King's Business - 1950-09

m u u K n ow


But the story proceeds sadly from that point. During the fifteen years this king made some serious blunders (2 Kings 20:12-19). Also there was born to him a son who later mounted the throne to become one o f the most idola­ trous, wicked and blasphemous kings the children o f Israel had ever known. This choice o f God’s wills occurs constantly. A letter received, signed “ Heartbroken,” further illustrates the point. In this writer’s early life there had been an un­ mistakable call from God to the foreign mission field. The call was accepted and preparation was undertaken. But during the preparation, the young lady became inter­ ested in a boy friend who, although he was a Christian, was not at all interested in foreign missions. The un­ folding o f subsequent years brought the marriage and a settling down in business and a somewhat mildly active Christian life. Yet gnawing at the heart o f the lady was always the feeling that she had failed in her duty to God and had accepted less than His highest. How may one then be sure o f realizing the first will o f God in his life? The answer is exceedingly simple. The first will is always God’s will. It is God’s will, undiluted and unencumbered with any suggestions on our part. The first will becomes the second when we start meddling with it. To be sure which will we’re following there should be a thorough examination o f the sincerity o f one’s motives. Are they to the glory o f God? This examination should be repeated at regular intervals. Put Out the Fleece Some o f you won’t understand that phrase until I tell you the Bible story. It was at the time o f the Judges, and God had called a young man for a piece o f special service (Judg. 6:11-40). He was rather reluctant to accept the assignment, and asked God for definite marks of His leadership and approval. The young man suggested to God that he would put a piece o f fleece (wool) on the ground and leave it there overnight. And in the morning it was to be dry all around, but the fleece was to be wet. The marvel was that God graciously answered, and in the morning a full bowl o f water was wrung out o f the fleece, yet the surrounding ground was bone-dry. But the young man, in order to be doubly sure that God had called him, besought Him to reassure him once

Y OU may not know it, but God has two wills fo r His children. One is His first will, which is His best, and His primary choice for us, based upon His infi­ nite wisdom. The other is His second will, which He permits or allows to those who refuse His first will. This second will never bring the happiness, joy, peace, and contentment that God’s directive will carries. It is only for those who through ignorance or stubbornness fail to realize the superiority o f God’s best will. An Old Testament illustration helps here. There was a very good king whose life was filled with noble deeds for God (2 Kings 20:1-11). A fter a long time, God sent word that He was going to take His servant home, but the king protested bitterly. So God granted an extension o f fifteen years to his life. This was God’s permissive will.

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