King's Business - 1949-02

From all over the nation young people are converging onto the campus o f Westmont College. In eight years the student body has grown from a mere handful to 300 students. There’s a reason. W estmont is scholastically and spiritually sound, maintaining the preeminence o f Christ in every phase o f its college life. A full 4 -year liberal arts course is available. FREE BOOKLET

March 6, 1949 DIGGING DEEPER INTO FAITH Gen. 26:17-22; 2 Tim. 2:15

Our Lord constantly condemned little faith. Little faith brings no peace, no confidence, no assurance. Little faith leaves the soul in an uneasy position with an undetermined present and an unknown future. Although a Christian may be only as large as a grain of mus­ tard seed, figuratively speaking, he may be quite full of faith and thus able to do great things for God. Little faith means big doubts. We would scarcely say to the Lord, “ I try hard to believe you.” We would not express this to anyone, but, by our actions, we actually say it to God. This should not be. Faith Considers Our Inability. Rom. 4:19 Our Authorized Version is not accurate in its translation of this passage. The Greek tells us that Abraham did consider his own body now dead and he did con­ sider the words of Sarah. But, having seen how impossible the situation was, Abraham believed God implicitly although he could not understand how or why. No faith is necessary when sufficient assets are present. Moses believed God when there was no water in sight; Samuel be­ lieved God when no clouds were in the sky (1 Sam. 12:17),. True faith recog­ nizes human inability and God’s suffi­ ciency. True faith expects and receives miracles from the hand of the wonder­ working Lord.

Faith Is Increased by the Word. Rom. 10:17 The reading of the Scriptures brings assurance to the heart and a certainty of God’s sufficiency. As we read it, its truth is impressed upon our soul. As we medi­ tate upon its statements, we perceive the power of God, the love of God, and the willingness of God. As we consider its promises and facts, we are assured of God’s activities on our behalf and of His sufficiency for all of our needs. As we think of the lives of men of God in the Scripture, we feel confident that this same God will be to us all that He was to them. We read the Word and our faith grows. Faith Grows by Considering Christ. Heb. 12:2 Christ Jesus is such a wonderful char­ acter that His presence imparts confi­ dence to the one who walks with Him. Matthew saw Him one day and at once left all for Him. The four fishermen saw Him one day and abandoned their boats, nets, fish, and fathers, to follow Him to the erfd. One day the police force came to arrest Him but, after hearing that marvelous sermon in John 7, and watch­ ing His lovely face, they returned with the message, “Never man spake like this man.” To see Him and to hear Him fills the heart with faith.

tells the dramatic story o f W estmont College.


K. B.

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fe«/PROPHECY MO N T H L Y far SCRIPTURAL ILLUMINATION 48 pages monthly, prophetic truths, signs of the times, guidance, Bible nuggets. Don't miss its important articles and news features.

A BIBLE ALPHABET Give at least one answer for each letter.

(Answers on page 30)

A—a tribe of Israel B—a church official C—a tree E—an ornament F—a fruit G—a sea

J—a precious stone K—an Israelite rebel L—an animal M—a garment Nr—a king O—a musical instrument P—a title of ruler Q—a bird —Vernon h

R—a flower S—a Jewish religious sect T—a shrub U—a murdered man

Editors: Dr. Keith L. Brooks, Rev. Alan S. Pearce. Subscribe for America’s Original Prophetic Digest 10 mo. $1; Foreign, $1.35 yr. Be a part of the League's world-wide prayer and mission­ ary fellowship. Biblical books being supplied free to mis­ sionaries, needy workers and prisons as God’s people provide. Write for details of this faith and non-profit work. AMERICAN PROPHETIC LEAGUE, INC. BOX BB, EAGLE ROCK STATION • LOS ANGELES 41. CALIF.

V—a liquid W—-a game Y—used on oxen Z—a minor prophet

H—a mount I—a country

ard in Lively Bible Quizzes T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

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