King's Business - 1961-07


The EcumenicalMovemen by Dr. S. H. Sutherland

Transforms plain church windows into windows of sacred beauty at small cost. Windowphanie is similar in rich colors, artistry and reverential effect to stained glass. Easy to apply and will last for years. Write for free samples and details today. Windowphanie Co. Box 229K Glen Ridge, N.J.

The ecumenical movement is forging ahead at a merry clip. Everyone seems to be talking about merging with somebody else. Church union is in the air. And there seems to be no way of stopping this trend. For the sake of anyone who may not be acquainted with the term ecumenical, let me explain that it has reference to the merging of var­ ious denominations into larger and larger unified groups until at last there will emerge one great "super church." In December 1960, Dr. Eugene Carson Blake, Stated Clerk of the United Presby­ terian Church, USA, made a startling pro­ posal which received widespread acclaim in many areas and widespread condemnation in others. He proposed a union of four great denominations, namely Episcopal, Meth­ odist, United Church of Christ and United Presbyterian, USA. The year 1960 was ec­ clesiastically significant as well for an overture, the like of which has not taken place since the Reformation fires broke upon the world. The head of the Church of England met with the Pope at Rome, in an apparent effort to iron out differences and to bring about a more cordial working ar­ rangement between the two immense religious bodies. Although these great mergers are still in the "talk" stage, we have evidence of actual ecumenical success in the process of forma­ tion of the United Church of Christ, a union of the Evangelical and Reformed Church and the Congregational Church. Furthermore, two great branches of the Presbyterian Church became one some time ago. Most as­ suredly the end is not yet. It seemed to me that the ultimate in irresponsible mental meanderings on the subject of ecumenicity was reached by a newspaper commentator who recently stated: "Any move in the direction of uniting the spiritual forces of the world's various faiths— and not just those of Christianity but Judaism, Islam, Hin­ duism, Buddhism and other forms of acknowl­ edging divinity— is welcomed not only by spiritual and lay leaders but also by thoughtful statesmen." These idealistical­ ly-minded liberals who have no religious convictions of their own assume that either THE KING'S BUSINESS


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