King's Business - 1949-02

dents, Cornelius B. Haggard, president of Pacific Bible College, and D. K. Riggs, educational secretary of the Assemblies of God. An outgrowth of evangelical Chris­ tianity in the past fifty years, the Bible school movement has gained nationwide recognition, cutting across denomina­ tional lines. At present there is estimated to be over one hundred Bible schools in the country, 42 of which have applied for membership in this new association. These 42 include the largest and best- known of the Bible colleges and insti­ tutes. Standards established by the new as­ sociation are approximately equivalent to those of regional accrediting associa­ tions of secular universities and colleges, said Dr. Sutherland. The association in no way Seeks to lower recognized ac­ crediting standards, but is designed to create an agency for accrediting schools which operate in the distinctive field of undergraduate Christian education. L o v e ’ s S w e e t e s t S t o r y ! A New Object Lesson on John 3:16 A Gospel Is laid on a Red Disc—It changes to White! Repeated it turns Blue, again it becomes a Quarter! Sin - Salvation - Sonship - Service! Simple to Use! (Regular Price, 75c) Special Price This Month, 50c VISUAL TRUTH LABORATORIES 1174 So. Harvey Ave., Oak Park, III. (Coming next month—A Great Easter Lesson) A PENNY A DAY! (Not such a large sum to invest for eternity ) Will give spiritual sight to the blind HOW? for information write to THE CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE BLIND, INC. 430 East 141st Street, New York 54, N. Y . Chas. E. Gremmels, Pres. ; James E. Bennet, Treas. COME OYER INTO CHICAGO- Insistent calls have come to us to send full-time workers into Chicago, Philadel­ phia, Chattanooga and Indianapolis, and to expand our work in New York. Our missionaries are now laboring fruit­ fully in New York, Brooklyn, Los Angeles, Seattle, Tucson and Phoenix, SantaMonica and Venice, and in Mexico. The Lord has gloriously met these needs. We believe He is calling us to widen our search for the “lost sheep of the house of Israel,” and will enable us to meet these new calls. Pray for the Jews—DAILY. And pray for us, earnestly and unceasingly. Harry A . Ironside, Chairman of the Board Hymn J. Appelman, President Write AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR JEWISH EVANGELISM “% J W ,J S t e e p ”


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BIBLE STUDY BLESSING! Brooks BibleWorkBooks Open up the hidden wonders of the Word . . . Bring rich blessings to both Christians and the unsaved. This enticing, practical Bible Study system devised by Dr. Keith L. Brooks, is guiding thousands into richer spiritual experience. Blank spaces for answers obtained from given Bible references to leading questions. Ideal for group or individual study. Get started NOW . . . Teach others. Order samples today at rates below. Special class rates on request. 5 “ BEGINNER” COURSES Young Believer's Bible W ork..................................... 25c Heart of John’s Gospel................................................. 20c Junior Bible W ork............................................................ 25c Christian Character ...................................................... 25c Bible Marking: Course................................................... 25c 16 “ SOLID M EAT” COURSES Gospel of Matthew.......................................................... 65c Gospel of Mark................................................................. 50c Gospel of Luke................................................................... 50c Gospel of John “ The Son of God” ........................ 60c Book of A c t s ...................... 65c X-Ray of Romans....................... 50c Ephesians and Colossians (one).............................. 50c First John ........................... 25c Hebrews ............................................................................... 50c Galatians and Philippians (one).............................. 50c Genesis, Book of Beginnings....................... 50c Prophetic Research ........................................................ 50c Doctrinal Course ............................................................ 50c Book of Revelation.......................................................... 60c Diagrammed Studies( Dispensational and Prophetic .............................................. 50c Panorama Dispensational Course.. ......................$2.00 BOOK BULLETIN FR EE! Send for copy TODAY. Offers suggestions of valuable Bible tools, Books, etc. American Prophetic League, Inc. Box BB, Eagle Rock Sta., Los Angeles 41, Calif, iiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiimiimiiiiiiiiiiimijiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiimiiimiiiiiiiiiimiii Christian Faculty Builds Christian L ives The men and women o f Multnomah faculty are consecrated to their task. As living examples of devotion to the Bible and Christian Service their teaching carries conviction which students sense and accept. FREE tuition. Three-Year Bible Course. Ask for catalog. Interesting Monthly Sent Free to All Inquirers M ULTNOMAH School of the BIBLE W illard M. Aldrich, Th.D., President John 6. Mitchell, D.0., Vice Pres., B. B. Sutcliffe, D.D..Chm. Trustees 632 N. E. Holladay St. Portland 14, Oregon w h e r e a YOU CAN WIN SOULS TO CHRIST WITH GOSPEL FILMS Send for free booklet today explaining. It will be a revelation to you. Also free booklet describing the revolutionary lifetime M IRACLE SOUND PROJECTOR that does not wear out; quiet as a clock; needs no oiling; has no belts; needs no servicing ; trouble-proof. C. O. BAPTISTA FILMS, Sunnyside Avenue, Wheaton, 111.

Dr. Talbot President Dr. Sutherland Dean T HIRTY Bible colleges and Bible in­ stitutes in the United States and Canada were officially received into membership of the newly formed Ac­ crediting Association of Bible Institutes and Bible Colleges in Chicago October 19-22. Dr. Samuel Sutherland, president of the new accrediting association and dean of the Bible Institute of Los An­ geles, hailed the formation of the new association as the most significant for­ ward step in Christian education in many years. The Bible Institute of Los Angeles was among those received into full accreditation in the collegiate di­ vision. The new association and member schools will be listed in the Unites States Government Blue Book, Accredited High­ er Institutions, Dr. John Dale Russell of the United States Office of Education told Dr. Sutherland. This will be of­ ficial recognition of the distinctive con­ tribution of Bible colleges and institutes to the educational world in training min­ isters, foreign and home missionaries, and directors of Christian education. The new association grants accredita­ tion to member schools in two divisions: the collegiate and intermediate. Members of the collegiate division receive only high school graduates, and the majority of faculty members must hold graduate degrees. Within the collegiate division, there is accreditation granted to schools with four-year courses leading to a de­ gree, and three-year courses leading to diplomas. In the intermediate division a three-year course leading to a diploma is accredited on a basis of reduced en­ trance requirements. Eighteen schools were admitted to the collegiate division of accreditation bÿ the new association, according to Ter- relle B. Crum, secretary-treasurer of the new association, and dean of the Provi­ dence Bible Institute. Twelve schools were admitted to accreditation in the intermediate division. Provisionally established one year ago, the new association came into official be­ ing at this constitutional convention held in Chicago last month. Other officers of the association include two vice-presi­

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