NSLHD News 19 April 2024

Clowning around at Royal North Shore Hospital Every week since 2005, Clown Doctors have been visiting the Royal North Shore Hospital to bring medicine through laughter. These dedicated individuals have been bringing smiles to patients, families, and staff alike. The performers undergo rigorous training to work in hospitals, where they help engage children during procedures, calm nerves in emergency departments, and foster positivity during therapy sessions. Under the umbrella of The Humour

lives of over 239,204 people in 2023 alone. International research and studies continue to prove the numerous physiological and psychological benefits of laughter to health and wellbeing. Humour is an effective coping strategy, relieving fear, stress, and pain, and has positive effects on the cardiovascular, immune, and respiratory systems. To learn more about the Humour Foundation and their programs, visit their website: https:// humourfoundation.org.au.

Foundation, an organisation of expertly trained performers, they bring laughter, joy, and connection to children’s hospitals and aged care facilities. The Humour Foundation is a national charity dedicated to improving the health and wellbeing of vulnerable Australians. Its vision is to bring laughter and connection where is it unexpected, yet most needed. Founded in 1996 by the late Dr. Peter Spitzer, the foundation harnesses the power of humour therapy, backed by research highlighting its benefits. “My favourite part of our work is meeting families and bringing some joy where it’s needed most,” said Dr. Quack, Clown Doctor. Their impact extends far beyond the walls of RNSH. The clown doctors visit 21 hospitals nationwide, including The Children’s Hospital Westmead and Sydney Children’s Hospital Randwick, touching the

Clown doctors at RNSH doing the rounds

NSLHD Honoured with Bronze Award for LGBTQ+ Inclusivity Northern Sydney Local Health District

exemplifies inclusive healthcare provision, serving as a model for equitable access and quality care for LGBTQ+ individuals. Moving forward, NSLHD aims to replicate Clinic Sixteen’s inclusive practices across all services, ensuring accessibility for LGBTQ+ individuals. “It is wonderful to see our commitment to diversity and social inclusion at NSLHD recognised with this award,” said Jemma Clifton, Project Officer, NSW Health LGBTIQ+ Strategy. “However, a bronze award is only the starting point and the real benefit of the HWEI submission is that is has provided us with a road map to ensure all of our services are equally accessible for LGBTQ+ people.” NSLHD’s achievement reaffirms its dedication to fostering a culture of inclusivity and equality in healthcare delivery, setting a benchmark for excellence in LGBTQ+ healthcare provision.

(NSLHD) has received a Bronze Award at the 2024 Australian Pride in Health and Wellbeing Awards, marking a significant milestone in LGBTQ+ inclusivity. This recognition, evaluated through the Health + Wellbeing Equality Index (HWEI), underscores NSLHD’s commitment to fostering inclusivity for individuals with diverse sexualities and genders across health, wellbeing, human services, and community care sectors. NSLHD’s dedication is evident through initiatives such as the implementation of an LGBTIQ+ strategy tailored to address healthcare needs, establishment of workplace policies, and executive sponsorship for high-level support. Additionally, the district has formed the Pride+ network to provide advocacy and support for LGBTQ+ employees and utilised inclusive intake forms for tailored patient care. A full-time dedicated LGBTIQ+ project officer role further demonstrates NSLHD’s commitment to inclusivity. Clinic Sixteen, NSLHD’s sexual health clinic,



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