, during his longer term (1660 to 1672) but during the shorter term which fell in 1675. Bunyan was enabled by divine grace to bear his long imprisonment with meekness and resignation to God’s will. He says, “In which condition I have continued wifh much content through grace.” “I was made to see that if ever I would suffer rightly I must first pass a sentence of death upon everything which can properly, be called a thing of this life, even to reckon myself, my wife, my children, my health, my enjoyments, and all, as dead to me, and myself as dead to them. And second to live upon God that is invisible. I see the best way to go through suffering is to trust in God through Christ as touching the world to come; and as.'touch­ ing this world to cduiitV the grave my house, and to make my bed in darkness. That is to familiarize these' things, to me.” Yet Bunyan was human, like the rest of us. He felt very keenly the trials ¡through which he was. c-alled to*i¡pass; “The parting with' my|w ife and poor children hatht uften been to me in this place as the ' pulling of the flesh froth rtiy. bones ; and that not only be­ cause I am somewhat tooj fond of these great mercies,!.but also because I should i have often brought to my mill'd the many hardships, miseriefe and wants ’ that my poor family was likely to meet with, should I be taken from them,'* cially my poor blind chdd, who lay nearer my h ea rt,¡than all I had besides. O, the thoughts of the hardships, I thought my blind, one might go under would break my heart! to pieces. Yet recalling myself, thought I, / must venture you all with God, though it goeth to the quick' to leave you. Oh, I saw in this condition I was as a map fvhb was .pulling down his house upon the head of his 'wife and children. Yet, thought .I, I must do -it„ I must dp it.” ( Bunyan’s Life, Times and Work, pp. 189,- 190.) ■ , A Solemn Charge “Charging them in the sight of the Lord, that theyy-sitrivh not about words, to no profif’ (2 Tim. 2:14). , ij&lfffl T IMOTHY was not merely told to advise them,.¡but to solemnly charge them not to strive about words. The word used is an arresting one. Paul used it twiqe in addressing Timothy, each time in a most solemn way.' First he said, “I charge thee in sight of God and Christ Jesus and the elect angels that thou observe these tlfmflg without prejudice” (1 Tim. 5:21). A charge agaïfisSt prejudice in listening to reports about God’s people. Sec­ ond, “I chargé thee in the sight of God, and of Çf}n$i Jesus who shall judge the quick and the dead, and by JJjs

of God is to be universally consider thankfulness in its

spirit in which the peace sought and exercised. Have we stopped to

special connection with the enjoyment of peace? One has said: “Only he who has been swung in the dark whirl of unrest and doubt, who has witnessed the horrible riot of disunion and discord, can appreciate the blessing of peace and the gratitude it inspires.” It was Cicero who declared that gratitude was the mother of all virtues. One thing is certain—ingratitude is; the mother of sin, and where sin is, there can be no peace. No man sins without manifesting base ingrat­ itude to God. People who are ever lifting their hearts and voices to God in praise are usually those who are at peace with God and with their fellow men. Thanksgiving is a joyous exer-

cise—the pleasantest of duties— to those who are ruled by the peace of Christ. Peace is a mighty e n g i n e of spiritual power, and gratitude combines with it. Prayer reminds us of our needs and our imperfec­ tions; confession brings pain­ ful remembrance of our sins; gratitude includes nothing but the memory of God’s exceed­ ing goodness. But does such thankfulness fill the heart of one who is not ruled by the peace of Christ? It would seem not. If this be the case, one can but wonder how much of sat­ isfaction to the heart of our heavenly Father, comes out of all our Thanksgiving celebra­ tions. Has it come to be little but a heathen feast, theyghief aim of which is to tickle'* the palates of man ? Why call it “Thanksgiving Day” when God

The Qover Presents John Bunyan, who was born just 300 years ago this month. Here is Bunyan’s word to the weary: Let this, then, encourage the saints to hope and to rejoice in hope of. the glory of God, notwithstanding present tribula­ tions. This is our seedtime, our winter; afflictions are to try us of what mettle .we are made; yea, and to shake off worm- eaten fruit, and such as are potten at core. Troubles for Christ’s sake are but like the prick of an awl in the tip of the- ear, in order to hang a jewel there. Let this also put the saints upon patience : when.we know that a trial will have an end, we are by that knowledge encour­ aged to exercise: patience; I have a bad master, but I have a year to serve under him, and that makes meiserve him with patience,; I have but a mile to go on this dirty way, and then I. shall have my path pleasant and green, and this makes me tread- the dirty way: with patience.


is not in it and hearts are not ruled by true p e a c e a n d g r a t i t u d e ;


As the churches come together for special services, at Thanksgiving time, would it not be v ~—'Xa most appropriate to emphasize Col. 3:15 and remember that there will be no true spirit of thanksgiving until we see that we are “called to peace in one pody”?,i JVlany churches are torn with friction and many Christians are divided by enmities. The very mission of the Gospel is to extinguish wars without and within, and pacify heaven and earth. The enjoyment of peace is essential to the preservation of the church. Where it does not rule hearts, there will be no true Thanksgiving this .year. Read “Pilgrim’s Progress” This Month O N our cover this month we carry the 1 picture of John Bunyan, whose three hundredth anniversary the world is remembering this month. He was born at Elstow, a mile from Bedford, England, in November, 1628. Our readers would find it most profitable to reread “Pilgrim’s Progress” and “Grace Abounding.” They are full of Gospel truth and will be enjoyed by adults and children alike. For twelve years John Bunyan was a prisoner in Bed-

November 1928

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appearing and His Kingdom preach the w

devil’s trap (Josh. 7:21). Our Lord said: " Whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart” (Mt. 5 :28). The enemy of souls knows how to ’play, upon, human nature. The children of this world have been awakening in our generation, as never before, to the secret of win­ ning attention for any cause by appealing to the lust of the eyes. As one has said: “Our generation is becoming EYE-MINDED.” Advertising specialists have discovered that appeal and success in advertising depends much upon the use of pic­ tures. To appeal to the emotions through the eye rarelv fails to bring results. Vast sums of money are spent today to provide beautiful art in advertising. The adver­ tising sections of the larger magazines are being thor- oughly scanned today because of the art attractions. But who has failed to notice the growing tendency to make the appeal directly to the sensual nature of men? The bathing beauty,” by which is meant a nearly naked female, has become the handmaid of American industry. The up-to-date way of advertising a new model car, is to present a picture of the car with two “bathing beauties” in the foreground. As a secular writer says: “It is dif­ ficult to tell whether the young lady, who has disrobed for the camera has done so in behalf of stockings, garters, underwear, shoes, the rug she stands on or the grand piano in the background. Only a close examination of the floor beneath the rug may reveal that this is a floor adver­ tisement, not a Follies poster, and that its message is the good news of a wax that will not scuff with wear.” At any rate, the business of selling has acquired a new method. The advertising pages bloom with pictures in­ tended to be suggestive to the lower nature. It is an indi­ cation of the drift of the times. It is having tremendous influence for evil upon the minds of youth and undoubt­ edly^ exerts an unconscious influence upon many profess­ ing Christians, leading them away from spiritual things.

The Sunday School Times carried the follow­ ing story recently...think it through!

A Southerner kept blooded chickens. His old negro servant asked the privilege of taking two fighting cocks to a fair where there was to be a cock fight with a prize to the winner. The owner o f the cocks said that he was not inter1 ested, but he would permit the old negro to take the cocks to. the fight. That night'when the ser­ vant returned home the two cocks were bloody and nearly dead. “Sam,” said the owner, “I told you those two roosters would, get licked.” The old negro said, “Massa, no other rooster done licked dem cocks. Dey did not hab sense .enough to know dey were on de same side and dey done licked each other.”

November 1928

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There is a vast knowledge of the truth with humility. Have you got it ? Have you seen it ? The signboard to each of these hills of higher growth reads—Gal. 2 :20. The Gateway of Truth ‘‘I f any man will do my Will, he shall know” (Jn. 7 :17). T HERE are skeptics learned and unlearned, but they. are all accounted for on the same basis, little as many of them may realize it. They are not, wdUrtg to' put God’s Word to the test. ■ o' Own earn Knowledge is the daughter of the will. We are often told that scientific statements are facts that everyone can know for himself, whereas the truths of Christianity must be taken on another’s word. The very opposite is true ! Scientific statements must be taken by the multi­ tudes purely upon faith in the word of a few scientists, for the ordinary man has no opportunity to verify them. Scientists cannot agree among themselves,. and the lay­ man must decide whose word he will accept. The fact of regeneration, the Spirit’s indwelling, His witness with our spirits and fellowship with God, any man can expe­ rience for himself by meeting Christ’s terms. The Lord leads to spiritual knowledge all willing hear­ ers who do not love darkness more than light. The will­ ingness to practice what we know tells upon the capacity to know. An honest heart has more to do with the :dis­ covery of the trUtli than a brilliant intellect. The gateway of truth is closed to the man who refuses to submit his will to God. For this very reason "the wise and prudent’’ often miss it while "babes and sucklingsf’ rejoice in the Lord. No mere daring of intellect can pierce the heavens. Truth, at the heart, is always ethical. Performance of the simplest known duty always has an illuminating power. “The Word of God is a lamp unto our feet,” says George H. Morrison, “and only when our feet go forward bravely will the circle of light advance upon the dark and reveal what is always shadowed to the stationary.” Sir Henry Jones in his book, “A Faith That En­ quires,” suggests that the church try teaching Christian theology not as, something settled but as the most reason­ able hypothesis to begin with. It would then be tried and tested theoretically and practically and w o u l d become more convincing. We need not fear this proposition. It is very similar to that made by Christ Himself. Creed is not simply the record of an old belief to be taken on authority. It is a challenge and its validity stands on its merits. Put Christ’s Word to the proof and you "shall know whether it be of God” or whether He spake as a man. Come to. Him, not with your stereotyped ideas to confirm, but with the tablet of your heart unmarked and ready to r e c e i v e impressions from the Holy Spirit. We dare to say that you will find "the peace of God that passeth all under- standing”É-it matters not who or what you are. The Treasure Chest I N Bethany, in the house of Simon the leper, a woman broke a box of precious ointment and poured it upon the Saviour’s head (Mk. 14:1-7). There was an imme­ diate objection on the part of the disciples, Judas having made the motion (Jn. 12:4-5). Judas was the treasurer and probably felt that expenditures should go through in regular form and be handled by himself (Jn. 13:29). But Judas did so much calculating he lost his own soul. The

Wherever we turn, the appeal is being made to the lust of the eyes. We must have our bathing beauty parades. What for? The Chamber of Commerce finds it draws a crowd for business. The newspapers must have a daily display of bare legs. What for ? To sell papers. A hosiery concern must have its annual contest to discover the ideal ankle. What for? To sell stockings! An oil company must choose its “Queen Petrolia.” A health magazine must choose its “Queen of Physical Culture.” The chiro-, praetors meet to select “the most beautiful back and the daily press is filled with almost perfect spines for several days. No perfect specimens are found among men. Cleopatra would have made a fortune in our day! Let us not forget that the lust of the eyes is not of the Father, but of the world. "The world, posseth away and the lust thereof.’’ The. Christian will need often to pray David’s prayer: "Turn away mine eyes from beholding vanity; and quicken thou me in thy way’’ (Psa. 119:37). •- Wfc. Are You There? T HERE is a fundamentalism, true and unswerving. that fights the Goliath of modernism more than it fights; the fellow who takes his sling and will not wear our armor. Have you got it? There is a loyalty to Jesus Christ as God’s only begot­ ten Son,,bbjrn of the Virgin Mary, very God of very Gods, eternally one with the Father, which is shared by more than “me and my wife, my son John and his wife; we four and no more.” Do you have it ? ^ There is a platform', the eternal, God-breathed, Spirit- given and Spirit-filled W ord ; the only infallible rule of faith and practice ,1 wide enough for two who do not speak the same petty shibboleth. Are you there? Alone?. , There is a spirituality that is so real and true that it can see a brother overtaken in a fault and desire only to restore him in a spirit of meekness. Do you know it? There is a place so near to God that any flaw in a feL low-member of the body of Christ gives us more pain because of his loss than because he does not fit us and our flaws. Are you there? There is. a binding-together in the hundle of life that makes it hurt if any member suffers. Are you in that bundle? It is possible to love Christian brethren and not be Modernists. Do you? There is a likeness to the Master, entered into through riches of grace by way of the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, in which a man loves the lost so much that he is glad to see sinners saved through the efforts of others than himself. Have you attained? Are you sure? THERE I S EVANGEL IST IC POWER W ITH ­ OUT EGOTISM. Have you got it? There is a love for doctrine, dispensations, definitions and details that is still far from pharisaism. Has it reached you? There is a deep devotion to all true divisions, dispen­ sations and defenses of the Word without robbing believ­ ers of any precept or portion. Have you got it?

November 1928


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very one who talked of “waste” was later called by Jesus “the son of waste” (Jn. 17:12). Our Lord’s estimate of this woman’s gift was vastly different from that of His nearest disciples. All is not waste that looks like waste from the human viewpoint. We should be careful how we condemn as useless that which is valuable in heaven’s estimate because it comes from a devoted heart. Those who love Jesus may have crude ways of expressing their devotion, but their love is wiser than it knows. Maclaren says: “If we lay our best at Christ’s feet, He will take our poor offerings and melt them down to become a part of His eternal crown.” One o f the joys of eternity to which we may look for­ ward, is examining some of the choice things the Master has received from devoted hearts and put in heaven’s trea­ sure chest. We know this woman’s alabaster box will be in the collection, for Jesus told her that she had erected for herself a monument as lasting as the Eternal Word (Mk 14:9). Then there will be the widow’s two mites (Mk. 12:41-44) which to Jesus were such a glorious gift. The tinkling of her coins has reverberated through the universe. “She cast in all she had” even as the other woman did “what she could” (Mk. 14:8). The greatness of a gift cannot be determined by an amount. He gives most who gives best, and all those things directed toward Jesus under the impulse of real love will find their place in the treasure chest which will be of eternal interest to the saints. Degrading Our Mission I N a book by Thomas De Quincy published in 1850, we recently found a chapter headed “The True Relations of the Bible to Merely Human Science.||f The reflections of DeQuincy, will, we are quite certain, not find an alto­ gether cordial reception among defenders of the Faith in a day when the conflict with science is raging so bitterly, yet we make bold to set some of them fortlr as worthy of most serious consideration. It will surely do us no harm to face, such suggestions as DeQuincy makes and to ask ourselves the question if, in our present method of trying to corroborate the Faith by science, we are not working to cross purposes alto­ gether with the great Founder of our Faith who gave us a very clear commission. “It is sometimes said that a religious messenger from God does not come amongst men for the sake of teaching the truths of science or of correcting the errors of sci­ ence,” says the author. “Most justly is this said: but often in terms far too feebl,e.” DeQuincy then contends that it is not only no part of the function of a Christian leader, but is going contrary to the practice and commis­ sion of our Lord to engage in scientific discussions in any attempt to prove Christianity or reform science. Christ, he declares, acted upon the rule that—given the purifica­ tion of the wellhead, once assumed that the fountains of truth are cleansed, all these' derivative currents of evil will cleanse themselves. Jesus, therefore, disregarded the branches o f error and attacked the roots only. DeQuincy points out that when the minister enters the field of science, he is thrown at once upon the endless controversies which science in every stage provokes, Sci­ ence is simply a compilation of man’s theories and conclu­ sions based upon limited and imperfect knowledge. It is, therefore, ever changing. “Uttering the first truth of a science,” says the author, “the preacher is pledged to the second; taking the main step, he is committed to all which

follow. He cannot have the privilege of selecting arbi­ trarily or partially. Few are qualified to enter the field. If upon one science, then upon all. To move in one direc­ tion is constructively to undertake for all. Without power to retreat, he has thus thrown the intellectual inter­ ests of his followers into a channel utterly alien to the pur­ poses o f a spiritual mission. Such a descent degrades his mission by lowering it to the base level of a collusion with human curiosity or with petty and transitory interests.” Whither are we headed today? We are sometimes led to wonder if the spiritual mission, which is the only mis­ sion given the religious teacher, is about to perish alto-' gether. The scientific wranglings which have been going on in churches and in*the religious press for months, have not only, to a large extent-crowded out exposition of God’s Word, which is vital to all spiritual growth, but have awakened within thousands of Christian laymen, the passion of curiosity—-the most unspiritual of passions,— and a curiosity of a fierce controversial kind. Many church people today seem to have lost all relish for constructive spiritual teaching and seem to thrive only upon polemics. Many preachers who have attempted to satisfy this' popular demand created throughout the sen­ sational religious press, have found themselves in a field entirely unfamiliar to them, and their bungling of matters has brought them contempt from specialists in the field of science, and no converts for Christ. Brethren, where are we getting with it? Are the Evolutionists being con­ vinced that they are wrong? Are Christian souls being edified ? Divine revelation was primarily given for the pur­ pose of showing that which the moral darkness of man will not, without, supernatural light, allow him to per­ ceive. The Holy Spirit uses just one sword—the Word of God. In due time it will be shown that wherein Scrip­ ture touches upon scientific matters, the exact truth has been stated, but until there is a fixed science and an infal­ lible interpretation of Scripture, perhaps we are wasting much precious time in wrangling about matters which can­ not possibly save a soul. Possibly DeQuincy was right. Think about it! Let’s go back to the Book for our commission! “Preach the Word in season and out o f season,” whether people want it or not. Who knows but that the Body of Christ might long since have been completed had we been more faithful to the task assigned us? (Certainly Satan is delighted when he can turn Christian leaders aside to issues which, while important, are not in line with our orders from Headquarters. Try It On the Insurance Agent A San Diego reader says he has noticed that every insurance man, in dealing with a Christian, is sure to quote one verse of the Bible: “If any man provide not for his own he hath denied the faith and is worse than an infidel.” It is suggested that one might come back at the agent with Jer. 49:11— “Leave thy fatherless children, I will preserve them alive; and let thy widows trust in me.” It might not be necessary to explain to the agent that this verse occurs in a prophecy concerning the desperate con­ dition in which Edom should be left, when the fatherless and widows would have to rest their hope in God, none of the males being left alive.


November 1928

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A college professor from dear Alabam Won’t eat with a negro, they say, Yet believes evolution and says: “It is grand,” And teaches it every day. You may think I’m crazy or think me a fool Or think as the prof, says: I’m mad. • I would rather eat with a negro that’s neat Than to call an old monkey grandad.” * * * “United we stick— Divided we’re stuck!” ♦ * * “Some men are born great,” says the Los Angeles Times, “some shrink and others never realize how small they are.” * * * You can tell something about how a boy will turn out if you know what time he turns in. * * * A vegetarian church in India is the plea of a native writer in The Indian Witness. He declares that many Hindus would accept Christ who now stumble over flesh diets. * * * The Government report declares there is an automobile in this country for every seven souls among us. This means that we could get out the autos' trucks and big cars along with the little ones and take every soul under the flag riding down the road at one tim'ei* ' * * * Dr. H. E. Woolever of the Methodist Pressstates1 that there are 28,500,000 women citizens' of voting age in the United States, and he adds that this num­ ber is more than the total vote cast in the two major parties for President in the last national election. ♦ * * Evendown in thecotton belt, the negroes are talking evolution. Someone is said to have overheard one say to another: “Nigger, ah sho does believe in this evolution theory; you sho does look like you ’volved from a monkey.” Said the other: “Nigger, ah believes in evolution, too, an’, nigger, you looks like you ain’t ’volved yet.” >1« * * The remark has been made that a fair­ sized pen-wiper might be made by sew­ ing together two modern evening gowns. This might almost be said of the street attire of some of our girls. The Civil Service Commission of Los Angeles County this summer ordered all girls em­ ployed in county offices to put on their stockings and put sleeves in their dresses. The order was purely in the interests of better efficiency in the offices where young

men and women mingle. Some Christian institutions might well pursue a similar course in the interests, of the progress of the Gospel. ♦ * * A “Back to the Bible Movement” has been started in New Jersey, not especially for the purpose of calling the attention of the unsaved to the Book of books, but to get the Bible back into the church pews where they will be available for ■ respon­ sive readings and following the ¿.sermon. A fine idea—but we fear there are many churches where they will not be required during the progress of the sermon. Let’s start a movement to get back expository preaching in the pulpits so we’ll be able to use those Bibles in the p'ews! * * * The largest marble block which, it is believed, has ever been quarried, has been cut at the Carrara (Italy) quarries, and will ¡be sent to Rome and placed as a monument in honor of Signor Mussolini in the. gardens of the Villa Farnesina. A long search was made for the iargest single block without split or,,flaw that could be found. For months men have been working with special machinery to cut the block, which has now been safely removed and lowered to the quarry. The block measures nearly 59 feet in length, 12 feet at the base, and 9 feet at the sum­ mit on each side. * * * The Bell Telephone Company is, this year, celebrating its Golden Anniversary. In an illustrated booklet which the com­ pany has issued giving the history and the development of the system,, there is an interesting reference to the first line installed in Chicago. “This line was not well adapted tq telephone use and was very noisy,” we read. “The most success­ ful features were the Moody and Sankey hymns sung over the wires. The Moody and Sankey Revival was on at that time in Chicago and those hymns were very popular.” , Thus, before radio was known, Moody was “on the air.” * * * A new book has just appeared from the pen of Arthur Ponsonby. It is entitled “Falsehood in War Time.” It is pub­ lished by Allen and Unwin, 40 Museum Street, London, W. C. 1, England. The price of the English edition in paper cover is 2s. 6 d. The book is an expo­ sure of the lying propaganda which gov­ ernments carry on before and during a war for the purpose of deceiving their people and arousing their passions to make them willing to support the war. * * * According to recent returns received, there were in the United States in 1926, 2,948 congregations and 4,087,357 persons

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Dr. Harry Vanderbilt Wurde- mann in article in The Scientific Monthly'. “Many of the finest achieve­ ments. in statesmanship, lit­ erature, medicine, and th e arts have been made by men of sixty or over.” * * * Toledo Blade: “There is such a thing as fu- tile speed. Never before in all history were people in such a hurry as now to get no­ where.” * * ♦ Dr, Robert E. Speer '. “Any man who has a religion is bound to do one of two things with it, change it or spread it. If it isn’t true he must give it up. If it is true, he must give it away.” * * * • Prof. Charles Erdman: “We must seek by personal effort and study and counsel to make the Sabbath schools of our own churches and the schools of our country real educational agencies! We must secure for each school all necessary equipment, and most of all, we must aid in the pro­ cess of training teachers who, in addition to their knowledge of Christ and His Gospel, will have some knowledge of child psychology, of pedagogy, and of modern methods of educa­ tion.” * * * President Calvin Coolidge : “The destiny, the' greatness of America, lies a r o u n d the hearthstone. If thrift and in­ dustry are taught there, and the example of self-sacrifice oft ‘appears, if honor abide there, and high ideals, if there the building o f, fortune be subordinate to the building of character, America will live in security, rejoicing in an abun­ dant prosperity and good gov­ ernment at home, ■and in peace, respect and confidence abroad. If these virtues be absent there is no power that can supply those blessings. Look well then to .the hearth­ stone ; therein all hope in America lies.”/

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