MRGPA Recruitment Campaign

BIM Manager (MEP)

Job Title : BIM Manager BU / Department : BIM/CAD/REVIT N-4 : Reports to Head of BIM and Digital Engineering


• Leadership and management together with compilation and issue of Revit /BIM models across all business sectors including assisting with presentational material for clients, together with training and knowledge sharing within the business. • Library and content creation and management including developing and adherence to company standards closely aligned with industry AEC standard and BIMstore UK standard protocols. • Development of and adherence to use of parametric properties of families and library parts as well as system families within Revit MEP. • Development of and adherence to the use of intelligent families within Revit MEP to allow technical details to be moved from traditional specifications to being held within the model in a single data environment. Allowing technical information to be extracted from the model to an always coordinated data set. • Auditing of 2D CAD drawings and 3D Models. • Planning of and partaking in “inter office” (internal design team) and “extra office” (external design team partners) collaboration including designing, leading and executing the collaborative process. • Creation and management of company AutoCAD and Revit template files to suit project sectors. • Setting of and adherence to new standards of high quality visual appearance of drawings and drawing sheets for colour and black and white representation. • Production of high quality rendered images from 3D models via Revit, Sketchup and Navisworks Manage. • Production of animated fly throughs of 3D project models using Revit and Navisworks Manage. • Attendance at potential new project client interviews to represent companies BIM capabilities and to assist with bids in BIM and modelling related input. • Attendance at project meetings and presentations either in person or via video conference to present 3D model progress to project teams and client teams. • Knowledge sharing and sharing of skills with existing CAD and modelling staff including potential trips to other company offices in the Middle East and Asia. • Briefing and training of other company staff on developed standards and systems associated with the BIM modelling and drafting processes, techniques and capabilities, together with new and latest software versions. • Keeping abreast of latest BIM and software developments via industry magazines, online webinars, seeking knowledge of and attending industry BIM conferences etc. • Partaking in BIM, CAD and Revit user groups where appropriate. • Involvement and assistance in raising the profile of companies BIM capabilities within the industry. • Actively partaking in occasional Company hosted BIM events by helping to prepare presentation material and taking the role of a presenter (speaking at the event) where necessary. • Final checking of models for accuracy prior to issue making modifications or directing subordinates where required. • Liaison with lead office clients re required model modifications. • Motivating the team to increase their use of new software techniques and undertake coaching as necessary. • Liaison with lead office staff re model production. • Modelling MEP systems across all business sectors. • Develop schematic and detailed Revit/BIM MEP Models. • Co-ordinate with BIM consultants and other company engineers. • Attend BIM model co-ordination meetings as required. • Run M&E internal Revit/BIM workshops. • Liaise with the design team to ensure that the models and detail produced are to the required standards. • Carry out a review of all models to ensure internal QA procedures are followed. • Respond to changes in tasks and workload by amending schedules and plans. • Exercise straightforward technical and professional judgement using company policy, standards and procedures to guide actions and decisions. • Flag resourcing concerns to design director and assist colleagues to ensure team timelines are met. • Have an innovative and holistic approach to sustainability and building modelling design. • Contribute to and question technical and construction issues associated with the design/modelling process.


Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur

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