King's Business - 1950-09



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I have almost completely read my July King's Business, which I re­ ceived today. I can hardly lay it down to get my work done because it con­ tains so much o f vital interest. I think it is altogether the best and most interesting Gospel magazine published. A nna E vans Pinehurst, Wash. Just a line to let you know what an inspiration your magazine has been in our home. As a young person I espe­ cially enjoyed Dr. Orr’s little talks for young people. As we read every arti­ cle, we enjoy the whole magazine from start to finish. J eannie M artin San Luis Obispo, Calif. Oh my, it's grand to have this offer o f The King’s Business and with Dr. Bauman’s messages in it also ! M rs . C. N. E aton . Pomona, Calif. I just want to tell you that your messages in the June issue are won­ derful. M rs . E lizabeth B ruce Chula Vista, Calif. We want you to know the articles in The King’s Business are outstand­ ing. We just absorb the fine articles o f Dr. Orr, Dr. Wilson, Dr. Talbot, Dr. Bauman, the Sunday school les­ sons— in fact all the reading matter contained in each issue o f your fine magazine. M r . and M rs . T om B rewitt Tacoma, Wash. I have sent a number of copies of The King’s Business to friends and hope they will appreciate this Chris­ tian magazine as I do, and also hope they will become .subscribers. I read my magazine from cover to cover, even all the advertisements, as they are Christian, too. M rs . J. D. A thon Augusta, Georgia

Official Publication of The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated

Louis T. Talbot, D.D. Editor in Chief

Betty Bruechert Managing Editor

William W . Orr, D.D. Associate Editor

Copyright, 1950, The King’s Business No part of this magazine may be reproduced, without permission. All Rights Reserved. Voi. 41 September, 1950 No. 9

CONTENTS Reader Reaction.............................................. Editorially Speaking............................. Israel Lives Again! Louis S. Bauman Dr. Talbot’s Question B ox...................

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The Bible in the News, William W. O r r . .............................................. 9 America’s Jericho Road, Floyd Berton B oice ........................................ 10 Life in the City o f Death, Charles W. Anderson ................................ 12 Junior King’s Business: “ It Didn’t Come Out That W ay!” Doris E. Needham ............................................................................ 13 Biola Family Circle................................. 14 Young People May Know the Will of God, William W. O rr ............. 15 Prayer for a New House, Martha Snell Nicholson ............................. 17 Available! $5,000 in Cash, George H. Dowkontt .................................. 20 Book Reviews, Margaret Jacobsen ........................................................... 21 Young People’s Topics, Walter L. Wilson .............................................. 23 Miscellanea ................................................................................................... 27 Sunday School Lessons, Homer A. Kent, Allison Arrowood ............. 28 Object Lessons, Elmer L. Wilder ............................................................ 33 Picture Credits: Cover, Eva Luoma, Weirton, W. V a .; p. 7, Biblical Research Society, Los Angeles, Calif.; p. 12, Department o f Defense, Washington, D. C. SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION— “ The King's Business" is published monthly; $2.00, one year; $1.00, six months; 20 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Canadian and foreign subscriptions 25 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES—Payable in advance, should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to “ The King’s Business.” Date of expiration will show plainly on outside wrapper or cover of magazine. ADVERTISING—For information, address the Advertising Manager, 558 South Hope Street. Los Angeles 17, California. MANUSCRIPTS-—“ The King’s Business” cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Entered as second-class matter November 7, 1938, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, Cali­ fornia, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in the Act of February 28, 1925, embodied in paragraph 4, section 538, P. L. and R., authorized October 1, 1918, and November 13, 1938. ADDRESS: The King’s Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California.

W e J f r e S co r r y .

Due to an oversight, credit was not given the publisher o f a reprint in our August issue. The article, which has been such a blessing to our readers, entitled “ Know Yourself” by Mr. Mar­ shall Shallis, may be obtained in tract form from the Victory Tract Club, Clapham Crescent, London, S. W. 4, England.

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