King's Business - 1950-09

1/10 Nation Bans Beer

day school is urged to rise early on that Sunday and make a number of personal calls. Emphasis could also be given to advertising in cars and buses, newspaper publicity, and dra­ matic skits in the Sunday school and Church itself. Human Beings Alike <3* The idea o f racial superiority has caused a lot o f trouble in the world. Recently an international group of distinguished scientists working for UNESCO issued a report on what sci­ ence knows concerning this emotional subject. Race exists because o f differ­ ent biological histories (climate, iso­ lation, etc.), but different ethnic groups (races) differ little in intelli­ gence. Given similar cultural oppor­ tunities the achievement o f each ethnic group is about the same. The current scientific investigation sup­ ports an ancient dictum, “ Men’s na­ tures are alike; it is their habits that carry them far apart.” In other words we are all one race, and it could be quite scientifically possible that we descended from a common father and mother as the early chapters o f Gene­ sis set forth. Make One, Cost Three >3* For every dollar Los Angeles Coun­ ty receives in liquor taxes, it spends three dollars to control crime result­ ing from the use o f alcohol, according to Superior Judge William R. McKay. Addressing the 85 delegates to the first Institute o f Scientific Studies for the Prevention o f Alcoholism, Judge McKay pointed out that 56% of all money set aside by Los Angeles for law enforcement is taken up in acting as “ nursemaid” fo r drunks. Further­ more, out o f 3800 occupants o f the Los Angeles County farm, prison farm, and road camps, more than half are there as a result of the inordinate

use pf intoxicating liquors. The situa­ tion is so bad that Los Angeles does not have the man power or the court facilities to handle it. Judge McKay further estimated that 90% o f the criminal cases before him come as a result o f liquor. What a deplorable situation! Recognize Israel <3* Turkey and Iran, both Moslem states, have formally recognized the new nation o f Israel, and dreams o f perpetuating a Moslem bloc against Israel have collapsed. India, another country with huge Moslem population, through its Prime Minister Nehru has indicated the necessity o f the eventual recognition o f Israel, but be­ cause o f internal problems has been delayed. Only the Arabian states re­ main solidly opposed, and more and more leaders are openly calling for peace. This movement to get along with the world’s newest democracy is nothing short o f phenomenal in view o f the accumulated years o f hatred found in most o f these countries. Bible students have pointed out that it could be that this was setting the stage for that period o f peace and compatibility which shall take place during the early years o f the reign o f the Antichrist, typified by the Rider on the white horse in Revela­ tion 6, and the signed compact o f Daniel 9. Send Us Men <3* Dr. Toyohiko Kagawa, famous lib­ eral-minded Japanese, is again in this country making speeches. Welcomed again with opened arms by modernist leaders, Kagawa is once more sowing the seeds o f pseudo - Christianity which failed to stem the tide o f evil and hate o f the last war. Kagawa’s latest theme is “ Send us your Chris­ tian laymen.” Paq^Nma

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