Lives change here with Melaleuca’s R3 program. With consistent effort, Taisha lost 80 pounds in 16 months!
Meet Taisha Hrycyshyn, 38 years old from Thunder Bay, Ontario. “After my mother died, I decided that I wasn’t going to let something I could control be the reason I did not live a long and happy life with my family. I started R3 on May 1, 2020, and it was the best decision of my life! Not only did it change my physical health but it changed my emotional and mental health as well. I feel so much better. I
Taisha’s Weight Loss Journey*
have gained confidence that I haven’t had since I was a teenager. I’m not perfect, but I keep moving forward, and I never give up. I love the products that work alongside this program! Peak Performance has been a huge benefit for me and has helped me feel better all around! I take GC Control every single day as a mid-morning snack, and I absolutely love it because it helps me with my sugar and carb cravings. All I can say is R3 has been a game changer for my life! “It has given me the chance to be the mother, wife, and person I’ve always wanted to be.”
• Taisha lost 80 pounds in 16 months.
• She participated in three challenges and won the R3 Starter Pack and ProFlex20 Protein Shake in two separate challenges. • “My life has changed forever with R3!”
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