A. The subscription price is $3.00 per year or $5.00 for two years, (add 75 cents for foreign postage per year). Those who give as much as $15.00 to the ministry of Biola auto matically receive a complimentary year’s subscription. T he K ing ’ s B usi ness has been the monthly printed voice of Biola since 1910. It is dedi cated to the spiritual development of the Christian home. Q . Everett, Wash. — “Why do I lose interest in Bible study, and why am I always sick?” A. These may not be as unrelated as they seem. If one is living in sin he will have little interest in his Bible. For others, they have lazy minds. It is too easy to think about things of the world and all about us so that no time is left for that which is really important. The devil will always en deavor to distract you. We need to train our minds. Learn to concentrate on what you read. It is very largely a matter of discipline. The Holy Spirit has promised to empower you. Don’t be afraid to reread a passage over and over until the light dawns upon your soul. As to the matter of sickness, this is a most commonly asked question. In the ages ago the Psalmist asked, “Why do the rig h te o u s suffer?”
Again, there are are several reasons. It can be because of sin. It also could be because of our own foolishness in not guarding our own health by a poor diet, over exposure, or some other cause. Remember, too, we suffer be cause we are members of the Adamic race. Until the final redemption we must expect pain and illness. The day is coming, however, when this cor ruptible shall put on incorruption. Then, sometimes the Lord allows dif ficulties to come so that we may be spiritually refined and enriched. In order to refine a nugget of gold it is placed in a crucible where it may be separated from the dross through heat. The Saviour wants us to lean more and more heavily upon Him. Q . Los Angeles, Calif. — “Do you think that in dealing with Jewish people we cannot use the New Testament at first encounter, but progress from the Old to the New slowly, showing fulfilled prophecy, and such things?” A. When one deals with a Jewish in dividual, outside of Christ, he does not always know how much of a Christian testimony the individual may have received already. It is al ways safer to begin with the Old Tes tament. The method is explicit to fol low in the book of Acts. The Apostles showed others that their Messiah had come, based upon Old Testament Scriptures. Someone has well said, “The Old Testament was written be cause Messiah was to come; the New Testament was written because He did come.” Show others the Messiah as He is predicted and how Christ ful filled the minute details of Holy Writ. This is not to say that we should overlook the New Testament. It, too, is vital. Q . Fresno, Calif. — “Do you think it is right to put the word ‘Reverend’ in front of an ordained minister’s name?”’ A. This is usually abbreviated as is “Mr.” or “Dr.” It does not refer to 23
Not all of the educationin the Biola Schol of Missionary Medicine comes In the hospital wards. Students also haveto apply themselves to books, as is seen below with these young people who are writing case studiesas a part of theirintensi fied one year courseof preparation.
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