King's Business - 1928-11



In the Golden W est....Training for Christian Leadership B IBLICAL...The Institute was founded and still stands without reservation upon the Bible. Every member of the Board of Directors and every teacher and Missionary is required to sign the Statement of Doctrine the first of every year; and no one can ever preach or teach in the. Institute building any doctrine contrary to it. The two-year course includes 304 hours of study in the English Bible. I N TERDENOM IN AT ION A L .. .over thirty-five denominations represented in the student body. International...students come from thirty countries. Two hundred and more graduates are preaching the Gospel in foreign lands. O FFER ING courses as follows: Bible, Music, Evangelism, Missions, Christian Service Medical, Christian Education, Christian Psychology and Prophecy. L OYAL to Christ and His Church. Members of the Faculty are affiliated with f and are active in the evangelical churches. Students are assigned for pracĀ­ tical Christian work to the churches of their own denominations. The Institute cooperates in the largest possible way with the Church. A T T EN D AN C E limited to those with a vital Christian experience of at least 1 V. one year...not under eighteen years of age and not over forty-five, mission-f aries and full-time Christian workers excepted, with a high school education or its equivalent, insuring an exceptional spiritual atmosphere and wonderful Christian fellowship.

The second semester ot the year 1928 29 opens February 1st. Applications now being received for entrance at that date.

For Bulletin containing full information...address Extension Dept., BIBLE INSTITUTE CE LC / ANGELE/ 5 3 6 - 5 5 8 S OUTH H O P E S T . , LOS A N G E L E S , C ALI F ORN I A


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