King's Business - 1961-07


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c r V ill O iBruech W e read in Luke 16:8: “ For the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the chil­ dren of light.” Nowhere does this ap­ ply more strikingly than in the tricks and techniques of the cults. One of their favorite schemes is to hide their true identity under names which have no relation to their teaching. Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Episcopalian and other ma­ jor Protestant bodies—including their major divisions—use their denomina­ tional name on all their publications. With a few of the cults this is true as well, the Christian Scientists being exceptional in this regard. Seventh-Day Adventism is notorious for omitting its denominational name from its publications. For years The Signs of the Times bore no identifica­ tion and only recently their radio program The Voice of Prophecy has mentioned Seventh - Day Adventism. Who can tell from these names of their publishing house in the U.S. that they are Seventh-Day Adventist: Re­ view and Herald Pub. Ass’n, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C.; Southern Pub. Ass’n, Nashville, Tenn.; Pacific Press Pub. Ass’n, Mountain View, Calif, and same name for foreign lan­ guages branch, Brookfield, 111.; and Canadian Watchman Press, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada? It is becoming generally known that Jehovah Witnesses are back of all Watchtower publications from Brook­ lyn, N. Y. These are the followers of Rutherford, who succeeded Russell, and incorporated all of Russell’s major heresies in his teachings. But there are many groups following the Russellite teachings that Christ is not equal with God, that there is no hell, that souls sleep at death, that the Trinity is a “myth,” ertc., etc. For more information and literature I recommend two experts on these cults to you: for SDA, Rev. E. B. Jones, Traffic Station B, Minneapolis, Minn.; for JW, Mr. W. J. Schnell, 2889 Guss Ave., Youngstown 8, Ohio. These men were saved from these cults by the grace of God, and know them “ inside out.” Their writings are invaluable to the Christian worker. by Bett

“ TK/r o m m ie , I’m still in first chair. -LvJL We had our competitions again today and nobody beat me out. O-oh, I’m so glad. I just love playing the flute. Please, Mama, do I have to go four years to college? I want to go only two years and then go to a music conservatory and study flute. Then I want to play with the Chicago or Royal Symphony, or New York Phil­ harmonic orchestra. I can hardly wait.” This is an entirely new experience for Mother to think through and to pray about. She has never had an­ other thought or purpose in mind for her brood than that they should serve the Lord, and that she and Daddy would do all in their power to pre­ pare them to that end. Included in this preparation, of course, would be some “ appreciation” courses in the fine arts. Up to this point the six children have been more academical­ ly adept than musically inclined. There is no doubt in this Mother’s heart that music is one of God’s rich­ est blessings bestowed upon mankind. He also bestows the gift for inter­ preting and imparting music upon relatively f e w individuals when counted in terms of earth’s billions. Should Christian parents, dare Chris­ tian parents with limited (or un­ limited) means spend the “ young for­ tune” a music education would de­ mand? From the parents’ standpoint, would such an education be giving the child back to God for His use? From the standpoint of the child, can he be wholly the Lord’s, and live holy unto Him in the world of symphonic music? If you have gone through this ex­ perience will you write and give us the benefit of your wisdom and find­ ings? Or write to King’s Business magazine. Don’t delay your writing. Althea still awaits her answer. The best I could tell her was: “We have a little time yet, Darling. Let’s pray and see how God will lead. In the meantime, get into the living room and practice for that flute solo you are to play in church next Sunday. The Lord will “ lead us in a plain path” (Ps. 27:11).

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