King's Business - 1928-11


November 1928

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

looking at Christ from their own point .of view, and of course, each gives out the light he receives from his own angle of light. If Christians realized this, they would make more allowance for each other.”

N ovember 20, 1928 Text : 1 Pet. S:5-6

Choice Gift Books—With a

Vital Message to Christians

Beethoven was born in a simple house' in Bonn. The piano which the great musician used is carefully cherished, along with other souvenirs .'of.the master. Once a young ladyrijyjsitqf-.twas being shown'over- the house. She strdmmed an idle time on the mellow keys with one hand as she asked, “I suppose you have a lot of people come here?” “Yes, quite a lot, from all parts of the world. Paderewski was here not very long ago,” replied the curator. “I suppose he played this piano,” :said the girl, as she still fingered the keys. “Oh, no,” was the reply. “We invited him to do so, but he didn’t consider himself worthy to touch the instrument!”

The Return of the Lord Jesus By D r. R. A. T orrey Every C h ristian will a p p re ­ ciate th e g ift of a copy of th is book, for Dr. T o rrey is a l­ ways a t his b e st w hen p re a ch ­ ing o r w ritin g on the su b ject of our L ord’s Second Coming. The sim ple, definite convinc­ ing teaching here .set fo rth w ill clarify the read er’s m ind and th rill the h e art w ith the certain ty of its tru th . P a p e r 75 cen ts; C loth $1.25 The World’s Greatest Need By Rev. Thos. E. H . Jones A sim ple an d convincing settin g fo rth of th e tru e p sy ­ chology of th e conditions of salvation— a m o st tim ely book in th ese days of false p sy ­ chology an d erroneous te a c h ­ ing. A splendid te x t and ref­ erence book, p a rtic u la rly for those w ho a re doing, personal w ork, ' C loth $2.50 Prophecies of Daniel and Revelation By K eith L. Brooks A ‘y erse-b y -v erse in te rp re ­ tatio n b y th e cross-reference m ethod, w hich m akes th e B i­ ble its ow n com m entary and throw s new lig h t on m any heretofore m ysterious p ass- sages. These s t u d i e s a re packed full of S crip tu re and will p rove imm ensely helpful and enlightening; P a p e r 75 cen ts; C loth $1.25 In the Twinkling Bf An Eye B y Sydney W atso n A splendid book for g ift purposes is th is sta rtlin g piece of fiction on th e su b ject of our L ord’s Second Coming. It is a sto ry the read er will never forget— a sto ry one will enjoy reading ag ain an d again. One of the b e st a n d m o st in ­ terestin g books ever w ritten on th e subject. C loth $1.75 The Mark of the Beast By Sydney W atson A sequel to “ In th e Tw ink­ ling of A n E y e /’ in w hich the a u th o r explains w h at the “m ark ” is an d th e fate th a t aw aits those who refuse to w ear th e m ark. A thrilling, aw e-inspiring p ictu re of the reign o f,: th e A n tich rist, an d an excellent g ift book. C loth $1.75

In the Secret Place By W . B. P ercival P erh ap s when you p ray , “ye ask an d receive not, because ye a sk am iss.” It is im p o rtan t th a t one p ray intelligently— th a t’s w hy th e disciples said unto Jesus, “ M aster, teach us to p ray .” This book covers thoroughly th e s u b j e c t of p ray er and should be in the hands of all C hristians. C loth $1.00 God’s Best Secrets By A ndrew M urray U n d o u b ted ly . one of t h e very b e st books ever w ritten for th e devotional hour— a source of in sp iratio n , courage and com fort. This ,is a new edition of th is fam ous book—& tw elve sections of th irty -o n e sh o rt ch ap ters each, w ith a S crip tu ral heading on every page. A splendid fam ily devo­ tional book, coveting every day in th e year. C loth $2.50 Peter the Fisherman Philosopher By D r. John M urdoch M aclnnis E ndorsed by m any em inent critics, including Dr. G. C am p­ bell M organ, who say s: “ From the stan d p o in t of intellectual in terest th e book is a real de­ light; b u t its g re a te st value is th a t it will help m any who are bew ildered by th e conflict and controversies of the days in w hich we live, to clear th in k ­ ing.” S uper cloth $1.50 Who is the Great I Am? By K eith L. B rooks T here is g re a t need a t the p resen t tim e for co n stru ctiv e teaching reg ard in g th e do c­ trin e of C hrist, such as th is book contains. In a clear, sim ple an d sane w ay, the a u ­ th o r exalts the L ord Jesus C hrist in a m anner th a t will bring p en etratin g lig h t to m any puzzled C hristians. P ap er 60 cents By Louisa V aughn T h a t ou r L ord is still the M ighty God— w illing to show H im self stro n g in behalf of those w hose h e arts a re p e r­ fect to w ard H im— will be readily ad m itted by anyone after reading this volum e of m iracles in China. A splendid book for discouraged C hris­ tian s to read. P ap er 60 cents C loth $1.00 Answered or Unanswered

N ovem ber 21, 1928 Text: Psa. 84:11

Here is a story told by one who had been a convict. When liberated he found it hard to get on. His money was gone, and there seemed to him only two alternatives—either starvation or crime. “I thought of what the chaplain once said about a fel­ low’s calling on the Lord when , h.^ .was in hard luck, and I thought I would try it once anyhowTut 'When I tried it I got stuck on the start, and all I could get off was, ‘Lord, give a poor fellow a chance to square it'1’lor ' three months, for Christ’s sake, Amen.’ And I kept a-thinking_ of, it over and over as I went along. About an hour after, this is what happened. As I was walking along I heard a big noise, and saw a horse running away with a carriage with two children in it. I grabbed up a piece of box-cover from the sidewalk and ran into the middle of the street, and when the horse came up I hit him over the head as hard as I could drive. The horse checked up a little, and I grabbed at the reins and pulled his head down till he stopped.” He then tells how the father of the children rewarded him hand­ somely, and, after hearing his story, befriended him, and helped him into a respectable situation, where he could earn an honest living. He became not only a good citizen but a humble Christian.

N ovember 22, 1928 Text : 2 Cor. S :14

There is a legend of an artist who had in his picture a marvelous red tint. No other had learned the secret, and it died with him. After his death a red wound was discovered near his heart, and the secret of the wonderful color in his paintings was revealed. It was his heart’s blood which gave his work the peculiar tint. The old legend tells a deep, spiritual truth. Only heart’s blood can give the hand of labor the needed touch of sympathy. Labor without love fades away like the cloud of mist before the sun, but love’s labor is always in favor. The warmth of love makes the hand of work of sterling worth.

N ovem ber 23, 1928 Text: Acts 8:29

S ta te second an d th ird choice— in case the book you w an t is o u t of stock. If m oney does n o t accom pany order, goods will be sen t C. O. D. If goods are to com e by m ail a d d 10% fo r postage. Send fo r a free copy of o u r com plete C atalog of B ooks, B ooklets, T racts, etc.

S. D. Gordon, in his “Quiet Talks on Power,” says that a prominent clergyman in New England tells this experience: “In the house of his pastoral work he was called to con­ duct the funeral service of a young woman who had died quite unexpectedly. As he entered the house he met the minister in charge of the mission church where the family attended, and asked him, ‘Was Mary a Christian?’ To his surprise a pained look came into the young man’s face as he replied, ‘Three weeks ago I had a strong impulse to speak to her, but I did not: and I do not know.’-'A moment later he met the girl’s Sunday-school

f BIOLA BOOK EOOMf] ^Bible Institute, LosAngeles,Caliiy

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