King's Business - 1928-11


November 1928

T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

A college professor from dear Alabam Won’t eat with a negro, they say, Yet believes evolution and says: “It is grand,” And teaches it every day. You may think I’m crazy or think me a fool Or think as the prof, says: I’m mad. • I would rather eat with a negro that’s neat Than to call an old monkey grandad.” * * * “United we stick— Divided we’re stuck!” ♦ * * “Some men are born great,” says the Los Angeles Times, “some shrink and others never realize how small they are.” * * * You can tell something about how a boy will turn out if you know what time he turns in. * * * A vegetarian church in India is the plea of a native writer in The Indian Witness. He declares that many Hindus would accept Christ who now stumble over flesh diets. * * * The Government report declares there is an automobile in this country for every seven souls among us. This means that we could get out the autos' trucks and big cars along with the little ones and take every soul under the flag riding down the road at one tim'ei* ' * * * Dr. H. E. Woolever of the Methodist Pressstates1 that there are 28,500,000 women citizens' of voting age in the United States, and he adds that this num­ ber is more than the total vote cast in the two major parties for President in the last national election. ♦ * * Evendown in thecotton belt, the negroes are talking evolution. Someone is said to have overheard one say to another: “Nigger, ah sho does believe in this evolution theory; you sho does look like you ’volved from a monkey.” Said the other: “Nigger, ah believes in evolution, too, an’, nigger, you looks like you ain’t ’volved yet.” >1« * * The remark has been made that a fair­ sized pen-wiper might be made by sew­ ing together two modern evening gowns. This might almost be said of the street attire of some of our girls. The Civil Service Commission of Los Angeles County this summer ordered all girls em­ ployed in county offices to put on their stockings and put sleeves in their dresses. The order was purely in the interests of better efficiency in the offices where young

men and women mingle. Some Christian institutions might well pursue a similar course in the interests, of the progress of the Gospel. ♦ * * A “Back to the Bible Movement” has been started in New Jersey, not especially for the purpose of calling the attention of the unsaved to the Book of books, but to get the Bible back into the church pews where they will be available for ■ respon­ sive readings and following the ¿.sermon. A fine idea—but we fear there are many churches where they will not be required during the progress of the sermon. Let’s start a movement to get back expository preaching in the pulpits so we’ll be able to use those Bibles in the p'ews! * * * The largest marble block which, it is believed, has ever been quarried, has been cut at the Carrara (Italy) quarries, and will ¡be sent to Rome and placed as a monument in honor of Signor Mussolini in the. gardens of the Villa Farnesina. A long search was made for the iargest single block without split or,,flaw that could be found. For months men have been working with special machinery to cut the block, which has now been safely removed and lowered to the quarry. The block measures nearly 59 feet in length, 12 feet at the base, and 9 feet at the sum­ mit on each side. * * * The Bell Telephone Company is, this year, celebrating its Golden Anniversary. In an illustrated booklet which the com­ pany has issued giving the history and the development of the system,, there is an interesting reference to the first line installed in Chicago. “This line was not well adapted tq telephone use and was very noisy,” we read. “The most success­ ful features were the Moody and Sankey hymns sung over the wires. The Moody and Sankey Revival was on at that time in Chicago and those hymns were very popular.” , Thus, before radio was known, Moody was “on the air.” * * * A new book has just appeared from the pen of Arthur Ponsonby. It is entitled “Falsehood in War Time.” It is pub­ lished by Allen and Unwin, 40 Museum Street, London, W. C. 1, England. The price of the English edition in paper cover is 2s. 6 d. The book is an expo­ sure of the lying propaganda which gov­ ernments carry on before and during a war for the purpose of deceiving their people and arousing their passions to make them willing to support the war. * * * According to recent returns received, there were in the United States in 1926, 2,948 congregations and 4,087,357 persons

T h e y S a y . . .

Dr. Harry Vanderbilt Wurde- mann in article in The Scientific Monthly'. “Many of the finest achieve­ ments. in statesmanship, lit­ erature, medicine, and th e arts have been made by men of sixty or over.” * * * Toledo Blade: “There is such a thing as fu- tile speed. Never before in all history were people in such a hurry as now to get no­ where.” * * ♦ Dr, Robert E. Speer '. “Any man who has a religion is bound to do one of two things with it, change it or spread it. If it isn’t true he must give it up. If it is true, he must give it away.” * * * • Prof. Charles Erdman: “We must seek by personal effort and study and counsel to make the Sabbath schools of our own churches and the schools of our country real educational agencies! We must secure for each school all necessary equipment, and most of all, we must aid in the pro­ cess of training teachers who, in addition to their knowledge of Christ and His Gospel, will have some knowledge of child psychology, of pedagogy, and of modern methods of educa­ tion.” * * * President Calvin Coolidge : “The destiny, the' greatness of America, lies a r o u n d the hearthstone. If thrift and in­ dustry are taught there, and the example of self-sacrifice oft ‘appears, if honor abide there, and high ideals, if there the building o f, fortune be subordinate to the building of character, America will live in security, rejoicing in an abun­ dant prosperity and good gov­ ernment at home, ■and in peace, respect and confidence abroad. If these virtues be absent there is no power that can supply those blessings. Look well then to .the hearth­ stone ; therein all hope in America lies.”/

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