King's Business - 1949-02

J ì perdona lw o r d a b o u t . . .


In a time-worn copy of The King’s Business one of Biota’s friends found this pithy ad­ vice on wills: ^ It has come to our notice several times that some o£ our most earnest friends had fully decided to name the B.I.O.L.A. in their Will, but in at least three instances recently, the making of the-Will was put off till too late. The law provides that in making bequests to religious organizations at least thirty days must elapse between the making o f a Will and the death of the testator. Comparatively few know this, but it seems sad that some would-be helpers have their wishes frustrated,

THAN ANYTHING WE CAN HOPE FOR ON EARTH, and many times money left to scatter, loes much more harm than good.

A Steward Story

Two Christian friends were talking about giving their money so that at their death it might count the most in the Lord’ s work. One said, “ My relatives will expect me to remem­ ber them liberally.” The other asked, “ Did your relatives ever die for you?” This made her think deeply. She was one of God’s stew­ ards. She began to think of treasures in heaven and of how wise it would be to lay up treasures, while she could. The Bible says, “ Let no man take thy crown.” — T.C.H.

and the organization to be benefited loses also. LAY ING UP “ T R E A ­ SURES IN HEAVEN” IS MORE IMPORTANT

L E G A L F O R M OF B E Q U E S T I give and bequeath to THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, IN­ CORPORATED under the laws of the State of California...............................’. ........................ ¡9 ..........-................ .................................. |................ ...........+. Dollars, and I direct that the release of the President of the Board of Trustees of The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated, shall be a sufficient discharge to my executors in the premises. (SEAL) J|i..................... |.................. ..................................................................;....


For Counsel in Any Puzz­ ling Questions Regarding Estates, Wills, Bequests, Address: J. R. ALLDER, BUSINESS DEPT.




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