King's Business - 1928-11

November 1928

T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s


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devil’s trap (Josh. 7:21). Our Lord said: " Whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart” (Mt. 5 :28). The enemy of souls knows how to ’play, upon, human nature. The children of this world have been awakening in our generation, as never before, to the secret of win­ ning attention for any cause by appealing to the lust of the eyes. As one has said: “Our generation is becoming EYE-MINDED.” Advertising specialists have discovered that appeal and success in advertising depends much upon the use of pic­ tures. To appeal to the emotions through the eye rarelv fails to bring results. Vast sums of money are spent today to provide beautiful art in advertising. The adver­ tising sections of the larger magazines are being thor- oughly scanned today because of the art attractions. But who has failed to notice the growing tendency to make the appeal directly to the sensual nature of men? The bathing beauty,” by which is meant a nearly naked female, has become the handmaid of American industry. The up-to-date way of advertising a new model car, is to present a picture of the car with two “bathing beauties” in the foreground. As a secular writer says: “It is dif­ ficult to tell whether the young lady, who has disrobed for the camera has done so in behalf of stockings, garters, underwear, shoes, the rug she stands on or the grand piano in the background. Only a close examination of the floor beneath the rug may reveal that this is a floor adver­ tisement, not a Follies poster, and that its message is the good news of a wax that will not scuff with wear.” At any rate, the business of selling has acquired a new method. The advertising pages bloom with pictures in­ tended to be suggestive to the lower nature. It is an indi­ cation of the drift of the times. It is having tremendous influence for evil upon the minds of youth and undoubt­ edly^ exerts an unconscious influence upon many profess­ ing Christians, leading them away from spiritual things.

The Sunday School Times carried the follow­ ing story recently...think it through!

A Southerner kept blooded chickens. His old negro servant asked the privilege of taking two fighting cocks to a fair where there was to be a cock fight with a prize to the winner. The owner o f the cocks said that he was not inter1 ested, but he would permit the old negro to take the cocks to. the fight. That night'when the ser­ vant returned home the two cocks were bloody and nearly dead. “Sam,” said the owner, “I told you those two roosters would, get licked.” The old negro said, “Massa, no other rooster done licked dem cocks. Dey did not hab sense .enough to know dey were on de same side and dey done licked each other.”

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