King's Business - 1950-09


to be learned when He takes charge of our time. October 29, 1950 "G O YE INTO ALL THE WORLD" Matt. 28:16-20 All the world is our parish and every creature our congregation. “ All nations” is the sphere and the scope of our min­ istry and making “ disciples” is the sub­ ject of our message. The command is that we should go. The instructions are that we should teach. The results are that people will believe and will become followers of the Lord Jesus. The assur­ ance of success is given by the certainty of His presence with us. No group or class of people is to be hindered from receiving God’s good gospel. May the Lord make us all missionary minded. Who Is to Go? Mark 16:15 Only believers can carry the message that will cause others to be believers. Only those who know Christ can intro­ duce Him to others. Only those who

understand the gospel can cause others to understand the gospel. Only those who have met the Holy Spirit can lead others to become spiritual. Every Sun­ day school superintendent should know whether his teachers are bom again or whether they are just lovely, willing, religious workers. He should ascertain whether they are making the way of salvation clear to the pupils. Many do not. We should never have unsaved teachers seeking to win boys and girls to the Saviour whom they themselves do not know. Where Are We to Go? Luke 14:23 We are to go into the highways and this refers to the well-traveled roads of the city and country where it is easy to find people and easy to reach them. It refers to countries that are civilized where transportation is avail­ able and communication is easy. It refers to those sections where we un­ derstand the language and the customs of the people. The hedges refer to the out-of-the-way places, the mountaineers, the lumberjacks, the coal miners. It refers to the Amazon forests and the Congo. We are to go everywhere with the life-giving Word. What Are We to Say When We Go? Hag. 1:13 Let us remember that we are not always to say the same thing. There must be messages to comfort the sor­ rowing and other messages to bring the light of salvation to the lost. There will also be teaching messages for mak­ ing known the mind of the Lord to God’s people. There are to be prophetic messages unfolding God’s plans. There must be messages of reproof, rebuke, and warning for those who take the wrong path and sin against their own souls. When we walk with God, yielded to the Spirit, we shall say the right thing at the right time. How Shall We Act When We Go? 1 John 1:7 God’s people and God’s Word have been brought into much disrepute by the unwise actions of professing Christians. God’s messengers must “walk in the light.” We should walk in the light of the Son of God so that there will be no reproach on the message which we bring. All unsaved people watch the actions of Christians and also watch their words. What the servant of God says and does will either add to his prestige as God’s messenger or will react terribly against him and his service. The Scripture says: “ Be ye clean, that bear the vessels of the Lord.” May the Lord enable us to walk in the light.

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