King's Business - 1928-11


November 1928

T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

seemed like a splash of blood tin a ropk. and then, again, at a distance, another splash land then another, until I concluded I was'to follow the splashes as my. aid out of the wild and path­ less mountain passes. I followed the blood marks, and I came to my destination. By the way of the ‘Red Road’ I reached my destination.”

i l C L A ' ß C O K S Good Clean Fiction—A Splendid

Assortment For Your Gift List

N ovember 28, 1928 Text: Jn. 10:27

The Betrayal of Jean Whitney

The Temple Light By Rev. G. B ayard Y oung A gripping n a rra tiv e of old Jeru salem w here burned the big, b rig h t, shining lig h t upon the seven golden candlesticks in th e tem ple. The m eaning of th is lig h t w as for y ears a m y stery to A saph, an d he p assed th ro u g h m any thrilling experiences before his m ind found th e answ er to the p u z­ zling question. C loth $1.50

By K eith L. B rooks Jea n ’s dow nfall w as in d i­ rectly due to the teachings of a m o d ern istic' p reach er who to ld th e young people th a t the Bible w as old-fashioned; th a t th e A dam an d Eve sto ry w as a m y th ; th a t hell w as an a n ­ cient bugbear, and so on. A book all young folk should read. P a p e r 50 cents K eratol $1.00

Agnes M. Winter tells a story related by a friend, of how, during the World War, some Turkish soldiers attempted to drive away a flock of sheep while a shepherd was sleeping. It was on a hillside near Jerusalem on a warm afternoon. The shep­ herd was suddenly aroused and saw his sheep being driven off by a band of Turkish soldiers. This particular shepherd wds sym­ pathetic to the British, and besides he did not want to lose his sheep. But single-handed 'he. could not hope to recapture his flock by force. Suddenly he had a thought. Standing up on his side of the ravine, he, put his hands to Ms mouth and gave his own peculiar call, the call he gave each day to gather his sheep to him. And his sheep heard it. For a moment they listened, then, hearing Jhis call again, they turned and rushed down one side of the ravine and up the other. It was quite>;impossible for the Turkish soldiers to stop them, and they could not rush down the ravine in such a headlong fashion. So the shepherd was away with his sheep to a place of safety before the soldiers had made up their minds if it were worth while to pursue them. “My sheep know my voice.”

Laura Barter Snow s Books T his w ell-know n au th o r is a fav o rite w ith young folk. She w rites sto ries of rom ance an d ad v en tu re th a t point a good m oral as well as entertain. H ere are som e of h er b e st sto ries: B arney Boy, ............Cloth $1.25 A S tray Sunbeam . C loth $1.00 N orah’s V ictory, ....C loth $1.50 T he S h u ttered W indow , ................C loth $1.50 H arold: o r Tw o Died fo r Me,....................B oards $1.00 The “Pansy” Series— Specially Priced The p o p u lar a n d w idely read “P an sy ” books have been selling a t $1.50 p er copy, b u t here is a splendid edition w ith uniform cloth binding an d jacketed cover, offered a t the exceptionally low price of $1.00 each. Make

y o u r selections from th is list: M rs. Solom on Sm ith Looking On L inks in R ebecca’s Life By W ay of th e W ilderness A unt H an n ah and M arth a and John T he P rin ce of Peace The Man of the Desert By G race L ivingston Hill The love sto ry of a d au g h ­ te r of luxury an d a plain m an facing d u ty on the hom e m is­ sion fields in the W est. R ead­ ers will rejoice in th e trium ph over difficulties w hich gives these young people th e crow n­ ing joy of life. C loth $1.00 Christmas at Rodman’s House By K eith L. B rooks A charm ing, well to ld little C hristm as sto ry a b o u t th e re ­ tu rn of a p rodigal d au g h ter on C hristm as eve— four years a fte r h er sudden d isap p ear­ ance-—an d th e joyous fam ily reunion th a t followed. A splen­ did c h arac te r draw ing of plain, hom ey, G od-fearing folk. P a p e r 15 cents Fine Gold By Josephine H . W esterv elt In th e p riest-rid d en sections of South Am erica, th e a u th o r h as se t th e scene of th is story, w hich b ristles w ith adventure, m ystery, rom ance, h u m o r , dram a an d love. It reveals

E ste r R ied’s N am esake E ste r R ied Y et Speaking Y esterday Fram ed in Today M ara Spun From F a c t L o st On the T rail Crimson Roses By G race L ivingston Hill F ath er and m other gone— . h er hom e sold— alone in the city w ithout m oney o r friends. T hings seem ed p re tty black for M arion u n til those roses cam e— w ith never a h in t of th e giver. For M arion never su sp ected th a t handsom e Jeff L ym an w ould ever notice her. C loth $2.00 Blue Ruin By G race L ivingston H ill L ynn th o u g h t th a t h er h a p ­ piness w as forever w recked w hen D ana proved un tru e, b u t because she had played tru e th e gatew ay sw ung open on life an d rom ance fuller and m ore b eautiful th a n an y of h er dream s. C loth $2.00 Black Beauty By A nna Sewell T his book has b e c o m e w orld-fam ous as th e b est horse sto ry ever sen t fo rth to delight th e h e arts of countless th o u san d s of boy and girl readers. A s a g ift book, th is au to b io g rap h y of a horse co n ­ tinues to grow in po p u lar favor. Illu strated w ith forty splendid draw ings. C loth $1.25

N ovember 29, 1928 Text: 2 Cor. 3 :6

A man was ordered, by a magistrate to divide his furniture with his wife, from whom he had parted, giving her exactly half his goods. The man determined that his wife should not benefit by this order; so, obtaining- M;strong saw,pne- set about cutting chairs and tables in half. Having completed his task, he informed his wife that she could now have half his furniture. How true it is that the letter killeth, while itB s; the Spirit alone that giveth life!

N ovember 30, : 1928 Text: Heb. 4:12

A remarkable incident occurred in 'connection with an en­ campment of Shantung soldiers located at Shanghai. One day a dog wandered into this camp with some leaves of a book in his mouth. Thè soldiers caught the dog and read the fragment of the Book. It was a p o rtio n 'd the Word of God. ' They became much interested and followed the dog to a Christian hospital near by and asked for more of this kind of literature. This was, of- course, gladly given to them. As a result, Dr. Goforth and a Chinese evangelist visited this camp, and two hundred men were enrolled as inquirers. If God can so use the mouth of a dog to deliver His Word, can He not use you and me?

th e w orkings of th e hum an h e art an d m ind an d stresses th e fa c t th a t the will of God is th e sw eetest of all places to th e child of God. C loth $1.50 S ta te second andl th ird choice— in case th e book you w an t is o u t of stock. If m oney does n o t accom pany order, goods w ill be sen t C. O. D. If goods are to com e by m ail ad d 10% fo r postage. Send fo r a free copy of o u r com plete C atalog of Books, B ooklets, T racts, etc.

D ecember 1,1928 Text : 1 Pet. 3 :15

B I O L * B O O B R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles,Calif

When President Garfield was lying at the point of death at Long Branch, his wife, worn with anxiety and dread at the grow­ ing weakness of her husband, went out on to the piazza and be­ gan to sing: “Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah, pilgrim' through

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