V ISUAL IZE — V ITA L IZE Use the eye gate to show the Way of Life. W e have Chernies, Magic, Paper tearing, Surprise Climax objects. Three , months supply as low as $1.50. Free sample. ARNOLD CARL WESTPHAL, Michigan City, Indiana LIFE OF CHRIST
Pointers on the Lesson, H omer A. K ent , T h .D. Helps for the Children, A llison A rrowood
Lesson material is based upon outlines of the International Sunday School Lessons copyrighted by the International Council of Religious Education; used by permission. March 6, 1949 PARABLES OF JESUS Mark 4:1-9; Luke 15:11-14 Pointers on the Lesson
PICT-O -GRAPH SERIES In full color, five STANDARD FLANNEL PICT-O-GRAPH sets are now available, or in preparation, on tbe life of Christ. Ready to cut out and use— no coloring or pasting necessary. Each set has six large sheets of figures to illustrate ten or more scenes. Manual with each set. No. 2181, Crucifixion and Resurrection— now ready, on blotter- backed paper. Price, per set, 75c. No. 2182, Birth and Boyhood of Christ— now ready. Nos. 2183, Fisher of Men; 2184, The Great Physician; 2185, The Forgiving Christ— ready early 1949, all on suede-back paper. Price, each set, $1.00. B IBL ICOLOR FILMSTRIPS “For God So Loved the World, No. 48-1” ; “ Birth of Christ, No. 48-8” ; “ The Last Week, No. 48-2” ; “Ministry of Christ, Part 1, No. 49-9” ; and “Ministry of Christ, Part 2, No. 48-10.” 25 full-color frames of Bible art ' masterpieces^- in each strip. 35mm, single-frame size. Price, each, $3.00. The Standard Publishing Co.
The practical hearer (8). In this in stance, the soil was ready, and fruit resulted. Similarly, when the Word of God is received by an honest, faith- filled heart, the believer’s life shows spiritual fruit. It should be noted that in each case the seed was the same. It was good. The difference was with the soil. What about your heart? Helps for the Children A Story Jesus Told Luke 15:1-24 Memory Verse: “Thou, Lord, art good and ready to forgive” (Psa. 86:5). Each day newspapers have columns of lost and found ads. The Lord Jesus told the scribes and Pharisees about a sheep, a piece of silver, and a son that was lost, but found. The sheep belonged to a man who owned one hundred sheep. The shepherd left ninety-nine sheep in the field to look for the lost one. When he, found the lost sheep, the shepherd laid it upon his shoulders, and called his friends and neighbors, saying, “ Rejoice with me; for I have found my sheep which was lost.” The coin was one of ten that a cer tain woman owned. When she lost it, she lit a candle, swept the house, look ing carefully until she found the coin. She too, called her friends and her neighbors, saying, “ Rejoice with me; for I have found . . . [the piece] which was lost.” The. lost son was the younger boy in a family. He asked his father for his inheritance; he packed his clothing, and traveled into a distant country. There he wasted all of his money in sinful living. When a famine impover ished the land, the younger son starved. He found a job feeding pigs. The boy was so hungry that he relished eating the com husks that he fed to the pigs. One day he thought of his father’s house. He knew that the servants there had plenty to eat while he was starving. He arose and came to his father. The father saw him and ran and kissed his son who had been lost. After the son
Teaching by use of parables was one of Jesus’ favorite methods. A parable, literally, is a story used to illustrate a spiritual truth. It is a form of com parison or direct analogy. It also has been called an extended simile. As used by our Lord, parables made things clearer to those who were ready to receive the truth; they hid truth from the unbelieving. The parable has been defined in Smith’s Bible Dictionary as “ an earthly illustration with a heavenly meaning.” We have two parables to consider this week. The Parable of the Soil (Mark 4:1-9) This parable is given more than any other. This fact suggests its impor tance. It depicts the four attitudes man assumes toward the Word. The parable is universal in application. Doubtless, every congregation that hears the Word taught or preached is composed of these four kinds of persons. The inattentive hearer (4). No sooner had the seed been sown than it was picked up by the birds, because the soil was hard and not prepared to re ceive the seed. Many Gospel sermons receive this treatment. No real atten tion is given to the message, conse quently there is no result from the sowing. The emotional hearer (5). Here the seed sprouts quickly because the rock beneath the thin layer of soil retains the heat of the sun. However, due to the soil’s thinness,the tiny plant soon withers. How much these are like those hearers who are easily moved by a Gospel sermon, and, apparently em brace the message, and soon their lives are as they were before they heard the Gospel. They have not fed on the Word, nor applied it practically in their own lives. The preoccupied hearer (7). The seed in this case had little chance. Foreign and alien plants flourished on the soil. So the minds of many hearers of the Word are concerned too much with the things of this world (cf. v.19).
Challenge young hearts with these rousing new flannelgraph .object les sons—they’ll see what is meant by putting CHRIST FIRST in their lives. And what they see—they remember! Gospel-graphs are designed to help young minds and hearts grasp im portant Bible truths. CHRIST FIRST is based on the teachings of the Lord Jesus from the Gospel of Luke. Like other popu lar Gospel-graphs, CHRIST FIRST is printed in book form, with 12 pages of full-color, suede-backed figures and word cards for teaching 9- to 14-year-olds. Com plete instructions included. No spe cial background needed. Bach $ 2.25
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