
Y not have fun this summer?  gŏđŏ

Kids don’t need a lot of flash and splash to enjoy the summer. But, as the folks at the YMCA know for a fact, a little old-fash- ioned carnival style fun can go a long way to putting smiles on young faces. Three of the YMCAs operating in the Na- tional Capital Region pooled their resourc- es and staff to host a Carnival Day special event in Rockland at the end of July for chil- dren enrolled in Y summer camp programs. The mix of “carnival midway” games and inflatable play structures proved a big hit with everyone. YMCA spokesman Sam Cardarelli, orga- nizer for this year’s event, reported more than 300 children of all ages from the Rock- land, Orléans, and Metro Taggart Ys crowd- ing onto the field behind the Rockland YMCA for all the outdoor fun. “Almost 100 more than last year,” he said. “It’s becoming more popular.”

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