Gems Publishing - December 2019

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income) from new patient no-shows, but you’ll increase the likelihood that your new patients will STAY, PAY, and REFER to you. ( Pro Tip: Watch GoldMine UnderGround Team Training Toolkit “054 Maximum New Patient Return 20-20-20” video at to become a master at this move. Again, it’s a major shift from what you’ve been taught, but it’s PROVEN to help you keep patients!) THE 9 KEYS Now that you are armed with the knowledge on how to effectively utilize these keys, you can begin putting these tactics into practice. Remember, effectively using these tactics will require a monetary investment, time and effort, a clear idea of what works best for your practice, and … most importantly … TESTING. ZOCDOC.COM: works well for the majority of our members who’ve tried it. You pay only $299 per year to be featured on, plus $110 for each patient you acquire through Let’s look at the math. If you paid your $299 for the year and only got one patient every other month, you’ve added six new patients at a cost of $299 + 6($110) = $959. $959/6 = $160 per new patient. If it works at all for you, then it’s a BARGAIN! It’s absolutely worth testing. They limit the number of Dentists with whom they will work in each area … so check it out and join Zocdoc today if still available in your area. 2. REFERRALS: Who are your very best new patients? The ones most likely to show up for their appointments? The new patients with the highest rate of case acceptance? Referrals! Simply put, they’ve already heard from their friends, relatives and/or coworkers … your raving fans … how amazing you and your team are. Now, let’s get started. 1.

above the average, I’ll guarantee that less than 3% of your active patients refer a patient each month. Here's the math: Let’s say you have 1,800 active patients and you see 40 new patients per month. If 1/2 of those come from your website, street sign, and other marketing, then you’re getting 20 referrals per month. The good news is that you can double or triple your new patient referrals with relatively minimal effort or expenditure. Watch the Gems Family Retreat keynote presentation by Dr. Chris Phelps, “Cialdini’s Principles in Your Practice.” This video is a MUST SEE if you want to increase case acceptance and new patient referrals. NOTE: It was a 1/2- day presentation. Very much worth watching the entire video. But … if you’re short on time and don’t need help with case acceptance, then fast forward to the last 10 minutes to watch his killer strategy for doubling, or even tripling, referrals. SITE MAP RETREAT PRESENTATIONS CIALDINIS PRINCIPLES IN YOUR PRACTICE - DR. CHRIS PHELPS. GG12 Dental Practice Transformation Members should also watch my GG12 Exclusive presentation on this topic. SITE MAP GG12 MONTHLY TEAM TRAINING TOOLKIT 071 RETREAT PART III - HOW TO TRIPLE NEW PATIENT REFERRALS. GET THE RIGHT PATIENTS: If you could wave a magic marketing wand which ensured you could attract exactly the “right” kind of new patients, what attributes would you most want them to have? They … a. DO NOT have managed care insurance! b. Pay your full fee-for-service! c. Respect and appreciate your professional judgment. d. Can afford to pay for excellent care. e. Actually enjoy visiting the Dentist! 20/1800 = 1%. Thus, 99% of your patients don’t refer each month.

the “right” kind of new patients, watch this GG12 Exclusive, “069 RETREAT PART 1 - ATTRACT 933 OF THE RIGHT KIND OF PATIENTS.” 4. UTILIZE STREET FAIRS: Here’s a secret … Marketing can be FUN. Acquiring new patients should be enjoyable, so have a little fun in your community while you do it! Street fairs can be one of the easiest, quickest, and most fun ways for you and your team to acquire new patients. This is one of the few instances in which dental team members can make their usual pay plus a bonus of as much as 5x, 10x, or more for a FUN afternoon! Imagine the smiles on your team members’ faces when you hand them FIVE or TEN TIMES their usual pay! Of course, you’ll be smiling as well! SITE MAP ADVANCED MARKETING BRAIN TRUST "O11 NEW PATIENT SURGE FROM STREET FAIRS." You won’t be disappointed! IMPLANT PATIENTS FROMWEB TO YOUR CHAIR: There are a lot of folks promising us the moon when it comes to Google Ad Words. David Herman has a proven track record of delivering a steady flow of new implant patients. Watch David’s presentation, 5. SITE MAP GEMS INSIDERS' CIRCLE WEBINARS "089 HERMAN BLOW AWAY PRODUCTION GOALS WITH LASER- FOCUSED TARGET WEB MARKETING” 6. BILLBOARDS ROCK! Billboards are one of the most underutilized marketing avenues Dentists rarely consider. People spend hours in their vehicles each day, and many often take the same routes on their commutes. Many of our members have crushed it by placing their new patient ads on local billboards. Platinum and GG12 members, I’ll be happy to write and design your billboard ad with and for you. Then I’ll have my graphics folks create the final artwork so you won’t have to do a thing. Your


The bad news is that 99% of your patients do not refer to you each month! You do the math. Even if you’re

GG12 Dental Practice Transformation Members, if you’d like to attract more of

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