King's Business - 1961-07

■ w it lî. in t e :

by Don Hillis

C a p t a in John Whittenham’s strong resistance was at last broken. His fatigued mind had yielded to the incessant pressure applied by his Communist interrogators. He was neither the first nor the last captive to succumb to this cruel program of personalized brainwashing. This is not, however, Communism’s most dangerous, subtle, nor far-reach­ ing technique. They are out to propa­ gandize the whole world with their atheistic philosophy. A generous and oft repeated application of printer’ s ink forms the basis of their deadliest prescription. R ed I n k Able and trustworthy Communist “ personal workers” represent only a small “ task force” in face of the world’s population. They know that millions of minds are open to propa­ ganda from every side and that the western world is endeavoring to cap­ ture these minds. If the Communists are to win the “war of words,” they know it must be done quickly and on a “mass evangelism” basis. Thus their strategy is simply to use printer’s ink which flows into thou­ sands of heads, hearts, and homes where the Communist worker has neither the time nor the invitation to enter. If the thoughts of men can be colored by the red ink of 'Communism, the “ personal worker’s” job will be much more readily accomplished for “ as a man thinketh—so is he.” The effectiveness of this program is seen in the almost unbelievable but very evident fact that 600,000,000 people have by it been brought into

the slavery of Communism in less than a generation. C onsider T hese F acts To the Christian church has been given the greatest “ brainwashing” responsibility in all the world. It is the “washing of regeneration”— the “ washing of the water by the Word” —a washing that changes not only the head but the heart. The big job of propagandizing this generation, in this generation, with the Gospel is not and cannot be done by the woefully inadequate “ task force” of foreign missionaries. Ideologies as well as cults and isms are making herculean bids for the minds of men around the world. This generation—for which we are responsible—is passing into a Christ- less grave at the rate of 120,000 souls a day. At the same time it is increas­ ing in population at the rate of 440,- 000,000 people every decade. Our Gospel in the form of “ print­ er’s ink” can reach these millions in their own language, right where they live and under circumstances in which their minds are receptive. In a little churchless barrio in the Philippines, 30 Christians gather reg­ ularly to study the Word. How did they find Christ? Through the Bible Correspondence Course. In a town of 18,000 people in central Formosa, 1 out of every 10 is studying the Word of God. How? Through the printed page. “ God has not promised us free­ dom from battle, but He has assured us of strength for the struggle.” — Selected

Peoples and nations can be propa­ gandized with the Gospel of grace to­ day through newspaper or secular press evangelism. These in turn can be won to Christ and strengthened in their faith through a Bible corres­ pondence school ministry. Today’s harvest must be reaped today. P r in te r ’ s I n k What does such a program involve? In the first place, it is not an in­ vestment in bricks and buildings. Nor does it involve the spending of thou­ sands of dollars for equipping, send­ ing forth, and housing of foreign mis­ sionaries. Nor does it represent an attempt to supplant the ministry of the native church in the building of schools, orphanages and hospitals. “ Lay not up for yourselves treas­ ures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” (Matthew 6:19-21). An investment in printer’s ink and a Bible correspondence program is an investment in the direct evangelism of this generation with the only mes­ sage that can save men from the pen­ alty and power of sin. “He is not willing that those for whom He died should perish.” Neither am I! Are you? You can pay your debt in part through the proper use of printer’s ink. Your signature on your check w ill help to evangelize this genera­ tion, in this generation.

As we face the new era that lies ahead . . . let us realize our responsibilities to those who have fought and died that democracy might live, by dedicating every fibre of our being to the preservation of the America we love. Let us forever pledge that we shall keep here in America a way of life that is wholesomely democratic, where citizens walk consciously and fearlessly as free men.

J. Edgar Hoover

says . . .


JULY, 1961

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