King's Business - 1949-02

Why I Should Join a Church 1. I ought to belong to the church be­ cause I ought to be better than I am. Henry Ward Beecher once said, “ The Church is not a gallery for the exhibi­ tion of eminent Christians, but a school for the education of imperfect ones.” 2. I ought to belong to the church because of what I can give to it and do through it, as well as because of what I may get out of it. The church is not a dormitory for sleepers; it is an insti­ tution of workers. It is not a rest camp; it is a front-line trench. 3. I ought to belong to the church because every man ought to pay his debts and do his share towards dis­ charging the obligations of society. The church has not only been the bearer of good news of personal salvation; it has been and it is the supreme uplift­ ing and conserving agency without which “ civilization would lapse into barbarism and press its way to perdi­ tion.” 4. I ought to belong to the church be­ cause of memories—memories of things I can never forget; memories of faces that will never fade; memories of vows that are the glory of youth. 5. I ought to belong to the church because of hope—hope that lives when promises are dead; hope that paves the way for progress; hope that visions peace and social justice; hope for time and hope for eternity-—the great hope that casts its anchor behind Jesus Christ. 6. I ought to belong to the church because of the strong men in it who need reinforcing; the weak men in it who need encouraging; the rascals in it who need rebuking. If I say that I am not good enough, my humility recommends me. If I sit in the seat of the scornful, my inactivity condemns me. 7. I ought to belong to the church, but not until I am ready to join a going concern; not until I am willing to become an active partner with Jesus Christ. —Daniel A. Poling from The Call of the Church. If you put a little lovin'. Into all the work you do, And a little bit of gladness, And, a little bit of you, And some pride to sort of make it Straight and clear and strong, Not a day will seem too toilsome, Not a day will seem too long, And your work will be' attractive, And the world will stop to look, And your life will be a sweetness Like the tinkling of a brook. F E B R U A R Y , 1 9 4 9

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