Feb. 27, 1949 M easuring M en
Feb. 20, 1949 T ruth T ellers
C L A S S I F I E D A D V E R T I S E M E N T S 5 CENTS PER WORD—MINIMUM $1.00 USED RELIGIOUS BOOK CATALOG R E A D Y ! Write today. Baker Book House, Grand Rapids 6, Mich. BIBLES, BOOKS, REBOUND, REPAIRED. 28 years experience. Send for prices. Bible Hospital, 1001 South Harwood, Dallas 1, Texas. N EW EFFECTIVE TRACTS FREE IN A N Y quantity for distribution to the unsaved: “What Have YOU Done with Christ?” “The Most Impor tant Question' of Today.” “Judgie or Saviour.” “The Resurrection Body.” “ Prepare NOW for the GREATEST EVENT in the World’s HISTORY.” Address Neal E. Huff, 611 S. Broadway, Pitts burgh, Kan. CORRECT AND SINGABLE MUSIC SETTING for your hymn-poem, assures editorial considera tion. Music composing, arranging, editing and printing. Folders free. Raymond Iden (K .B .), Mount Vernon, Ohio.
Objects: A yardstick, a red cardboard cross one yard high, twp pictures of men cut from a catalogue, a church letter, a baptismal certificate, a dictionary, and a piece of paper on which is printed, “ GOD’S PERFECT STANDARD.”
Object: A piece of paper 8% x ll inch es. (Fold each end to within % inch of the middle, leaving a gap of % inch. In this space print the words, “ TRUTH TELLERS.” Open the folds and using these two words, complete the following words: “ MATTHEW, BARTHOLO MEW, LEBBEUS, THOMAS, JOHN, PETER, JAMES, PHILIP, ZELOTES, JAMES, ANDREW, and JUDAS.” Do not let the letters in the words “ TRUTH TELLERS” be more distinct than the other letters. Begin the lesson with the flaps open showing the names of the twelve disciples).
Lesson: For what i are yardsticks used? “ To measure things and be sure you are right.” Did you know that God measures people? We will lean this yardstick against the wall, and thumbtack “ GOD’S PERFECT STANDARD” above it. Now we will place these two men at the foot of the yardstick and see whether they can reach “ GOD’S PERFECT STAND ARD.” ' They do not come anywhere near it. We will let them stand on .a diction ary, reminding us of learning, but they cannot reach God’s standard. We will put this baptismal certificate on the dic tionary. The standard is still not reached. To these we will add a church letter, only to find that God’s standard has not been met. Learning, baptism, and church membership are commend able in their proper place, but they never can save us, and cause us to reach “ GOD’S PERFECT STANDARD.” The Sermon on the Mount was given to show God’s perfect standard for man, but no one has ever been able to reach that standard apart from Christ. We will place this large cross, repre senting Christ, in front of the yardstick. It reaches “ GOD’S PERFECT STAND ARD.” Christ is the only man who ever measured up to the perfect standard of God. Inasmuch as Christ has reached this standard, He desires, by His death, to lift others to that standard. (Place the men in a pocket behind the cross and near to the top, so that they will reach the top.) Now that these men have accepted Christ as their Saviour, they are lifted in Christ to where they reach “ GOD’S PERFECT STANDARD.” We are only able to live up to the Sermon on the Mount, as we are made new creatures in Christ, and by His grace, are able to do the will of God. ■
RELIGIOUS BOOKS PURCHASED FOR CASH, or exchanged. Send list to Kregel’s Book Store, Grand Rapids 6, Mich.
GOSPEL OBJECT LESSONS AND VISUA L AIDS. Send 20c, receive one lesson and complete list of material. Charles Morrison, Nichols, N. Y.
Lesson: In these days we are think ing much about honor rolls. We have before us one o f the greatest rolls of honor ever compiled. Some of its names you will recognize, while others you may not. We have here the names of the twelve disciples whom Jesus called. Did you ever wonder why He called men to help Him? If we fold the side flaps over these names, I think we shall see why He called them. We now see the two words, “ TRUTH TELLERS.” He called them in order that they might go out and tell the truth which He had given them. In Matthew 10:5,7, we read, “ These twelve Jesus sent forth, and com manded them, saying Go . . . And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heav en is at hand.” It was the truth regard ing the nearness of the kingdom that Jesus wanted them to tell. Christ is still looking for “ TRUTH TELLERS.” The truth which He wants His followers to tell now has to do with the gospel, for we read, “ Go ye there fore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teach ing them to observe all things whatso ever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world” (Matt. 28:19,20). Christ’s call for “ TRUTH TELLERS” is not only for men and women, but boys and girls as well. Boys and girls have often been used by (jurist as “ TRUTH TELLERS” in their home, at school, and at play.
AGENTS WANTED— TO SELL OUR BIBLES, TESTAMENTS, carefully selected religious books, song books, fine writing, mimeograph, printing papers, etc. Liberal commission. Write today for samples and prices. Henry Rising Co., 124 W . Fourth St., Los Angeles 13, California.
W IL L DEAD MEN LIVE AG A IN ? Moody Press Publication, 25c postpaid. P.O. 446-K Minne apolis, Minn.
CHRISTIANS SHOULD buy Bibles, Commentaries, Christian Books, Devotional Books, Bookmarks, Cards, and some good Christian gifts for their friends. Write us for one of our catalogs. THE BAPTIST BOOK STORE 352 S. Spring St., Los Angeles 13, California
ERI CK PETERSON First-Class Shoe Repairing 5062 W . Adams Blvd., Los Angeles 16 (Formerly 730 W . 6th St.) Tel. WEbster 0404 ANSW ERS TO BIBLE ALPHABET (Continued from Page 18) A—Asher N—Nebuchadnezzar B—bishop O—organ C—cedar P—Pharaoh D—Damascus Q—quail • E—earring R—rose F—fig ’ S—Sadducees G—Galilee T—thorn H—Hermon U—Uriah I—Italy V—vinegar J—jasper W—wrestling K—Korah Y—yoke
“ Prayer fortifies the soul for the conflicts of life. Those who will be remembered longest in this sin-cursed realm and who made the greatest advance were men who knew how to work on bended knee. Moses prayed and a nation was spared; Elijah prayed and the prophets of paganism were confounded; Daniel prayed and a godless king was rebuked for his folly; Jesus prayed and redemption was made.available; Paul and Silas prayed and prison doors were opened; Hezekiah prayed and his span of life was increased by fifteen years. Prayer is the key by which God (through the petitioner) operates the affairs of men.” • T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
L—leopard M—mantle Page Thirty
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