King's Business - 1961-07


book reviews

by Arnold D. Ehlert Librarian, Biola College

T H IN G S TO C O M E A Study in Biblical Eschatology By J. Dwight Pentecost, Th. D.

Come Wind, Come Weather By Leslie T. Lyall Not much is known in detail about the experience of the Church in China since the Communists have tightened down on its activities. What is known is not encouraging. The author of this report is in as good a position as any­ one to tell the story. He was in China from 1929 to 1951, and is now as­ sociated with the China Inland Mis­ sion. He has just completed an ex­ tensive tour of the Far East and of course has access to the files of the C. if M. office. The book is an important document in that it traces the pattern of Com­ munist treatment of religion from its first announcement that there is nothing to worry about to the actual liquidation of the leaders and dis­ banding of the assemblies. The self­ accusation programs are described in detail. Always enough of hope and a small semblance of normality is al­ lowed somewhere so that there is a showpiece available for visitors to see that the Church is “ enjoying free­ dom” but everything is under strict control at all times. In spite of all this there are a few bright spots of individual testimony here and there that are being reported. 95 pages; cloth; Moody Press, Chicago; $2.00. The Bible Status of Woman By Lee Anna Starr Published first in 1926 by Fleming Revell, this volume was republished by the Pillar of Fire in 1955. The author of this work is an ordained minister of the Methodist Church. “ Believing that the prejudice of the past has obscured the teaching of God’s Word concerning the status of woman and her rightful place in the Divine plan,” the writer has en­ deavored to demonstrate from Scrip­ ture the equality of the sexes. Possess­ ing a working knowledge of the He­ brew and Greek languages, the author begins with Genesis 1:26, and follows through the rest of Holy Writ to build her case for the right of women to serve equally with men in churches today. Although the book lacks a subject, Scripture, and author index, it is scholarly, well-written, and contains much valuable historical information. The author strives to be fair in the presentation of her arguments; how­

ever, many of her conclusions appear to be strained and carried to extremes, since some of her arguments are based on inference and the silence of Scripture. This is quite evident in her attempt to show that women served as priestesses during t h e Mosaic dispensation (pp. 73-160). It is also to he pointed out that the au­ thor’s viewpoint on inspiration is in­ adequate. This is confirmed by her comment, “ The author of this volume yields to no one in reverence for Sa­ cred Writ, but does not subscribe to the view that every time an Apostle took a pen in hand he was “moved by the Holy Ghost” (p. 235). She says further of Paul’s First Epistle to the Corinthians, “ Our first task here is to differentiate between inspired and un­ inspired utterances” (p. 233). Although we cannot agree with many of the author’s conclusions, she has presented some new insights on several passages dealing with women in God’s plan. Therefore, this volume can be read and studied with much profit by the student of the Word. 414 pages; cloth; Pillar of Fire, Zarephath, N.J.; $3.50. — Reviewed by Nickolas Kurtaneck. Dear Doctor, I Have a Problem By M. B. DeHaan For years listeners to the Radio Bible Class originating in Grand Rapids, Michigan, have sent in ques­ tions to the director. Many of these were published previously in a volume entitled 508 Answers to Bible Questions (Zondervan, 1952, $3.00). This second volume provides answers to 418 questions under seventeen broad categories. Many of the cate­ gories are the same as those in the first volume. While providing an­ swers from the Bible, they range through all phases of life, such as marriage, cults, medical problems, prophecy, segregation, etc. For the most part, readers of this magazine will find themselves in harmony with the answers given. He holds to a Wednesday crucifixion, which is a variance with the view of other evan- Recommended books are available from the Biola Book Rooms, 560 South Hope Street, Los Angeles; 121 W est W ilson Glendale; and qn the La Mirada Campus. Handy mail order service is also available. F ree descriptive books and record catalogs will be sent upon request.

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"Humberd's Bible Charts'1 Thirty-three charts with a page of explanation. Size 5% x 14% inches. PRICE $1.25 Send for Catalogue Add Postage Get 42 of Humberd's books for $12.60 HUMBERD PRESS Box K, Flora, Indana

A Commentary on the Book of Revelation A REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST by J. B. Smith

Fruit of a lifetim e of lecturing and study. A t his homegoing the author's manuscript was edited by Professor J. Otis Yoder. The illum in­ ating introduction is by Dr. M errill C. Tenney, Dean of the Graduate School of Wheaton College. Dr. Smith is a futurist and premillenarian expecting the personal return of Christ and the establishment of His Kingdom. Says Dr. Tenney, "This Comentary will probably be the mainstay of prem illennial exposition for some years to come." $5.75 Order from your bookstore or Department KB HERALD PRESS Scottdale, Pa. KREGEL PRODUCTIONS FUNDAMENTALS for today Edited by DR. CHARLES L. FEINBERG In Two Complete Volumes ( Available from the Biola Book Room)

B IB L E Q U E S T IO N S A N SW E R E D By Dr. W. L. Pettingill Author's greatest book. Thousands in use. Scripture answers to hundreds of questions. 559 pages, only $4.00 from your bookstore or



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