King's Business - 1949-02

March 20, 1949 LAUNCH THE OFFENSIVE! Matt. 28:19, 20; Acts 1:8, 9

W e Advance in India . . . With new missionaries, more stations and build­ ings, and two new orphanages for destitute children --------------------------------------- Pray for Us CEYLON AND INDIA GENERAL MISSION 128 South Lombard Ave., Oak Park, Illinois 55 years in India—55 missionaries today Choir&g* A lA /ll 6 Pulpit I p U 3 . Fine materials, beautiful worx, pleasingly low prices. Catalog and samples on request. State your needs and name of church. DeMoulin Bros. & Co. 1126 So. 4th St. Greenville, 111. L A N T E R N S L I D E S Missionaries and Christian Workers: You can have your black and white snapshot or printed pictures turned into beautiful colored glass slides (2"x2" or 3% "x 4") at 75 cents each. (Discount on quan­ tity.) Over 15 progressive years at this address.

God’s gospel is for every person living on the earth. All are included. None are excluded. The Lord knew that sinners would not flock to Christ seeking salva­ tion. Therefore He instructed His people to take the gospel to them, to go fishing where the fish are to be found. The pres­ ent “church” program does not embrace this fact. The pastor must do all the soul winning while the laity pay his salary. It is God’s plan that each believer should go out to find the unbeliever where he is and bring to him the knowledge of salva­ tion. Let us do it. “ Go Ye and Teach.” Matt. 28:19 There is an appalling ignorance of the gospel throughout Christendom. People do not know the way of salvation. They must be taught. Satan is busy teaching his doctrine. Weeds are constantly spreading their seeds. Cockleburs, sand- burs, beggarlice, etc., stick to everything that comes near them but fruits, flowers, and grains must be helped to the plant­ ing. So we find that Romanism, Russell- ism, Eddyism, Mormonism, and all other such false philosophies actively spread their doctrines. “Go Ye and Preach.” Mark 16:15 In Matthew, the command is to teach, while in Mark, the command is to preach. The preacher applies the word of the teacher to the heart and life. The preacher encourages those who are taught to do something about it. The preacher uses illustrations, allegories, metaphors, similes, comparisons and contrasts to enable his hearers to appro­ priate that which he has been taught The enthusiasm of youth is commend­ able, but enthusiasm will never take the place of knowledge and ability. Our hearts rejoice as we see the large num­ ber of young people who are studying in Christian colleges and institutions to fit themselves for intelligent service. It is not wise to act upon one’s feelings in re­ gard to public ministry unless there are ability and knowledge to make the min­ istry effective. Time should be taken as by Paul to learn God’s truth and to learn how to apply it and use it for the glory of God in the service of the King. Youth Should Not Be Discouraged. Eccles. 11:9 Because one is young, he should have vigor and vision. But also, because he is young, he should realize his need of the training which comes by experience and the training which comes by knowledge. God needs young men with physical vigor and active minds. As one grows older, the body cannot stand the rigors of an active Christian life. The mind

from the Word of God. We should be busy at this. Many know the truth of the Saviour’s love and power who have never yet applied to Him for personal salvation. We should urge them to do it. Be a Witness. Luke 24:48 As in Matthew, we are told to teach, and in Mark, we are told to preach, so in Luke, we are told to reveal to others the effects of this teaching and preaching on our own hearts and lives. Hair tonic can­ not be sold successfully by bald - headed men. One who is crippled with arthritis can scarcely sell medicine for the cure of arthritis. Those who go with God’s gos­ pel should show the happy effects in their own souls and lives. We should be able to say, “ See how God changed my life; let Him do the same for you.” If we can thus witness for our Lord, they will listen to our teaching and preaching. Go Spirit-Filled. John 20:21, 22 Something more than money is needed in the missionary field. The missionary must be blessed with that indescribable and indispensable unction of the Holy Spirit. There is no substitute for the presence and power of this wonderful Person. Men may know the Bible well and fail to win hearts. Men may be blessed with abundant funds and fail to form a church for Christ. Men may be blessed with zeal, earnestness, re­ sourcefulness, and still fail utterly to reach the hearts and souls of the lost. There is only one power that can break down Satan’s kingdom, and that is the power of the Spirit. does not respond nor concentrate as it once did. The young mind and the young body will be greatly blessed of God as the young person seeks to know God’s Word and understand God’s will. There­ fore, pursue this path with all the heart and soul. Youth Should Not Be Despised. Ex. 33:11 One cannot estimate the potentialities of a young life. Joshua decided to fore­ go the pleasures of youth for a few short years and became the commander-in- chief of Israel for many years. Samuel took his place in the sanctuary and laid aside the privileges of playing with other boys so that he might become the great prophet of God to a nation. Young people should consider the fact that great possibilities are in their lives if they belong to Jesus Christ and that their latent talents may be developed to the point where adults will recognize their ability and give them places of re­ sponsibility. T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

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SOMETHING N EW . . . The “ Good News” by Mark— the Gospel of Mark, in easy English for children, for foreigners learning Eng­ lish, and for missionaries making translations. Price 25c each, 5 for $1.00 GEDDES PRESS 975 E. Green Street Pasadena I, California SACRED PI ANO SOLOS “ There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy” Classical arrangements. Original introductions. Rich harmonies. Brilliant cadenzas. Modulations, Chimes. Suitable for radio performance. Each 35c. A L L THREE FOR $1.00 postpaid. Order from GORDON E. HOOKER 558 So. Hope Street ' Los Angeles 13, Calif. CHURCH BULLETINS Spiritual — Artistically Designed Large Assortment— Self Selection Lithographed — Special Days General Use Be Sure to Get Our Free Catalog and Samples E C C LE SIA ST IC A L ART PRESS Dept. K Louisville 12, Ky. I N T H E C O N V E N T • A BOOK OF FACTS! A detailed description of black nunnery in Bristol. Twenty-four great chapters. Margaret Shepherd, escaped nun, describes in detail the terrible ex­ periences of helpless .and defenseless girls within the high stone walls of Bristol convent. The most terrible revelations ever recorded. • OYER 6,000,000 COPIES PRINTED The most extensively read book on the papal curse. No book like this in print. Read this fright­ ful, heartbreaking story and learn the truth con­ cerning convent life. 258 burning pages. Postpaid only $1.50. The edition is limited— so order at once. GOSPEL ART SHOPPE Dept. KB-2 Rowan, Iowa Page Twenty “ Blessed Be the Fountain” “ Safe in the Arms of Jesus” M Y L I F E

March 27, 1949 "OPERATION YOUTH" 1 Tim. 4:12-16

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