King's Business - 1950-09

no one else can hear. The Saviour warned His disciples about praying merely to be heard by others. What is prayer? Does it have to be long and have many big words? No! Prayer is talking with God just as we talk with our dearest friend or with our parents. God loves to hear our lips thank Him for our blessings and to have us tell Him of our needs. He wants us to pray for the salvation of others and to confess our sins to Him. Yes, God knows all of these things before we tell them to Him, but He still rejoices when we talk with Him. We do not have to kneel and have our heads bowed and our eyes closed in order for God to hear us when we pray. Kneeling and bowing our heads

this manner pray ye. In it we have a model showing the essential elements that should make up real prayer. This prayer evidently is not intended prima­ rily to be used in repetition for in Luke 11:1-4 we have much of the same prayer but in diiferent words. Mere repetition of the words before us may mean noth­ ing. However, if the words are thought­ fully repeated, it may be done with profit. Moreover, the writer believes that if this prayer is to be used in this age, it ought to be offered in the name of Jesus (John 14:13-15). Important elements to be studied in this prayer are as follows: (1) the be­ liever’s filial relationship—“ Our Father” (9), (2) a reverential attitude—“Hal­ lowed be thy name” (9), (3) a love for the Lord’s Coming — “ Thy Kingdom come” (10), (4) a submissive spirit— “ Thy will be done” (10), (5) a depend­ ent mood—“ Give us . . daily bread” (11), (6) a forgiving bearing—“forgive us,” etc., (12) and (7) a divine leadership— “ And lead us” (13). The Invitation to Prayer Luke 11:9-13 The child of God is invited to “ ask . . . seek . . . knock” with the assurance that in each case there will be a fitting re­ sponse. He is urged to be persistent in the business of praying, realizing that the answer to prayer will be more gener­ ous than any earthly father could ever give. The heavenly Father has already given His Holy Spirit to every believer and with this magnificent evidence of His generosity we may count on Him to ful­ fill every promise He has made in con­ nection with prayer. At the time these words were uttered the Holy Spirit had not yet been given in the fullness that He was on the day of Pentecost. But evidently some experienced His presence and power by asking the Father (13). An Example of Prayer Phil. 1:3-11 In this brief passage we have an ex­ ample of the kind of praying one of the greatest saints in the history of the church practiced. He prayed with grati­ tude (3), with joy (4), with confidence (6), with fellow-feeling (7-8), for an increase in love on the part of those for whom he prayed (9), that the Philip- pians might be excellent witnesses for the Lord Jesus Christ (10), and, finally, he prayed that the lives of those for whom he prayed might be “ filled with the fruits of righteousness” (11). All of us can well afford to emulate the spirit and content of this prayer. Helps lor the Children The Prayer Jesus Taught Matt. 6:5-15 Memory Verse: “ Lord, teach us to pray” (Luke 11:1). Would you enjoy having a friend who never talked with you? Some Christians talk to God in public with long prayers and big words just to be heard of men. Some Christians never pray. Those Christians who really please their Lord and Saviour talk with Him often when

shows our reverence and love for God, and closing our eyes helps to keep out the sights of the world so that we may think of Him better. We may pray as we are walking, playing, working, or resting. We do not have to say the words out loud. We can just pray in our hearts to our Lord. Christians should have a regular time each day to spend with their Lord. The best time is before they speak to anyone else as they awaken in the morning. Spending a few minutes with our Lord then will completely change the rest of the day. If you have not learned the prayer that the Lord taught to His disciples, perhaps you can learn a verse a day this week so that you may pray this prayer.

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