J ì perdona lw o r d a b o u t . . .
In a time-worn copy of The King’s Business one of Biota’s friends found this pithy ad vice on wills: ^ It has come to our notice several times that some o£ our most earnest friends had fully decided to name the B.I.O.L.A. in their Will, but in at least three instances recently, the making of the-Will was put off till too late. The law provides that in making bequests to religious organizations at least thirty days must elapse between the making o f a Will and the death of the testator. Comparatively few know this, but it seems sad that some would-be helpers have their wishes frustrated,
THAN ANYTHING WE CAN HOPE FOR ON EARTH, and many times money left to scatter, loes much more harm than good.
A Steward Story
Two Christian friends were talking about giving their money so that at their death it might count the most in the Lord’ s work. One said, “ My relatives will expect me to remem ber them liberally.” The other asked, “ Did your relatives ever die for you?” This made her think deeply. She was one of God’s stew ards. She began to think of treasures in heaven and of how wise it would be to lay up treasures, while she could. The Bible says, “ Let no man take thy crown.” — T.C.H.
and the organization to be benefited loses also. LAY ING UP “ T R E A SURES IN HEAVEN” IS MORE IMPORTANT
L E G A L F O R M OF B E Q U E S T I give and bequeath to THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, IN CORPORATED under the laws of the State of California...............................’. ........................ ¡9 ..........-................ .................................. |................ ...........+. Dollars, and I direct that the release of the President of the Board of Trustees of The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated, shall be a sufficient discharge to my executors in the premises. (SEAL) J|i..................... |.................. ..................................................................;....
For Counsel in Any Puzz ling Questions Regarding Estates, Wills, Bequests, Address: J. R. ALLDER, BUSINESS DEPT.
F E B R U A R Y , 1 9 4 9
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