Youth Should Be Encouraged. 1 Sam. 30:6
SCHOOLS IJohn E. Brown, LL.D., President
There are many influences at work to discourage and distract the youthful life. The world offers alluring prospects which are. not always fulfilled. The devil offers attractive evils which often lead to sorrow and trouble. Society attracts by charms which sometimes break the heart. Christ makes the best offer. He gives Himself and His resources to those who love Him, trust Him, and make the Holy Spirit the Lord of the life. For that reason, we need to encourage the young people to take advantage of the assets of heaven. Youth Needs to Be Guided. John 16:13 The young person travels a path which many others have traveled but he is not always willing to learn by the experi ences of others. The godly counsel of ex perienced Christians should be held in high esteem by newer workers. The lead ing of the Spirit and the teaching of the Word should be considered most essential by those who are beginning in the work of the Lord. Manners and methods need to come from the Holy Spirit as well as the material which constitutes the mes sage. The Spirit will teach and God’s people will help so that young lives may mature splendidly for God. CALL TO PRAYER “ I cannot tell why there should come to me A thought of some one miles and miles away, In swift insistence on the memory, Unless a need there be that I should pray. Too hurried oft are we to spare the thought, For days together, of some friends away; Perhaps God does it for us, and we ought To read His signal as a call to pray. Perhaps, just then, my friend has fiercer fight, And more appalling weakness, and decay Of courage, darkness, some lost sense of right; And so, in case he needs my prayer, I pray. Friend, do the same for me. If I intrude Unasked upon you, on some crowded day, Give me a moment’s prayer as interlude; Be very sure I need it, therefore pray.” Almighty God, we make our earnest prayer that Thou wilt keep the United States in Thy holy protection—and final ly that Thou wilt most graciously be pleased to dispose us all to do justice, to love mercy and to demean ourselves with that charity, humility and pacific temper of mind which were character istic of the Divine Author of our blessed religion. —George Washington F E B R U A R Y , 1 9 4 9
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