King's Business - 1961-07

Joe Caldwell, starting quarterback of the U.S. Army football team, graduated from the U.S. Military Academy in June of 1960 and was presented with the Hughes Award as the most valuable player on the football squad.

the cross. Eternal life, I discovered, is a gift, for Ephesians 2:8, 9 tells us: “ By grace are y e saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” Before I became a cadet, I had dedicated my life to Christ. I had put my trust in God’s matchless wisdom and strength. Whatever victory or award that has been given to me, was not gained by my efforts, but by God’s strength and power working through me. I can proclaim with a multitude of believers that I have the peace of God within my heart, which is far more wonderful than any earthly victory and is more than sufficient for any failure. Jesus Christ has given me peace of soul, the peace that man has sought by his feeble means since Adam. Sports had always been my life, and many college and professional stars added color to my sports interests. But how were sports and my new life in Christ to affect each other? He wanted to be quarterback of my life on a team that never loses. This was the challenge of my life: to be faithful in the little things, so God could use me in greater things. Patience was the test of my faith as the results of a life devoted to the Lord were at first hard to see. My aspiraions for a college football career were quite secondary to an education, and I had no real expectation of making a team. I was small, but God had kept me strong even against much heavier competition. The first two years at West Point were not very fruitful in football, but God continued increasing my faith and service in other ways. Then the third year I prayed again that His will be done, and this time He chose to use me through football. To God I give all the glory for any victories and awards I may have received. What a thrill to live a life with Christ as your quarterback and to face the future without fear. Within my heart is a new love that I did not find until I put myself out of the picture and let God’s love flow in. I pray that each person who reads this will realize how much God loves him. So much so, that “ H e gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). This eternal, abundant life can be yours if you will put your faith in Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord. W ill you do it?

Available in printed form from the American Tract Society—513 West 166th Street, New York 32, N. Y. 37

JU L Y , 1961

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