Canada English Melaleuca Country Catalog June 2022

What is ? The R3 Weight Loss Plan helps you lose weight while enjoying foods you love without counting calories, weighing food, or keeping a journal! You’ll learn how to succeed through healthy nutrition, supplementation, exercise, and accountability. You’ll learn which foods help your body shift from fat-storage mode to fat-burning mode. The full plan can be found in the Facebook group files.

“I always tell new customers, ‘Keep moving forward!’ My son, who has since passed away, used to quote that line from his favourite movie. It’s inspirational to me, so I always tell people to

Weight Loss

just keep moving forward.” — Taisha Hrycyshyn

Get started today by visiting

Daily Meal Plan Sample

Breakfast ProFlex20 Protein Shake Morning Snack GC Control Shake with the Peak Performance Pack Lunch Protein (eggs or chicken), salad, veggies Afternoon Snack Handful of nuts or beef jerky, or Simply Fit Bar (weeks 3–6) 30 Minutes Before Dinner FiberWise Drink Dinner Meat, beans, salad, or lettuce wrap with the Peak Performance Pack

This bundle is the perfect companion as you begin your R3 weight loss journey. • 1 Peak Performance Pack (Men, Women, or Longevity 50+) • 3 GC Control Shakes (30 servings) • 1 FiberWise Drink (30 servings)

R3 Starter Pack ITEM # 9104 SAVE 44% Save over $106.15*

NON-MEMBER $266.00

MEMBER $148.95


Metabolic Health Bundle • 1 Peak Performance Metabolic Health Pack (Men, Women, or Longevity 50+) • 1 value-size GC Control Shake (30 servings) • 1 FiberWise Drink (30 servings)

Peak Performance Metabolic Health Bundle ITEM # 1357 SAVE 46% NON-MEMBER $296.00 MEMBER $158.77 POINTS 60

Save over $133.33*

* Results not typical. When combined with exercise and a healthy diet, these products help promote a healthy weight and body composition.

* Compared to buying the products individually at Member prices.


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