King's Business - 1949-02

liverances enable us to trust God in pres­ ent distresses. What God has once done in our lives, He will do again when the next need arises. So we learn by experi­ ence that we may safely trust our Lord always and in all ways. He never fails; He keeps His Word. We have proved it in our own lives in the past and He will not fail us in the coming tests.

■ M P H to any evangelical Christian Minister, K l f E E ! Sunday School or Missionary Superin­ tendent, one copy o f "PROVE ME NOW HEREWITH" for each family in^ his congrega­ tion, providing he will agree to give a talk on TITHING before distribution. Write .stating number of leaflets desired to

Faith Is Enlarged by Experience. Psa. 63:7

David’s experience with the lion and the bear made him confident that God would deliver him from Saul. David’s victory over Goliath made it possible for him to sleep quietly in the woods in the care of his Lord. Past experiences of de­

TITHER, 417-K So. Hill St. Los Angeles 13, California

March 13, 1949 CHRISTIANITY IS CONTAGIOUS ! Mark 1:14-20; John 1:35-45

make known God’s ways to a heathen world who openly and despitefully reject Christ. Christianity Must Be Projected. Mark 16:15 Men are not seeking the gospel. “ There is none that seeketh after God.” “ Men love darkness father than light.” The human heart has no room for Jesus Christ. If men are to become Christians, then Christians must be very active in propagating the story of Calvary and of the throne. The powers of Satan are all opposed to the spread of the gospel. The human heart is at enmity with God. We must go with the life - giving story, knocking at the heart’s door and seeking entrance into homes, and letting our light shine in every place. Christianity must be vigorously pressed upon the hearts and the minds of others, for it is- not automatically conveyed.

Weeds grow without effort, but roses must be cultivated. Weed seeds are equipped with a fluffy sail to carry them through the air and a little hook on the other end of the seed to hold it when it alights. Most grains, however, are not thus equipped. Weeds are affected very little by wind, weather, or drouth. Flowers, grains, and fruits succumb quickly to all these adverse conditions. This same thing is true in the realm of the spiritual. Evil is very contagious while the good things must be carefully cultivated, watched, and promoted. Christianity Is Carried Personally. Mark 5:19 The demon - possessed man, when healed, was told to go home and tell his friends of his deliverance. When Andrew was saved, he told his brother of his wonderful experience. After Philip met the Lord, he sought Nathanael and asked him to “ come and see.” The continuity of the gospel is like a golden chain. One link holds the next link and then an­ other. Christ spoke to Paul and he be­ came a golden link. Paul spoke to Timo­ thy and he became the next link. Timo­ thy found another who became the third link. So the golden chain has continued unbroken until now. Be sure you add a link to this chain. Christianity Is Advertised Individually. Acts 4:14 This unfortunate friend, Paul, who un­ til now had no part with the worshipers of God, now takes his place with God’s servants to be known as one of the be­ lievers of the Lord Jesus. The Christian should have in his life those delightful graces which attract the world lover to the peerless Saviour. It was Paul’s desire that the life of Jesus should be mani­ fested in his. It is, indeed, the life of Christ that is given to us. We then should let that new life be manifested in kind acts and in the graces of the Spirit so that Christianity will be attractive to those who observe us. Christianity Is Opposed Openly. Phil. 2:15 Men become Christians through hear­ ing the gospel story. Men must know definitely the value of the person and work of Christ and accept Him in order to be saved. This message and this min­ istry is not acceptable in the so-called re­ ligious world, nor in the educational realm, nor in the sphere of business. Cer­ tainly it is not acceptable in social cir­ cles. Since it cannot be freely given pub­ licly in our day, the individual, by prayer and consecration, must seek to

A C L E A N BE D ! The H ome o f O n e s ip h o ru s fe e d s , clothes, houses and trains helpless and homeless children in China. This is not temporary relief, but permanent Chris­ tian rehabilitation. For 33 years this work of God has brought the hope of salvation and physical assistance to thousands of needy orphans. The China Harvester magazine is oiir .means of contact with interested friends. Ask for your free copy HOME OF ONESIPHORUS G. A. LUNDMARK, President Dept. II, 2811 N. Racine Ave., Chicago 13, III.

Presents a CLOSELY GRADED Comprehensive Coverage of the Bible T h r o u g h Lessons P r e p a r e d fo r E a ch A g e L e v e l ★ CHRIST CENTERED ★ MODERN IN METHODS ★ ALL BIBLE and ALL OF THE BIBLE ★ SCIENTIFIC ★ NOT DATED The purpose of this fine Sunday School lesson series is to present the .Gospel of Christ to each grade level and give a comprehensive knowledge of the Bible. There is no waste of material because lessons are not dated. Use left-over books next year with a new class. . a \\yC orrG^\ .

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-^'Attractive Folder of detailed informa­ tion outlining die content of Gospel Light Series of Sunday School Lessons.



it General Sunday School Catalog



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