King's Business - 1950-09

America’ s Jerieho Road (Continued from Page 11)

unless this land is blanketed with hundreds o f men and women who will plunge into her whitened harvest fields in the Name o f the living Christ. Pray ye the Lord o f ' the harvest that He will thrust forth laborers in­ to His harvest field.

nearly five years later—a piece of human wreckage saved from the dia­ bolical inferno o f Hiroshima. Patient­ ly the Japanese doctor explained his story to us; answered all our ques­ tions just as patiently and then said, “ Because o f the war, the Japanese people have lost all reason for living.” With this sickening example stand­ ing before us we could almost agree except for one thing—we knew Japan had lost the reason for living long before the war. She had not known Him who alone can give any purpose to living in our mad world. Because o f their need o f Christ, we brought this life-giving message to this na­ tion and tried to say something of this to the Japanese doctor. From out the window o f that tensely dramatic room where I stood, I , could almost see the tower that marked the spot where the A Bomb exploded, beside which is a great sign which says, “ No More Hiroshimas.” Of course, no one wants any more Hiroshimas, but unless men come broken to Calvary where the miracle of a new heart and life is given— there certainly will be a hundred thousand Hiroshimas, and the whole earth will become an atomic desert o f death and destruction. Hiroshima, city o f death—has been built into a shrine of international peace by the people o f Japan in an ardent hope that its pathetic scars will so eloquently speak to men that they will abandon the futile eifort of war. How vain is such a hope apart from Christ—who is our peace! But Japan does not know this and cannot

Medical help is almost nil since a migrant must be almost at death’s door before he feels he can afford a doctor. Many babies and others die from lack o f proper medical and sur­ gical care. Little children are often neglected because all members old enough must work in the fields or among the trees when the fruit is ripe. These little ones are left to shift for themselves. Mothers may be seen picking vege­ tables in the fields, and moving their little babies along a few feet ahead o f them. They put them right down on the ground in their little bundles o f ragged clothing. Recently at a ranch between Tulare and Fresno, where thousands of mi­ grant farm workers are employed each year, a large group of Mexicans, Indians, Negroes, and just plain pio­ neer Americans were gathering for a meeting at which I was going to preach with the aid o f an interpreter. One o f the women who lived in the camp brought a little five-year-old American girl to Mr. Blakeman ask­ ing, “ Sir, you ain’t got no clothes a little girl like this could wear there in one of them boxes in your trailer, have yuh?” Our field missionary dis­ covered that this little girl’s mother had disappeared from the camp, and all the child had to wear on a hot midsummer night was a man’s heavy knitted sweater so long that it drag­ ged on the ground. In addition, she was very dirty and needed much care. All possible was done for her. She is only one o f hundreds o f needy chil­ dren. May God move the hearts o f well- situated Christians in our churches to be Good Samaritans and bring help to those so badly beaten by sin and cir­ cumstances on America’s Jericho Road! later was hurled to the earth by the tremendous concussion. He had also covered his head with his hands as he lay face-down on the trembling earth. The searing, scorching flames that licked a deadly path for more than a mile from the center o f the explosion had found him in a split second and had scorched and seared the flesh from his back and arms and hands. There he stood before us— S E P T E M B E R I 9 S 0 Life in the City o f Death (Continued from Page 12)


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