Biola Broadcaster - 1966-02

make one’s thoughts as pure as the Lord’s. This will only be attained when we get into the presence of our blessed Saviour. Q . San Bernardino, California — “Are the children of unsaved parents, under the age of accountability, taken to heaven at death?” A. Bodies of children, as well as grown-ups, all go to the grave, believ­ ers as well as unbelievers. Children beneath the age of accountability who do not know the difference between good and evil are taken to heaven at death, regardless of their parents’ spiritual condition. The children have not reached the point where they could make an intelligent choice. If the parents are saved they should lead that child in the fear of God and teach him of Christ as Saviour. If the child dies, he goes immediately to heaven where the angels do always be­ hold the face of our Father who is in heaven. Q . San Diego, Calif. — “Which day is supposed to be kept as the Sabbath, Saturday or Sunday? A, There are those who believe that we should worship on Saturday. We do not so believe. This commandment was given to the Jews. It is not re­ peated in any form in the New Testa­ ment. 1st Corinthians 16:2 mentions the first day of the week. This was the day when our Lord arose from the grave. Saturday He was in the grave. We worship a resurrected Saviour. Q . Olympia, Wash. — “ 7 am confused by Matthew 15:22-28 dealing with the woman of Canaan. Jesus seemed to be so harsh with her. Can you explain particularly verse 24 to me?” A. This passage is not stressing na­ tional partisanship whatsoever. While the disciples wanted the woman sent away, for she bothered them, Christ did' not do so. He told them that His ministry was to Israel. The woman was Gentile. She really had no claim

on the Messiah or on the Davidic cove­ nant. The Abrahamic covenant took all people in but she spoke to Him as Lord through David. Later she comes in simple faith in saying, “Lord, help me.” It wasn’t that He didn’t have power, or that He was being mean to her. She addressed Him on the wrong basis. He was im­ pressing upon her that she must come by faith altogether. Her peti­ tion was answered as a result. Q . Anderson, Calif. — “Why don’t we hear more or any prayers against the devil’s communistic program for this poor world?” A. Perhaps it is a negative approach asking the Lord to condemn the dev­ il’s program. We do not know why more prayers aren’t offered concern­ ing the devil’s communistic program. It is such a moral and spiritual issue that we could well afford to hear more about it in the pulpits of our land. Q . San Francisco, Calif. — “What does Paul mean in Philippians 3:11 when he was talking about the resurrection of the dead?” A. The Apostle declared that he would rather have Christ than to be found in his own righteousness. He was not working for just any kind of a resurrection. The Bible indicates there is going to be the resurrection of the righteous before Christ’s reign on earth. A thousand years later, fol­ lowing the millennium, there is going to be a resurrection of the unbeliev­ ers indicated in Revelation 20. Paul weighed the issues and declared that he had decided by God’s grace to trust Christ and receive eternal salvation. The original here states that he wanted to be a part of that first res­ urrection of the righteous. Q . Emporia, Kans. — “Please state the price of The King’s Business. I would like to have this but I have never known the cost.” 22

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