King's Business - 1949-02

had asked for forgiveness, his father told the servants to bring a new robe for him, to put a ring on his hand and shoes on his feet, and to prepare a feast for him. The Saviour compared the joy of the shepherd, the woman, and the father

with the joy in heaven when a sinner comes to Him. Those who have wasted God’s gifts of time, strength, money, etc. find Him ready to forgive when they come to Him with sorrowful hearts, for, “Thou, Lord, art good and ready to forgive.”

Evangel Musica l Cow Bells Made to order in sets ranging from 21 tones to 37/ or three full octaves, for trio playing. All steel, leather strapped,- accurately tuned. For details and picture write ARN O LD C A R L W ESTPH AL, Michigan City, Indiana

SONGS PRINTED ! Hymn writers attention! We can arrange your songs, or set music to your poemsr— and have them printed for you.. Our prices are reasonable. Write for information and free samples. STACEY MUSIC P. 0 . Box 2133 Los Angèles 53, Calif.

March 13. 1949

DIVINE RESOURCES Mark 5:22, 23, 35

FOR HUMAN NEEDS -42; Luke 7:20-23 _ real needs of the soul. He came to preach the Gospel and to give life to dead men. His ministry was spiritual, not temporal. He was not immediately concerned with the government and wis­ dom of this world. Christ made it clear that His ministry was to the human heart. It was not superficial. Helps for the Children A Day of Helpfulness Mark 6:31-44 Memory Verse: “ Give us this day our daily bread” (Matt.6:ll). Frequently the Lord Jesus Christ be­ came tired of the multitudes and wanted to be alone to rest and to talk with His Father. One day the Saviour and His disciples had gone apart in a ship for a rest; the crowds had kept them so busy that they had not even had time to eat. Some of the people saw the boat and quickly ran toward the shore to which it was sailing. When the Lord and His disciples reached the shore, a crowd was there waiting for them! Rather than being angry that His plans for a rest had been spoiled, the Saviour loved the people and felt sorry for them because they were like sheep who had no shep­ herd. All day God’s Son taught the mul­ titudes. Toward evening the disciples told Jesus to send the people away that they might buy themselves something to eat. Jesus said, “ Give ye them to eat!” When the disciples asked if they should go and “ buy two hundred penny­ worth of bread for the multitude” the Lord asked them to see how many loaves (biscuits) of bread they could find among the people. A little lad gave his lunch of five loaves and two fishes to Andrew to bring to the Saviour. After the crowd had been seated in groups upon the grass, Jesus thanked God for the food, broke it into pieces, and told the disciples to feed the people. After everyone was filled, there were twelve baskets of food left! God’s Son had used the lad’s little gift to feed five thousand men plus many women and children! The Saviour taught His disciples to pray, “ Give us this day our daily bread.” Our food is God’s gift to us each day. Each meal Christians should thank God for the food that He has provided. They rShould also think of ways in which they may help those less fortunate than they .to have plenty to eat each day.

Pointers on the Lesson Jesus is sufficient for every human need—needs of the body as well as the soul. A'^ain and again He demonstrated His ability and willingness to minister to the varied needs of mankind. In sickness, He is the Great Physician. In weakness, He is the source of strength. In bondage, He is the One who sets the prisoner free. When guid­ ance is needed, He is the Great Shep­ herd. And, when confronted with death, He demonstrates His power to raise the dead. Our lesson this week presents examples of our Lord’s sufficiency. The Raising of a Little Girl (Mark 5:22, 23, 35-42) When Jesus returned from healing the demon-possessed man of Gadara, crowds followed Him. Jairus, a ruler in the synagogue, approached the Lord. He was burdened. His’ little daughter was dying. Jairus was an important man; he oversaw worship in the local syna­ gogue. But his high position did not prevent his falling before Christ to plead for his daughter. Jairus exhibited real faith. He was confident that the Lord could heal his daughter (v.23). A woman interrupted by pressing Him to heal her body (v.24-34). The Lord turned interruptions into oppor­ tunities. During the delay Jairus’ daughter died, but her death meant a fresh demonstration of the greatness of che Lord. He said, “ Damsel, I say unto thee, arise.” She was immediately restored. All who learned of the event were amazed. It was a testimony to Christ’s power. John was in prison for Christ’s sake. He could not understand the reason. “Why do the Roman powers continue to dominate men? Why do God’s children suffer? Why does not the Lord exert His power in government? Why injus­ tice?” These and similar questions may well have puzzled John. He sent some friends to question the Lord. When the deputation arrived, the Lord continued His healing ministry. Then He told the committee to tell John what He did. He was ministering to the phys­ ical and spiritual needs of men. He was concerned about the alleviation of the A Perplexed Disciple Assured (Luke 7:20-23)

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Opened, Ye Must Be Born Again, Sliding Into Hell from a Church Pew, Eat, Drink and Be Merry, The Delusion of Head Belief, Soul Winner’s Chart. Send 10c for samples of all publications listed I

KING'S CROSS PUBLICATIONS (Paul R. Cowles, Jr., Dir. Evang.)

1915 15th Street

Sacramento 14, Calif.

B *Pulpit and Choir* Headquarters for RELIGIOUS SUPPLIES

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