King's Business - 1961-07

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THE WORLD FAMOUS MATTHEW HENRY'S COMM ENTARY — for the first time i n O H O v o l u m e ! Edited and abridged by Dr. Leslie F. Church. Contains all that is most valuable in the complete work . . . the wealth of outlines, exposition, comment and illustrations that have made it “ the greatest devotional com­ mentary of all time” (Wilbur M. Smith) — all here in Matthew Henry’s own words in condensed form. Wonderful, usable outlines st and out on every page. • 2,000 double-column pages, 6’/2" X 10" - 3,000,000 wordsl Beautifully bound In red library Buckram Biggest commentary value ever offered! Use This Handy Coupon Now Please send me________ copies of MATTHEW HENRY COMMENTARY @ $9.95 each. (California customers please add 40c to cover State Sales Tax) NAME________________________________________________________ ADDRESS____________________ — ------------------------------ CITY_____________________________________ZONE______ STATE • Easy-to-read type • Easy-to-use content



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One of the great theological classics of English literature . . . ” — Dr. F. F. Bruce there is n otin g to equal Matthew Henry.” ^ i " Graham Scroggie “ The sound, thoughtful, conservative expression, verse by verse, the gems of thought and the manifold suggestive comments combine to make this commentary in a class by itself.” — Dr. Alan Redpath “ This new edition of the superlative, abidingly valuable Com­ mentary on the Bible by Matthew Henry makes available all the best of Matthew Henry in one* large volume. It is abbrevi­ ated, but it has two virtues . . . First of all, everything here is in Matthew Henry*s own words . . . Secondly, the‘conden­ sation is not radical . . . I think this is all that a twentieth- century Bible student needs of Matthew Henry . . . I commend this edition wholeheartedly.” — Dr. Wilbur M. Smith







B u s i n e s s

A publication of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor

S. H. Sutherland, President

Ray A. Myers, Chairman of the Board

JU LY , in the year of our Saviour Nineteen Hundred and Sixty-one

Vol. 52, No. 7

Established 1910

"Let the Sunshine In" "B-l-B-L-E" "When You Pray," etc. CONTACT YOU

Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home

/ M a WHAT GIVES US FREEDOM? — Nelson S. Dilworth............................. 8 BRAINWASHING WITH INK — Don Hillis .................................... 9 MISSIONARY VICTORIES IN CENTRAL AMERICA — Herbert Cassel .............................................. ......................................... 10 THE CHURCH OF CHRIST AND THE KINGDOM OF CHRIST IN PROPHECY — Charles H. Stevens ......................................... 14 THE PRODIGAL HOME — C. Leslie Miller ......................................... 16 EFFECTIVE BIBLE TEACHING— HOW? — Robert Harrison Hamilton 17 WHAT'S WRONG WITH UNITY? — Louis T. Talbot ..................... 19 MORE THAN SUFFICIENT — Joe Caldwell ............................................ 36 F e a ta MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR — Samuel H. Sutherland .............. 6 TALKING IT OVER — Clyde M. Narramore ...................................... 23 DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX — Louis T. Talbot ........................ 24 BOOK REVIEWS — Arnold Ehlert .......... ................................................ 26 UNDER THE PARSONAGE ROOF — Althea Miller .......................... 28 CULTS CRITIQUE — Betty Bruechert ................................................... 28 PERSONAL EVANGELISM — Benjamin Weiss .................................... 29 WORLD NEWSGRAMS — James 0 . Henry ............................................ 30 SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser ............................. 31 JUNIOR KING'S BUSINESS — Martha S. Hooker ............................. 32 TOWN AND CAMPUS — Miriam Jean Seger .................................. 34 ALUMNI NEWS — Inez McGahey ........................................................ 35 (W l On this month of our annual patriotic observance, let us remember the freedom under God which has been purchased for us by the blood of our husbands and sons on the battlefields of the world. Every reader should carefully read Senator Dilworth's article on "What Makes Us Free?" (see page 8). — All Rights Reserved —


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S. H. SUTHERLAND: Editor A L SANDERS: Managing Editor


PA U L SCHWEPKER: Controller

JA N E M . CLARK: Circulation Manager

JERRY JENSEN: Production Manager EDITORIAL BOARD Irene Boyd, Bolton Davidheiser, Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L. Feinberg, James O. Henry, Martha S. Hooker, Oran H. Smith, Gerald B. Stanton



SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION — 'T h e King's Business" is published monthly. U.S., its possessions, and Canada, $3.00 one year; $ 1.50 six months; 25 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. W rite for details. Foreign subscription 75 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES — Should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to 'T h e King's Business."

ADVERTISING — for information address the Advertising Manager, The King's Business, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. MANUSCRIPTS — "The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Second-class postage paid at Los An­ geles, California. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California.


JULY, 1961



before us once again. The author has writ­ ten requesting that his further explanation of what he had in mind be published in The King's Business to correct misimpres- sions which he feels the editorial might have conveyed. This, of course, we are happy to do on the adjoining page. In order to understand more fully what Dr. Rediger is referring to, the principle statement which was used as a basis for the editorial is quoted as follows from his original article. " It is not the purpose of the Christian college to indoctrinate. Indoctrination is a process in which a teacher transmits his information, interpretations, prejudices, etc., to passive students who sit, listen, write what they hear, and attempt to return it in the same form on examina­ tions —■which are then converted into grades . . . But indoctrination always leads to frustration." It may be pointed out that the editorial was directed specifically to dispute, (1) the idea expressed in the article that in­ doctrination is not the business of the Christian college, and (2) the definition of indoctrination as given in the article which was utterly inadequate. Dr. Rediger's letter and statement ap­ pear below: TAYLOR UNIVERSITY Upland, Indiana May 12, 1961 Mr. S. H. Sutherland The King’s Business 558 South Hope Street Los Angeles 17, California Dear Mr. Sutherland: I have read your editorial in THE KING’S BUSINESS which dealt with my discussion of indoctrination in the January issue of C h r i s t i a n L i f e . If you were puzzled by some of my statements, I would have appreciated an objective effort on your part to under­ stand and interpret before writing criti­ cally. Your critique indicates some con­ fusion at the very point which was under discussion in m y article. Enclosed is a statement which I would appreciate having presented to the readers so that they may make up their own minds. I feel sure that we would not be nearly as far apart as a literal reading of your editorial suggests. I do believe that this is a very important issue in Chris­ tian higher education, and am not un­ aware of the bearing of the scriptures upon it. Thank you for your Christian consid­ eration.

EDITOR PRAISES POET Congratulations on a mo s t excellent Christian magazine. Your April issue, par­ ticularly, was a standout. Credit goes to your staff, of course, but I’m giving special credit to John E. Woodland for his out­ standing poem, “An Epic of Easter.” Sel­ dom have I seen such masterful handling of Christ-centered verse. Seldom have I been so moved by the power and flow of poetry. If I wore a hat it would be off to John E. Woodland. C. R. Dennison, Editor, the Christian Parent, Glen Ellyn, III. POEM CHANGES TWENTY-ONE LIVES God has signally blessed the use of the poem “Easter Epic” in the April issue of THE KING’S BUSINESS, and we knew you would enjoy hearing about it. When we read it, we thought it too fine a pre­ sentation of the Gospel to keep to our­ selves. Part of our work is a.ministry to a number of young people’s societies. We have used this poem in some of these serv­ ices, reading it by candle light, with ac­ cordion music playing in the background. As a direct result of the use of this poem, which so vividly sets forth our Lord’s work at Calvary, twenty-one young people and children have come to Christ; and we have not yet presented it to all our groups. We appreciate all the good things we get in THE KING’S BUSINESS, but that poem is especially fine. Thank you for casting that kind of “bread upon the waters.” William L. Uber, American Sunday School Union, Wellston, Ohio. NEW READER A friend recently gave me a copy of THE KING’S BUSINESS, the first I’ve ever read. What a wonderful, truthful magazine. I look forward to the coming issues. I cannot tell you how much I ap­ preciate how you are interested in others’ burdens and cares. May God richly bless you in your ministry. Bonnie Moore, Whittier, California. E ditor ’ s N ote : Twins are often confusing. To mix up Dr. Ralph Kraft with Dr. Roy Kraft, both Biola graduates, is not new. In our June issue, however, Dr. Roy Kraft was credited with the in­ spirational article “ Happiness in the Home ” which was actually written by his brother Ralph. The picture which accompanied the article was also that of Dr. Ralph Kraft and his family. The latter is pastor of the First Baptist Church of Los Altos, while his brother Roy is pastor of the Twin Lakes Baptist Church of Santa Cruz.


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The article, "Who Cares What You Learn?" by Dr. Milo Rediger, (January, 1961 Christian Life), a portion of which was used as an editorial statement in the March issue of The King's Business, is

Sincerely yours, M ilo A . Rediger V ice President and Academic Dean



READER REACTION (cont.) INDOCTRINATION and EDUCATION (It is assumed that the readers of this statement have first read both the Christian Life article by Rediger and the editorial criticism by Suther­ land in January The King’s Business.) Indoctrination, in its simplest and most basic meaning, is the founda­ tion of education. It refers to the process of teaching the principles of a science or subject matter area. It goes without saying that information is essential and prerequisite to the in­ terpretation and application of knowl­ edge. My argument, however, is with the connotation that has been given to the word “ indoctrination” by those who use the classroom to transmit their own interpretations and biases with an arbitrary and inflexible atti­ tude, and with an insistence upon their “ students’ ” unconsidered ac­ ceptance of the views presented. Perhaps the “ critic” of my position would like to indicate which slant or bias should be superimposed upon everyone. In my opinion, students should be acquainted with various positions and possibilities, and should participate actively in the pursuit of truth for themselves. Teachers should be guides of learning, not purveyors of views. Anyway, what students merely accept, they do not really be­ lieve. To believe means more than to give passive mental assent. It presup­ poses a process of thoughtful investi­ gation which leads to discovery on the part of the learner. What he finds, he w ill then believe. The very reason for the collapse and shameful capitulation of so many who were “ educated” in so-called evangelical Christian schools is this superimposed doctrinal framework and contagious doctrinaire attitude, which framework they do not believe and which attitude they see in their teachers. They were indoctrinated, but not educated. It was the very pur­ pose of my article in Christian Life to point out this weakness in much of so-called Christian education — the absence of involvement and par­ ticipation on the part of students in adventures in learning through which they may come to real convictions of their own. There are more ways of communicating convictions to the growing person than by arbitrary and rigid “indoctrination.” It is unfortunate to criticize a good periodical when the criticism reflects t h e same unenlightened attitude which was under discussion. —M ilo A. Rediger


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JULY, 1961


The EcumenicalMovemen by Dr. S. H. Sutherland

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The ecumenical movement is forging ahead at a merry clip. Everyone seems to be talking about merging with somebody else. Church union is in the air. And there seems to be no way of stopping this trend. For the sake of anyone who may not be acquainted with the term ecumenical, let me explain that it has reference to the merging of var­ ious denominations into larger and larger unified groups until at last there will emerge one great "super church." In December 1960, Dr. Eugene Carson Blake, Stated Clerk of the United Presby­ terian Church, USA, made a startling pro­ posal which received widespread acclaim in many areas and widespread condemnation in others. He proposed a union of four great denominations, namely Episcopal, Meth­ odist, United Church of Christ and United Presbyterian, USA. The year 1960 was ec­ clesiastically significant as well for an overture, the like of which has not taken place since the Reformation fires broke upon the world. The head of the Church of England met with the Pope at Rome, in an apparent effort to iron out differences and to bring about a more cordial working ar­ rangement between the two immense religious bodies. Although these great mergers are still in the "talk" stage, we have evidence of actual ecumenical success in the process of forma­ tion of the United Church of Christ, a union of the Evangelical and Reformed Church and the Congregational Church. Furthermore, two great branches of the Presbyterian Church became one some time ago. Most as­ suredly the end is not yet. It seemed to me that the ultimate in irresponsible mental meanderings on the subject of ecumenicity was reached by a newspaper commentator who recently stated: "Any move in the direction of uniting the spiritual forces of the world's various faiths— and not just those of Christianity but Judaism, Islam, Hin­ duism, Buddhism and other forms of acknowl­ edging divinity— is welcomed not only by spiritual and lay leaders but also by thoughtful statesmen." These idealistical­ ly-minded liberals who have no religious convictions of their own assume that either THE KING'S BUSINESS


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no one else has any or that no one should have any. Now, strangely enough, this kind of union so abhorrent to a Bible- believing Christian is predicted in the Scriptures. In the 17th and 18th chapters of the book of Revelation the "scar­ let woman" is depicted— a portrayal of the final unifica­ tion of all religions of the world. While the anti-christ will be seeking world-wide empire, he will make use of this huge religio-political system for his own purposes. At first he will flatter her and bestow favors upon her; but once he gains universal rule, he will destroy this world church by which he built himself up, and will demand instead that all the world worship him. All of this is clearly fore­ told in the Scriptures. Let us take a sharp look at this idea of church mergers in our day. On the surface it sound brotherly, sentimental, "sweet." !0n the surface it sounds as if it were the fulfill­ ment of Ephesians 4:5 "One Lord, one faith, one baptism." The unsuspecting, spiritually-undiscerning person, as well as the one without convictions about his beliefs, will be taken in readily by this ideology and trapped in a com­ pletely false type of Christianity. True, the time will come when there will be indeed such unity but it will not occur in this dispensation and it will not be brought about by church mergers. It will take place when the Lord Him­ self comes for His blood-bought ones and w,e are all forever "together with the Lord." The only possible basis for Chris­ tian unity is complete agreement on the fundamentals of the Word of God. Consider what happens when the question of church merg­ ers arises. At once the plea is made that the fundamentalist give up his "narrow ideas," and that we should get together with everyone else on the great unifying beliefs we hold in common. We are told that the first ones with whom we should unite are the liberals. But who is giving up what? It is never the modernists who give up their denials of the faith. It is the Bible believer who is asked to surrender his distinctive doctrines. For instance, we believe in the infallibility of the Bible— that it is indeed the inspired Word of God; the liberals do not. We believe that our Lord Jesus Christ, conceived of the Holy Ghost, was born of a virgin; they do not. We believe that when Christ was upon the earth He performed mighty miracles of healing and even raised the dead; they do not. We believe that after three days the Lord Jesus actually and literally rose from the grave ; they do not. We believe that the only way by which a man can be saved is through faith in the ^toning, substitu­ tionary work of Jesus Christ, wrought out on Calvary's cross ;they do not. These truths (and others) are the founda­ tion upon which Christianity is built. The modernist will not accept these teachings for the sake of a union; the fundamentalist will not surrender them, as they are dearer than life itself to him. So where is there any possibility of ecumenicity? Church union sounds "Christ-like" to the unthinking person who is unaware of what is involved. Actually, it is a Satanic trap for the purpose of destroying the very vitals of Christian truth itself. It is not to be wondered at that the idea of such ecumenicity comes in large measure from those who have few convictions of their own. They have a vague feeling that such a get-together would be "nice." They are not interested in determining what the basis of such union would be. They only know that it must not consist of the great historic doctrines of the Christian church which are so "controversial"! (continued on page 34)

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JULY, 1961


A m e ric an freedoms and liberties are the product of the highest form of government ever achieved by man­ kind, but they require the highest type of citizens to make them work. To be a good American requires a love of truth and justice, a willingness to sacrifice personal advantage for honor. The only secret police we have are the voices of conscience in the hearts of our loyal citizens who love our land and its institutions. Our Constitution guarantees no results. It is primarily a rule of the game, a means of fairly determining the will of the people. Our Constitution will not work itself. We can no more have liberty and peace without effort than we can have bread without toil and labor. Our Constitution is entirely in the language of opportunity, a chance for the ambitious to achieve for the people of America. Each new generation must be persuaded to keep America free, or America as we know it will perish. Armies and navies on the sea and in the air are powerless to preserve freedom if it is lost in the hearts at home. Liberty is an achievement. It is not the natural state of man on this earth. It took long centuries of the con­ tinued sacrifice of blood and life by our bravest and best youth to establish the principles of human rights and free­ dom. But like a great and magnificent temple or capitol that has taken a score or more of years to build, freedom can be destroyed in a moment’s explosion of popular upheaval led by crafty schemers in organized groups that seek dictatorial power in times of national confusion or weakness. We cannot win the new ideological war with the old weapons of rifle and cannon. This is the greatest scrap in history. Your place is in the line up on the field of battle. Each new generation must be taught the priceless value of freedom. Not all Americans agree with me on this, but at least they should get out of the wrong rooting section and maybe root for the home team a little.

Military power alone is no longer able to preserve a nation and its insti­ tutions. There is a greater power in the world of men than blazing can­ nons, falling bombs, and roaring tanks. It is ideas. Ideas master populations; select and control national l e a d e r s . National leaders command armies and navies of the sea and in the air. Of what avail is storm- ing a bloody battlefield it at home the cause of liberty is lost in the hearts of the people? In the past 35 years a new type of total war has been loosed on the world, a propa­ ganda of deceit. It attacks the American institutions our fore­ fathers died to build, at their basic foundation in the hearts of our people. This ideological war will not go on forever. There will come an hour of decision. One side or the other will win the or world-wide slavery, physical and mental.


Excerpts from an address by H onorab le N elson S. IHUrorth California State Senator, Retired

victory. The minds of all mankind are the stakes at issue, freedom

In the hands of the people is lodged the supreme power to preserve or to neglect. Along with the power also goes the work and worry of responsibility. This responsibility must be borne by human shoulders, cost what it may in sacrifice and effort. It has been well said that eternal vigilance is the price of liberty and it might have been added continual effort and service. There must be a continuous process of public education by public leaders, unselfishly given, to persuade each new generation of citizens to keep America free, and strong. Of course, if the time comes that American men will no longer willingly die to defend the Constitution, it will fall. It is equally true that if the time comes that American men and women will no longer give of their lives, their substance and their time to defend and serve the Constitution in peace, it will be ignored and over-thrown. The thing to be afraid of today in America is that we do not give an effective testimony to our youth of the value of American institutions and what they cost in the history of our race. God’s Word, the Bible, is as appropriate today as when the children of Israel were reminded, “ If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land” (II Chronicles 7:14). EDITOR S NOTE: Senator Dilworth, having served 24 years in the California Senate, retires this year at his home in Hemet, California. He is a member of the Biola Board of Directors. Mr. Dilworth's nephew, Richard, is a graduate of Biola and serves as a missionary in Africa. His grandneice is a freshman student at Biola this year. The Biola choirs have frequently been given the honor of singing and testifying before the California State Senate. 8 THE KING'S BUSINESS

■ w it lî. in t e :

by Don Hillis

C a p t a in John Whittenham’s strong resistance was at last broken. His fatigued mind had yielded to the incessant pressure applied by his Communist interrogators. He was neither the first nor the last captive to succumb to this cruel program of personalized brainwashing. This is not, however, Communism’s most dangerous, subtle, nor far-reach­ ing technique. They are out to propa­ gandize the whole world with their atheistic philosophy. A generous and oft repeated application of printer’ s ink forms the basis of their deadliest prescription. R ed I n k Able and trustworthy Communist “ personal workers” represent only a small “ task force” in face of the world’s population. They know that millions of minds are open to propa­ ganda from every side and that the western world is endeavoring to cap­ ture these minds. If the Communists are to win the “war of words,” they know it must be done quickly and on a “mass evangelism” basis. Thus their strategy is simply to use printer’s ink which flows into thou­ sands of heads, hearts, and homes where the Communist worker has neither the time nor the invitation to enter. If the thoughts of men can be colored by the red ink of 'Communism, the “ personal worker’s” job will be much more readily accomplished for “ as a man thinketh—so is he.” The effectiveness of this program is seen in the almost unbelievable but very evident fact that 600,000,000 people have by it been brought into

the slavery of Communism in less than a generation. C onsider T hese F acts To the Christian church has been given the greatest “ brainwashing” responsibility in all the world. It is the “washing of regeneration”— the “ washing of the water by the Word” —a washing that changes not only the head but the heart. The big job of propagandizing this generation, in this generation, with the Gospel is not and cannot be done by the woefully inadequate “ task force” of foreign missionaries. Ideologies as well as cults and isms are making herculean bids for the minds of men around the world. This generation—for which we are responsible—is passing into a Christ- less grave at the rate of 120,000 souls a day. At the same time it is increas­ ing in population at the rate of 440,- 000,000 people every decade. Our Gospel in the form of “ print­ er’s ink” can reach these millions in their own language, right where they live and under circumstances in which their minds are receptive. In a little churchless barrio in the Philippines, 30 Christians gather reg­ ularly to study the Word. How did they find Christ? Through the Bible Correspondence Course. In a town of 18,000 people in central Formosa, 1 out of every 10 is studying the Word of God. How? Through the printed page. “ God has not promised us free­ dom from battle, but He has assured us of strength for the struggle.” — Selected

Peoples and nations can be propa­ gandized with the Gospel of grace to­ day through newspaper or secular press evangelism. These in turn can be won to Christ and strengthened in their faith through a Bible corres­ pondence school ministry. Today’s harvest must be reaped today. P r in te r ’ s I n k What does such a program involve? In the first place, it is not an in­ vestment in bricks and buildings. Nor does it involve the spending of thou­ sands of dollars for equipping, send­ ing forth, and housing of foreign mis­ sionaries. Nor does it represent an attempt to supplant the ministry of the native church in the building of schools, orphanages and hospitals. “ Lay not up for yourselves treas­ ures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” (Matthew 6:19-21). An investment in printer’s ink and a Bible correspondence program is an investment in the direct evangelism of this generation with the only mes­ sage that can save men from the pen­ alty and power of sin. “He is not willing that those for whom He died should perish.” Neither am I! Are you? You can pay your debt in part through the proper use of printer’s ink. Your signature on your check w ill help to evangelize this genera­ tion, in this generation.

As we face the new era that lies ahead . . . let us realize our responsibilities to those who have fought and died that democracy might live, by dedicating every fibre of our being to the preservation of the America we love. Let us forever pledge that we shall keep here in America a way of life that is wholesomely democratic, where citizens walk consciously and fearlessly as free men.

J. Edgar Hoover

says . . .


JULY, 1961

by Herbert W . Cassel

IM Z is s io x ie t r y " in C e n t r a l A m S hould it be the aim of missionaries to “ work themselves out of a job” as soon as possible? More than two hun­ dred missionaries of the Central American Mission, working in seven countries, from Mexico to Panama, might well pause to consider this question, as the mission moves into its 70th year since its founding by C. I. Scofield. Trends and events the world over are causing every thinking missionary to ponder and even to question the future of his work. Churches in the homeland seem to be losing their vision for aggressive missions. As a result, there is the danger that mission strategy will be dictated largely by the threats of sudden closed doors. Psycholo­ gically, there may be the feeling, thinking now, for example, of the very real threat in Latin America: “ Cuba is closed and our field may be next. We must, therefore, extricate ourselves as soon’ as possible from our committments on the mission field.” However, if the right foundation has been laid and the current missionary activity is being ap­ plied in the places and by the methods which help to strengthen the national church, it is conceivable that mis­ sionary activity will continue as long as there are open doors. Threfore, it may be worthwhile to think of the unfinished task of missions in the light of what God has done in Central America and of what yet remains to be done in that area. Suppose all CAM missionaries were suddenly obligated to abandon their fields, what would be left of permanent value to show after seventy years of missionary endeavor? The First Line of Defense

In Central America seven facts point to a functioning and virile in­ digenous church, which is autonomous and non-dependent upon the Mission. 1) There are thousands of believers in 650 congregations. 2) Most of the congregations have built and now own their churches, many with pastoral houses. 3) The CAM churches are organized on the local, regional, na­ tional and even the international levels, being totally self-governing on every level. 4) The churches are self- supporting in all that relates to local work, the support of pastors, and all church organizations. 5) They have the Word of God to guide and to teach them, principally in the S p a n i s h language but also in a number of Indian dialects. 6) There would be a public that in its majority would be tolerant and friendly to the evangeli­ cal churches, this being, in part, evi­ dence of the impact that the Gospel witness has made on the attitude of unbelievers. 7) Lastly but of greatest importance, a capable and spiritual national leadership has been prepared to carry on. In the seven countries, there are scores of capable pastors and workers, most of whom were trained in mission schools. Each country has Pictures at left: Top, students, faculty and visiting guests at seminary. Bottom, Ted Koehler and Honduran evangelist share responsibilities in the Panama campaign.



Herbert Cassel and Board of Robinson Bible Institute plan build-

Raul Echeuerria, Guatemalan pastor, gives message over TGNA.

ings for new campus. one or more very outstanding men to whom the majority of believers in­ stinctively look for leadership in mat­ ters of great importance. For example, handsome and stalwart Elíseo Her­ nandez, for many years pastor of the l a r g e , soul-wiiming San Salvador church, is not only a recognized leader all over Central America, but also his gifts as a preacher have been utilized in most of the Latin American coun­ tries from Mexico to Argentina. Rafael Baltodano, a gracious gentleman and eloquent preacher, blesses both Costa Ricans and missionaries through the Word and is known in all Spanish America through the Billy Graham “Hour of Decision” radio program in Spanish. Moody-trained Raul Echever­ ría, a successful pastor in Guatamala, is even more gifted as a writer and teacher. To mention just one more by name, Antonio Nunez is the Associate Dean of the Central American Bible Institute, now on leave to the Dallas Theological Seminary, where he is manifesting brilliance as a student. He was also a speaker at the recent World Congress on Missions in Chicago. T h e s e m e n and many others have the fu ll responsibility over the churches, even though the missionaries are still in their midst as co-laborers. Second Line of Defense The indigenous church, described above, is the indispensable require­ ment for the permanence of a work, should the missionaries leave. But for continual growth and to meet the de­ mands and dangers of a modern world, the church needs certain vital institutions. Most of the existing in­ stitutions were founded under mission leadership but in every one there is an aggressive movement to develop national leadership and to relinquish responsibility. It is in institutional work that the missionary finds it hardest to decide

when, or whether, or not, he should give up his job. Some of the older institutions depend financially more on the Mission than on nationals, while some of the newer institutions are totally or largely run and financed by nationals. A glance, in outline, at the CAM institutional picture shows the nationals moving forward but the missionaries still much in promi­ nence: A. BIBLE SCHOOLS. Five schools, in different stages of development form a bulwark for the churches through the leaders they train. In Guatemala there are three: 1) The Central American B i b l e Institute ( C A B I ) , for Spanish-speaking stu­ dents, 2) The Robinson Bible Insti­ tute, for Cakchiquel Indians and 3) The Berean Bible Institute, for Conob and Chuj Indians. The first two, with histories of well over thirty years and with a total of over 400 graduates, are, today, governed by mixed boards of

missionaries and nationals. The asso­ ciate director and the associate dean of the CABI are both nationals, while at RBI they have gone a step further by naming Indian brethren to the top posts of Director and Administrator! In these two institutions the students pay their own room and board, and believers give generous offerings for special projects, but the maintenance and salaries still require substantial help from the Mission. The third school E- Berean B. I. — is gradually being built up with the help of Indian brethren, under the directorship of a dedicated Latin pastor and with the collaboration of some missionaries. The M exico Bible Institute and Seminary, in Puebla, is a unique mis­ sion project for the training of workers for all evangelical missions. In con­ trast, the Nicaragua Bible Institute, in Managua, will open its doors next year totally as a project of the CAM (continued on next page)

The literature center o f the Central American Mission in Guatemala City. Translating and preparing the copy.


JULY, 1961

guiding principle becomes a rigid ob­ jective there is the danger of becoming blinded to the fact that “ there remain- eth yet very much land to be pos­ sessed” and that the missionary may continue to be of special help to the national church in finishing the task. The iipportant fact to be noted here —and the key to the participation of missionaries in any similar field—is that, in non-virgin missionary fields, the continued service of missionaries must be in co-operation with the national brethren. Further, this co­ operation must be on the basis of equalityj not of individual talents but of the missionary and the national blending their talents in a loving spirit of humility. The missionary who disregards this principle at this stage in world missions will be likely to “work himself out. of a job” very quickly! Conclusion The political upheavals in China and in the Congo underscore the les­ son that the missionary should do his job well in training the nationals to take responsibility from the very be­ ginning. Nevertheless, in fields where missionaries may still work, as in most of Latin America, the relations of the missionary with the national brethren should be of such a nature as to invite and to urge the continued contribution of foreign missionaries. But this contribution must be subject to adaptation and to a spirit of sharing with the national brethren. We should not allow the turmoil and the uncer­ tainties about us to create in us a defeatist philosophy of missions. We should, rather, obey the Lord and keep on “ going” with increasing personnel and resources into all the world and “ occupy” until doors close or the Lord returns to ask for an accounting of our stewardship.

Engineer Glen Liebig trains nationals as technicians for TGNA.

Association of Churches in Nicaragua, though missionaries will be invited to teach along with the pastors. B. HIGH AND GRADE SCHOOLS. 1)“ Institute) Evangelico,” located at Minas de Oro, Honduras, is the only CAM high school. Though it is a mis­ sion project, under missionary leader­ ship, it is moving definitely toward full self-support. 2) Christian Grade Schools. When the Mission discontin­ ued in Guatemala, two schools it had started and operated for many years “ La Aurora” and “Nimaya” '-M- the local churches revived them and are conducting them acceptably. Other churches have been encouraged to start schools and now there are a dozen or more all over Central America, totally indigenous, though mission­ aries lend aid sometimes in teaching. C. RADIO MINISTRIES. 1) TGNA, in Guatemala, has a great and effec­ tual outreach. At present, listeners give 12% of the budget but strong mission leadership and subsidies are r e q u i r e d . Radio Correspondence Courses are reaching thousands, with 900 having reported acceptance of the Lord through the courses apart from many more decisions which have been reported by listeners of programs. 2) “Radio Maya,” a child of TGNA, be­ ing constructed near the border of Mexico, is for Indian dialect broad­ casting and to reach a large area through pre-tuned receivers. Indians are expected to supply the running expenses. 3) YNOL, originally spon­ sored by the Latin American Mission, with a CAM missionary as program director, will soon be totally an in­ digenous project of all believers in Nicaragua. D. M E D I C A L MINISTRIES. 1) “Hospital Evangelico,” in Honduras, is self-supporting, except for mission­ ary doctors and nurses. The Nursing School p r o v i d e s fully recognized Christian Honduran nurses but prayer

is needed for God to raise up Christian Honduran doctors with a vision for service. 2) Clinics, permanent and ambulatory (by air, with MAF) are the evangelistic thrust of the hospital and are supported by the hospital it­ self and by mission funds. E. LITERATURE MINISTRIES. 1) “Editorial Centroamericana” in Gua­ temala, is a mission project for the publishing of attractive Sunday school lessons and all types of literature at a cost within the reach of believers’ pocket books. At this stage, it needs large subsidies and trained missionary personnel to meet the challenge of the hour. 2) Four Rookstores in four coun­ tries, with others to be started, are self-supporting but largely managed by missionaries. The Unfinished Task After reading of the great progress of the indigenous church in Central America, some may say that the mis­ sionary will soon “ work himself out of a fob.” This cliché can and should be a guiding principle, but not nec­ essarily an absolute principle. If the

Missionaries and nationals cooperate in child evangelism.



Dr. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor o f the Bible Institu te o f Los A ngeles, and a life-long friend o f Dr. Dan iel Rose, shown in a relaxed m om ent w ith D r. Rose.


Noted Hebrew-Christian Worker Honored

J u n e 4 , M r. Daniel Rose, well-known Hebrew Chris­

of a century, having been called to the position by Dr. Louis T . Talbot, then president of Biola and pastor of the Church of the Open Door. He has labored tirelessly in special weekly meetings for the Jewish people, door-to-door evangelism, Bible teaching and other ministries. Although limited in his service be­ cause of advanced age, since he is now in his 92nd year, M r. Rose is as earnest and zealous as in the days when the work first began.

The ministry of the Jewish De­ partment of Biola and the Church includes a weekly afternoon meet­ ing at 2 :3 0 at which time M r. Nor­ man Allensworth, director, con­ ducts a special program of inspira­ tion. Biola College is making extensive use of the beautiful Rose Memorial Library on campus, an example of M r. Rose’s generosity and interest in the work of the Lord. The resolution reads on this wise:

tian, was honored by the Board of Directors of The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc., with an honor­ ary degree of Doctor of Humanities. The ceremonies were part of the historic annual graduation exercises held on the Biola College Campus in La Mirada. M r. Rose has directed the work of the Bible Institute’s Jewish De­ partment for more than a quarter Scene at June 1961 graduation cere­ monies of Biola College, showing Dr. Talbot conferring degree on “Danny” Rose. Dr. Charles Feihberg, dean of Talbot Seminary looks on.

U p f i u l u t t i m

WHEREAS Mr. Daniel Rose, a true child of Abraham by faith, having come out of Judaism through much heart-searching to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, has given himself untiringly through more than half a century to the propagation of the Gospel among the lost sheep of the House of Israel, as w ell as among unsaved people everywhere, and WHEREAS Mr. Daniel Rose has devoted large sums of the Lord's money, com­ mitted to Mm, for the thorough training of men and women of God in the schools of The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc., over a long period of years, and WHEREAS Mr. Daniel Rose has served constantly and faithfully through several decades on the Boards and Councils of our beloved school, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, In recognition of these inestimable services and loving devotion, that we, The Board of Directors of The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc., do this fourth day of June, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and sixty one, confer upon Mr. Daniel Rose the honorary degree of Doctor of Humanities.

JULY, 1961

KING'S BUSINESS PROPHECY SECTION Edited by Dr. Charles L. Feinberg, Dean, Talbot Theological Seminary

The Church

of Christ

by Charles H. Stevens, President, Piedmont Bible College

T o err in the building’s foundation is to err so griev­ ously as to affect all that follows. If we were called upon to name two or more requisites to a correct study and to a proper understanding of Scripture, we would without hesitation name: First, the principle of spiritual discernment. I Corin­ thians 2:14: “ But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.” The Bible is a holy book and names its own science of interpretation. It can be understood as no other book. Spiritual truth must be spiritually discerned. Second, we would insist on the principle of division. II Timothy 2:15: “ Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” God alone can estimate the amount of confusion and the resultant harm that has emanated from a mistaken division and an unwarranted application of Scripture. The need of a proper and correct division of divine truth cannot be unduly emphasized. The proof of this statement is found in its application— the Bible becomes a new Book in the hands of the believer. This new Book, or shall we say, a rediscovered Book, becomes indeed a “ lamp unto our feet and a light unto our pathway.” This method of apportionment should not be strange to us. All wisdom in life finds its manifestation in one’s ability to recognize, select and divide. It is true in science. Mathematics is mastered when the art of know­ ing when and how to add, subtract, multiply and divide, etc., is acquired. The same is true in business. Success is the result of correct decisions, right purchasing, and prudent selling. Why, then, may we ask, is it so difficult to get people to exercise the same wisdom when dealing with divine revelation? Much criticism, some of it justi­ fied, has gone out against dispensationalism. And yet dispensationalism in the scriptural sense of the term is

simply recognizing that God, in certain periods and under given circumstances, changes His methods in dealing with mankind but never His principles. To fail to see that God has dealt and is now dealing with three classes of people, the Jew, the Gentile, and the Church of God (I Cor. 10:32) is to err so fundamentally as to cast a shadow upon all that follows. Having said this, we come to our immediate task of attempting to make a proper distinction between the Church of Christ and the Kingdom of Christ. Few ques­ tions are more pertinent to a satisfactory and workable conception of divine program than that of making a proper and adequate distinction between the church and the kingdom. This distinction is not academic, but funda­ mental, not theoretical but practical, and vitally deter­ mining. To adopt a premise that fails to account for this difference between the Church of Christ and the Kingdom of Christ, is to err so grievously as to lead one into a program that is pointless, necessitating adoption of means that are unauthorized, and to the setting of a goal that is as unattainable as it is unscriptural. In this study, we begin by saying that which has often been said before — The Church of Christ is not the Kingdom of Christ. AS RELATED TO CHRIST HIMSELF Christ is vitally related to each as we shall see. TO THE CHURCH, the Lord Jesus Christ is set forth in Scripture as the Bridegroom of her heart, the Head of her body, the Chief Cornerstone in the temple of her worship, the living High Priest of her ministries and the Bright and Morning Star of her hopes. TO THE KINGDOM, Christ is the promised seed of Abraham, the channel of all Israel’s natural blessings, the prophesied King, the heir to David’s throne, the theme of the prophet’s vision, the fulfillment to the priest’s ministries, the Sun of Righteousness in Israel’s new day,



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