March 20, 1949 GROWING IN DISCIPLESHIP Mark 6:39-32; Luke 11:1-4, 9-13
the evils of the world (4). Every be liever should scrutinize his prayer life from time to time to see if these ele ments are in his prayer ministry. Realize that God is on the God is generous. He wants to give to His children the things they need, even more than the best of earthly fathers. However, He wants His children to ask for the things they need. What do you need? Ask God for its supply. Helps for the Children Jesus Trains His Helpers Mark 6:7-12; Luke 11:1-13 Memory Verse: “We are labourers to gether with God” (1 Cor. 3:9). After the Lord Jesus had chosen from the* multitudes twelve men to be His special helpers, or His disciples, He be gan to train the twelve for their work. The disciples had to be taught how -to pray, to share with others, to help oth ers, and to work with others for God. The Lord Jesus sent the disciples out by two’s to preach. He gave them power over unclean spirits and told them to trust God to supply all of their needs as they journeyed in His service. Those who. would not receive the disciples nor * hear their message were to have worse punishment than the wicked cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. One day the Savour was praying while He was with His disciples. One of the disciples said, “Lord, teach us to pray.” In reply, the Lord taught what is usually called “ The Lord’s Prayer.” The Lord told His disciples that God would answer their prayers just as they would answer a friend who asked for food when he was in need. He said, “ Ask, and it shall be given you.” Just as a father desires to give good gifts to his children, so our heavenly Father desires to give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him. If God’s Son and His special helpers needed to spend much time in prayer, surely Christian boys and girls need to pray much also. We would not enjoy having a friend who never talked with us. The Lord Jesus is grieved When His children do not daily talk with Him. Sometimes boys and girls think that only older Christians can pray. As soon as a child is old enough to talk with his parents, he is old enough to talk with the Saviour. He wants Christians to thank Him for their joys and blessings and to ask Him for those things which they need. Some people pray only when they are in trouble or are sick or in need. Those who truly love their Lord will want to talk with Him many times each day, telling Him how they love Him, and asking Him to share every joy and problem that they have. Talk ing with Him will make them happy and successful workers together with Him. T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S Giving Hand (Luke 11:9-13)
Pointers on the Lesson It is the nature of living things to grow. Surely this should be true of those who have been made alive through Jesus Christ. God wants every Christian to “ Grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ” (2 Pet. 3:18). He also wants them to grJk in ability to serve Him. The verses chosen for this week’s lesson suggest a number of factors necessary for growth in discipleship. Make Christ the Confidant of ah Your Work ( M a r k 6:30) When the apostles returned from their first preaching tour, they immedi ately told the Lord all. that had occurred. They kept nothing from Him. They set a fine example for all the followers of Christ. We need to take Him into con sideration more than we usually do. He demands our confidence. There would be fewer failures if we always made Him our Counsel. Find Time to be Alone with Christ (Mark 6:31, 32) It was a busy time for the apostles. Many people crowded about them for this and that, so they could scarcely find time The disciples doubtless had prayed often, but after hearing the Lord pray, they felt as though they had never really prayed at all. So they said, “ Lord, teach us to pray.” We all need to enter the school of prayer and let the Master Teacher show us the elements of true prayer. Prayer recognizes the God of the believer as a Father (2); it real izes the holiness of God (2); it longs for the coming of His kingdom (2); it seeks the accomplishment of divine will on the earth (2); it depends on divine provision for all material needs (3); it implores forgiveness for sins com mitted (4); it longs for deliverance from European Hebrew Christians Plead to eat. It was at just such a time when Jesus told them to “ come ye yourselves apart . . . and rest a while.” They re sponded to the invitation. Again they set a good example for all the followers of Christ. However, many who profess to be His are so engrossed in the busy affairs of life that they pay no heed to the divine invitation. Their lives re main unrefreshed because they are sel dom alone with the Lord. One can be so busy doing good things that he has no time to nurture the soul. Desire to know the Nature of Prayer (Luke 11:1-4)
most of my time, and if I were not so bur dened with food worries I could much better attend to the mission work.” Distress of Hebrew Christians in Germany A veteran Hebrew Christian Missionary in Germany writes: “ I have gathered some of the surviving Hebrew Christians. Many of the men perished in concentration camps, but some of the wives and children survived. They are homeless'and without anyone to care for them. We ourselves have lost everything. Please have pity upon us. Do not let us starve.” We receive similar heart-rending pleas from surviving Hebrew Christians in all parts of Europe. Never have we had such opportunities to feed the starving, clothe the naked, console the despairing in the Name of Christ. W® earnestly plead for your prayers and help on behalf of suffering Israel. $5.00 will pay for a nutritious food parcel. $10.00 will pay for a big CARE food parcel. $10.00 will support an orphan child for a month. A folder of “ News Letters from Hebrew Christians in Europe” sent on request.
A courageous Hebrew Christian M issionary from Jugoslavia writes: “ Please accept our sin- cerest thanks for the food and clothing pack ages. I myself and most of the remaining be lievers have s u f f e r e d irreparable losses. Not only did we lose our homes, c l o t h i n g and furniture, but all of us lost also our relatives,
The Rev. Jacob Peltz Ph.B., B.I).
including husbands, brothers and children. Most of us now remain all alone. If we did not have the consolation of our Messiah, the Lord Jesus, we could not bear the weight of this life. “ Nearly all of us went through concentra tion camps and prisons from which we came back with bodily injuries. This is why we beg you brothers and .sisters in America to help us build again, for the poverty and depriva tions of the war years sapped most of our strength. Anxiety for the daily needs takes
Address gifts and communications to: The International Hebrew Christian Alliance U.S.A. Rev. Jacob Peltz, Ph.B., B.D., Secretary Dept. K
Canada 91 Bellevue Ave. Toronto, Ontario
4919 N. Albany Ave. Chicago 25, Illinois Page Twenty-four
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