King's Business - 1961-07

Reach Ch ildren !

by James O. Henry Chairman, History Department, Biola College

world newsgrams

6 pages — 3 colors 50 for $1.00 postpaid 1000 far $17.50 postpaid C H U R C H P R E S S Box 551 Gltndale, California



TROUBLE k — a tract for i h BOYS AND J G IR LS^ fl

Paul Jaquith, director of the inter­ faith organization on the campus, makes the claim that there is “more widespread interest in religion and religious questions” on the campus than in many institutions its size. In most colleges and universities re­ ligious groups operate off-campus and pretty much on their own. A new drug, which appears to wipe out many of the infections resisting penicillin, has been discovered by a scientist in London, England. It is called “ cephalosporin C.” Its isola­ tion marks a new breakthrough in thé antibiotic field. In laboratory tests the drug has killed many of the or­ ganisms, notably staphylococci, which have recently developed immunity to penicillin. The rapid build-up of this resistance has led to a sharp rise in hospital infections. The drug is close­ ly related to the penicillin family but has a different chemical structure. It was first discovered in sewage efflu­ ent in Sardinia, but is now being pro­ duced synthetically in England. Campaign Urged Against Smoking The American Public Health As­ sociation called for “ a broad educa­ tional effort” to prevent cigarette smoking, especially among teen-agers, in its last Convention held in Atlan­ tic City, New Jersey. The Associa­ tion’s action was taken in the form of a resolution adopted by its governing council of 162 members including physicians, educators and public- health administrators. The associa­ tion, which has 13,000 members and forty-six affiliated societies, recently concluded its eighty-seventh annual meeting. “ Lung cancer,” the resolu­ tion said, “ is a rapidly increasing fatal disease which now kills more than 25,000 people in the United States each year and, if present trends continue, will claim the lives of more than 1,000,000 of our present school children in this country before they reach the age of 70 years.” The reso­ lution declared that “ scientific evi­ dence has established that excessive cigarette smoking is a major factor in the disease,” and that “ public health officials of the United States and many other countries have pointed out the relationship between cigarette smoking and lung cancer. New Breakthrough in Antibiotics Made

Hungarian Sees Lag in Communist Ideology

A member of the Hungarian Com­ munist party’s Central Committee has acknowledged that the great ma­ jority of the nation’s intellectuals has not been converted to Marxist ideol­ ogy. The author of the study is San- dar Szerenyi, deputy head of the party’s scientific and cultural devel­ opment department. The article ap­ peared in Tarsadalmi Szemle, the Central Committee’s monthly publi­ cation that concerns itself with theoretical and political problems. While claiming that the majority of the intelligentsia are following the political views of the Communist party Mr. Szerenyi said, “ However, it would be a mistake to shut our eyes to the fact that in respect to ide­ ology we are not able to declare the same! Therefore, it should, be clearly realized that a contradiction exists be­ tween the political development and the ideological backwardness of the intelligentsia.” According to the re­ port only a third of the engineers, technicians, agricultural experts, and economists have joined the party. Also, the majority of school teachers remain outside, and only 9 per cent of the medical profession has joined the party. Immortality Seen by Soviet Doctor Professor V. Kovanov, director of the First Chemical Institute of Mos­ cow and member of the Soviet Aca­ demy of Medical Sciences, told a group of doctors in Pakistan recently that “ it may be possible in the future to banish death altogether by means of the transplantation of animal or­ gans.” Professor Kovanov pointed out that it is now possible to disconnect the heart for more than an hour to remove defeets and to continue blood circulation by artificial methods in the meantime. Religion Becomes Cornell's 4th 'R' According to reports Cornell Uni­ versity has added a new “ R” to the traditional “readin’ ’ritin’ and ’rith- metic” routine. It is religion. This is not to indicate that a sweeping re­ ligious revival has hit the campus. What it means is that more than half of the university’s 11,000 students are involved in varying degrees with some type of religious activity. L.

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Send to Prayer Time, The King’s Business maga­ zine, 558 Sô. Hope, Los Angeles 17, California.

BIOLA Home Study Courses "Fundamental Doctrines" ............................. 6.00 "Practical Bible Training" .......................... 2.00 "Studies For New Christians" ..................... 1.00 "Studies In the Gospels" ............................ 6.00 "The Book O f A cts" ..................................... 3.00 "Biblical Geography" ..................................... 3.00 "C h ild Evangelism" ................................. 5.00 Evangelical Teacher Training Course 6 Units, Prelim inary Certificate Course ....$15.00 6 Units, (plus 6 units Prelim inary Course) Advanced Certificate Course ................... $15.00 Courses by Gerald B. Stanton, TH.D. "Christian Foundations" ........ 4.50 "Great Words of the Gospel" ................... 3.00 Course by Charles L. Feinberg, TH.D. "Prophetic Events in the Light of the M inor Prophets" ........................ 16.00 5 Units ($3.50 per unit) Courses by Louis T. Talbot, D.D., LL.D. "C hrist in the Tabernacle" ..........................$ 6.00 "God's Plan of the Ages" .............. 4.50 "The Book of Revelation" ............................ 6.00 "Prophecies of Daniel" ................................ 6.00 "The Book of Ephesians" .............................. 5.00 "Studies in Romans" .................................. 5.00 "The C u lts" 6 units .............................I___ 6.00 Write for Brochure of courses offered CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. 558 K-7 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Cal.



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