King's Business - 1928-11


November 1928

T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

was asked by a neighbor why he had left. “There was no roof on the house” The Scotchman’s meaning may be found in the saying of an old writer, who affirms that a dwelling in which prayer is not offered up to Cod daily, is like a house without a roof, in which there can neither be peace, comfort, nor safety.

B j i © L a î' l u p i « A . j-'ïrS.'

N ovember 16, 1928 Text: 1 Pet. 4:8 (R. V.)

Ideal Gifts—Inexpensive

—Sure to be Appreciated

The artist of Alexander the Great was very, desirous of pro­ ducing a faithful portrait of the great general, but he was anx­ ious to hide the ugly scar upon the side of his~ facepwhich was the telltale of a wound received in one of his battles. He, there­ fore, represented the great conqueror in a reflective mood, with his head resting upon his hand, and his forefinger covering the disfiguring scar. Love ever seeks to cover the scars which are the marks left by the old master,. sin.

Under Whose Wings By Zenobia Bird T his collection of life s to ­ ries deals in tim ately w ith m any of th e problem s w hich confront young women of to ­ day. T he book is gloriously alive w ith th e brilliance and charm for w hich th is p o p u lar a u th o r is noted, b u t b e st of all, it will help young folk and enable them to p ra y w ith g reater faith fo r God’s guid­ ance in life’s daily problem s. Cloth $1.75 The Passing of the Word

The Conflict

By E lizabeth K nauss W hile th is book w as w ritten largely to help stem th e tide of indifference and unbelief w hich now th re a te n s to en ­ gulf b o th church an d nation, it is m ore th a n a colorless a c ­ co u n t of th e gulf betw een Fundam entalism and M odern­ ism . W ritten in the form of a wholesom e love sto ry . V ery en tertain in g an d helpful to b o th old and young. Cloth $1.50

N ovember 17, 1928 Text : 1 Jno. 1 :4

By Helen Henshaw W ith keen in sig h t in to th e life of th e college girl, th e au th o r relates a sto ry w hich deals w ith the psychological developm ent of M arion M ansfield— th e principal ch aracter. T here is a tren d of hum or th ro u g h o u t th e sto ry an d a love them e is interw oven w hich gives added charm to th is rom ance of college life. Cloth $1.75 The Shepherd Psalm By Dr. R. A. Torrey The Shepherd Psalm By F. B. Meyer, B.A.

A lady overpowered with joy after listening to the Word of God, saidj' “I feel like a cat in catnip.” “Catnip!” exclaimed the preacher; ”1 don’t know wfig-t you mean.” It was then explained that cats love to roll in a certain‘herb, which they eat when sick; and that they are so pleased when they find them­ selves in catnip that they roll and gambol for very joy. It was a very expressive, way | 0 'denote her joy.

The T w en ty -th ird Psalm is alw ays a [precious c h ap ter to C hristians.-and a copy of th is book will be a sure-to-be-ap- p reciated g ift th a t will help them get a still g reater b less­ ing from th eir favorite Psalm . P rin te d in ' large clear type on good p ap er and neatly bound. Paper 35 cents Cynthia Stands Fast By Florence N ye Whitwell T here’s hum an in terest an d rom ance, too, in th is splendid piece of fiction. P articu larly helpful to young C hristians— especially to n e w converts who are tim id a b o u t lettin g th eir lig h t shine for th e Mas* ter. A dults, also, will find vit v ery inspiring. Paper 75 cents; Cloth $1.25

In th is fam ous devotional classic th e au th o r tre a ts the P salm in tw elve ch ap ters w hose titles are them selves richly suggestive of new b eau ­ ties. The a u th o r uncovers m any hidden tre a su res w hich th e average Bible read er does n o t su sp ect are in th is com ­ fo rtin g Psalm . Cloth 75 cents Mary Ellen’s Diary By Mrs. H. S. Lehman

N ovember 18, 1928 Text: 1 Cor. 13:4

Do you remember the story that Stephen Merritt tells about himself? He gave a supper to outcast and homeless men. When he took up his hat to go, he found that they had half-filled it with bacon fat,, pieces of crust;-and coffee dregs. He was furious—but love, suffereth long ! In a. towering rage, he stormed at the tramps, and even threatened to fetch in the police. ' Suddenly there flashed into his mind the words of th é Scripture : .“Love:.endureth all things.” He lived too near to God to stray far or for long; and in a moment temper went and deep Sorrow'and contrition filled this loving heart. Could temper and “dignity” accoinplish more than love? He humbly apologized to- them, and invited them to, a supper the following night. Now, what happened? Immediately the ringleaders of -the joke owned up and expressed their regrets. And the following night forty of those men received Christ as Saviour. “The other day I was speaking in Hyde Park,” , says Rev, C. C. Dobson, “to the usual crowd there, when someone said he wanted to ask me a question. He said he wanted to know why there were so many different sects and denominations of Chris­ tians. Well, I at once thought of an illustration which supplied the answer. In the Bristol Channel there’s a lonely Robinson Crusde kind of island called the Flat Holm. The lighthouse on it is so bright that you can almost read five miles away on land. I used to wonder what sort of burner they had to make so strong a light. One day I visited the island, and they showed me the light. I was surprised to find it was one single incan­ descent mantle, but its strength was magnified by a great num­ ber of three-cornered pieces of glass or prisms, fashioned all around it. Each one of them was so fixed that it caught the light from its own angle, and threw it out in one and the same direc­ tion. There was thus no light wasted inside, but all the light was magnified and focused to one point. There are numbers of dif­ ferent kinds of Christians. They all differ in temperament, character, ability, position, and environment, but they are all N ovember 19, 1928 Text: 2 Cor. 12:5-6

The au th o r h as used a very unique m ethod in telling th is charm ing sto ry . It is full of in tim ate details of one of the g re a te st experiences in M ary Ellen’s life. Y oung an d old will enjoy every page of th is in te r­ estin g "d iary .” D ecorative Board 75 cents Why I Believe in the Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ By Dr. Wm. Evans A fin e. S crip tu ral tre a tise on the V irgin B irth, in w hich th is gifted a u th o r answ ers the c ritic s’ arg um en ts w ith the Sw ord of the Spirit, an d leaves no o th e r conclusion b u t th a t th e Bible as a w hole m u st be accep ted if any p o rtio n is accepted as true. Paper 60 cents; Cloth $1.00 Scarlet and Purple By Sydney W atson

The High Way B y Caroline Atwater Mason This in terestin g novel is d o ­ ing an excellent w ork in free­ ing C hristians from the p a ra ­ lyzing effect of evolutionary teach in g a n d g ettin g them firm ly rooted an d grounded in th e tru e faith. Its charm ing th read of rom ance an d sk ill­ fully b u ilt p lo t m akes it a v ery fine book to p u t on your g ift list. Cloth $1.00

One of th e m ost exciting, absorbing, fascin atin g l o v e sto ries ever told, y e t so e f­ fectively does it b rin g the read er face to face w ith Jesus C hrist a s Saviour, th a t m any have been converted through reading it. A fine bock to m ake careless, w orldly m inded people realize th eir need of C hrist. Cloth $1.75

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B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles,Calif.

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