King's Business - 1950-09

S f a t t c U n d P ICT -O -GRAPH

DO YOU HAVE AN ANNUITY in the American Bible Society ?

C o lo rfu l

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Teach ing

New . . . “ PETER AND JOHN” Six sheets of suede-back paper with 65 full- color subjects. Illustrated teacher's manual shows the eleven scenes and gives complete directions. No. 2173.....................................$1.00 New . . . “ SUPPLEMENTARY OBJECTS” Forty full-color subjects on six sheets of suede- back paper. Objects from home, palace, synagogue, and outdoors— for use with all Pict-O-Graph stories. No. 2187.._____________________;............................Ea., $1.00 New . . . “ PICT-O-GRAPH PATTERNS” Twelve 19 x 25-inch sheets of full-size patterns for making your own scenery. Includes houses, trees, city walls, fiery furnace, hills, rivers, and many other subjects. Flannel not included. No. 2188................................¿ .....:...i.^ ^ ....E a ., $1.00 New . . . “ HOW TO USE FLANNELGRAPH” Helpful guidebook shows you what flannelgraph is, what to buy, how to prepare, how to use, how to prepare your own lessons, and how to enlarge the use of flannelgraph in your teaching. 32 pages. No. 2941.......... ...................................................Ea., 35c. 4 Nine other sets on Life of Christ, Old Testa­ ment Stories, and Missionary Stories are ready for you. Each full-color, suede paper and only $1.00. A T YOUR BOOKSTORE, OR FROM The Standard [ f ] Publishing Co. CINCINNATI 10, OHIO

N O ? Then consider these important facts: American Bible Society Annuity Agreements yield a high rate—provide an income that never changes regard­ less of war or business conditions— involve no expense beyond the original investment.

American Bible Society Annuity Agreements have been in operation for more than 100 years and, unlike stock dividends, payments have never va­ ried, never ceased, never failed to be sent when due. So well regarded are these Annuity Agreements, they are bought by highly successful business men as well as by those unfamiliar with financial mat­ ters, by people of great wealth as well as those of very modest means. YOU GIVE GREATLY. In addition to finan­ cial peace of mind, American Bible Society Annuitants enjoy the perma­ nent satisfaction of knowing they are contributing to the world-wide minis­ try of the Bible. In this period of growing chaos and communism, the work of Christianiz­ ing the world through the distribution of the Bible is more vital than ever, contributing as it does to the peace and welfare of all.

They are highly regarded because of the Society’s high character and safe, conservative administration; be­ cause it maintains at all times a reserve fund far beyond what is required by New York State law; and because

Y E S ? Then yours is a two-fold satisfaction:

Introducing . . .

YOU RECEIVE GREATLY. So satisfied are our Annuitants with their generous financial returns, that 65 per cent of Annuity Agreements are held by per­ sons owning 2 or more. For example, about 15 years ago a nurse started her Annuity program with $200. By investing her savings and reinvesting her annuity income, she now has accumulated more than 30 American Bible Society Annuity Agreements, amounting to $17,000.


FLANNEL BOARD The teacher's dream comes true.

Light­ weight

Here are a few simple facts about American Bible Society Annuity Agreements

Assembled in less than a minute VIS-U-FOLD board Telescoping tripod Shoulder strap carrying case.

4. Annuity Agreements may be given as gifts or left as bequests to friends, rela­ tives, ministers, employees. 5. Income from American Bible Society Annuity Agreements is entitled to certain income tax exemptions. 6. For further information about Annuity Agreements and how they can be arranged to fit your individual needs, write for booklet KB-X entitled “ A Gift That Lives.”

1. They may be purchased for as little as $100, may be passed on to a survivor if so arranged, and may be added to from time to time as funds become available. 2. There are no coupons to clip, no records to keep, no dates to keep track of. 3. Payments begin three months or six months after money is received, and are issued thereafter quarterly or semi-annually as desired.

Figures New, well drawn figures in beautiful colors, for 103 Bible stories. Large size, easy to see and a joy to use. Twelve sets Scenery Backgrounds in vivid and realistic colors. Visualized Lesson Books. Make your teaching come alive by using this fine material. Write for the free folder, today, to V I S - U - F O L D P. O . Box I45M Pasadena 16, C alif. Page Two

A M E R IC A N B IB L E S O C I E T Y 450 Park Ave., New York 22, N. Y.

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E

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