ManaPT_How to Avoid Surgery After a Sports Injury


There is nothing more exciting than taking on a new challenge, sport or activity. For most of us, the thrill of accomplishing a physical goal is what we live for. However, are you prepared for it? The term “weekend warrior” means a person who doesn’t really train for what they are doing; they just go out and do it on the weekend. HOW DO MOST INJURIES OCCUR? Most sports injuries occur from ill- prepared individuals who just jump into the activity without first increasing theirstrength,enduranceandflexibility.Yourmuscles,tendons, ligamentsand other tissues need to be warmed up to work properly. They take enormous strain during running and sports activities. Therefore, if they are not in top condition, they are more prone to injury. INJURIES INCREASE AS YOU AGE… If you think back to when you were in your late teens, you couldgo into a full sprint no problem, takeaflying leap and do a whole lot without the slightest thought about it. As you get older, your tissuesbecome lesselasticand in facta little “drier.”Whenyourmuscle, tendonand ligament tissueshaveenoughwater, theyaresuppleandstretchy, allowingyou todoa lotofactivities.Keepyourselfhydratedandstretchoften to maintain elasticity in your muscles. BEFORE AND AFTER: Knowing the right exercises to prepare for fitness activities is key. Our physical therapy experts have years of experience rehabilitatingpeopleafter injuriesandreturningthempain-freetotheactivities theyenjoy.Whatsomepeoplemightnotknow is thatphysical therapistsput specificexerciseplans togetherbasedonyourneeds toprevent injury. Ifyou do start to experience pain with activities, Mana Physical Therapy can get you back to enjoying your activities pain-free. Call today to learn more how our programs can help you feel great! PREPARING YOUR BODY… It is important to do sports activities, fitness and a host of other physical activities to keep you healthy and happy. With a little bit of preparation, you can easily do these activities and decrease your risk for injury.

• Do stretch often • Do strength training

• Do coordination training • Do endurance training

The teamatManaPhysicalTherapycan treatmanyorthopedicandrepetitive motion injuries without the need for invasive surgeries or medications. In fact, most doctors have their patients try physical therapy first before recommending any other procedures. The licensed physical therapists and physical therapist assistants at Mana Physical Therapy can customize a program that addresses the weakness of your particular musculoskeletal system, allowing you to recover quickly and remain active. Even if you have an old injury, it is important to have it evaluated by our physical therapists to prevent long-term damage like arthritis. If you have sports or orthopedic injuries like tendonitis, arthritis, a stress fracture or low back pain, our therapists can design a treatment plan to promote improved function, wellness and minimize the risk of re-injury. Call Mana Physical Therapy today at 732-390-8100. We can help you prevent surgery after a sports injury! Print sudoku

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