King's Business - 1928-11


November 19,28

T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

teacher and asked her thé same question. Quickly the tears Camer as she said, ‘Two weeks ago, doctor, a voice seemed ,to say to me, “Speak to Mary,” and I knew what it meant, and I intended to, but I did not, and I do not know.’ Deeply moved 'by these unexpected answers, a few minutes later he met the girl’s mother, and thinking doubtless to give her an opportunity to speak a word that would bring comfort to her own heart, he said quietly, ‘Was Mary a Christian girl?’ The tears came quick and hot to the mother’s eyes as she sobbed out, ‘One week ago a voice came to me saying, “Speak to Mary,” and I thought of it, but I did not do it at the time, and you know how unex­ pectedly she went away; and I do not know.’ ”


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N ovember 24, 1928 Text: Acts 23:12-16

A Scotch woman, Mrs. MacRobert, who had saved up $150, gave this amount to the missionary, saying: “When you go to Africa, I want you to spare yoUrself exposure and needless toil by hiring a competent body servant who will go with you wherever you go and share y

N ovember 25, 1928 Text : Lam. -3:22-23

“A kind-hearted man once;:gave; Rowland Hill a hundred 'pounds to give to a poor minister. Thinking it too much to give him all at. once, Mr. Hill forwarded five pounds with simply these words in the envelope,;‘More to ‘follow.’ In a few days he sent another five pounds, with the same words, ‘More to follow.’ In a day or two after came a third, then a fourth, then a fifth, with the same words, ‘More to follow,’ and the surprised minister became familiar with the cheering words, ‘More to follow.’” So does every blessing that, our Father bestows come with the same cheerful words, “More to follow.” “I will forgive all your sins, but there is more to follow.” “I will give, victory over every spiritual foe, but there is more to follow.” “I will uphold you in the hour of death, but there is more to follow.” And when you reach the glory land,-: there will be more to follow through unending ages.

N ovember 26, 1928 Text: Rom. 12:20

A gentleman once went to Sir Gardly Wilmot in great wrath; and indignation at an injury he had received from a per­ son high in power, and which he was meditating how to resent in the most effectual manner. Having related the particulars, he asked Sir Gardly p f it would not be manly to resent it.” . “Yes,” said the Christian knight,' “it will be manly to resent it, but God­ like to. forgive it.”

S ta te second a n d th ird choice— in case the book you w ant is o u t of stock. If m oney does n o t accom pany order, goods will be sen t C. O. D. If goods are to com e by m ail a d d 10% fo r postage. Send fo r a free copy of o u r com plete C atalog of Books, B ooklets, T racts, etc.

N ovember 27, 1928 Text: Matt. 27:33-37

i B I C L * B O O K R O O M Y JSible Institute, Los Ange les,Ca lifi

Dr. Jowett tells how once in the Alps he came to the end of the road. “For a long time,” says he, “I wandered about in uncertainty, guided only by a vague and somewhat capricious compass. Bewildered and confused; I caught sight of what

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