difference. We definitely believe in the pretribulation rapture of the church. Our teaching is based on the divine record that the Lord is coming for all true born-again believers before the tribulation period (I Thess. 4:13-18). After this seven year period of judg ment upon the earth Christ will set up His millennial reign. The post tribu lation people think that the Lord is coming after the seven years of God’s wrath, just prior to the millennium. This not only takes away the blessed hope but also the imminency of Christ’s re tu rn . Post-millennialists are those who believe Christ will not come until after His one thousand year reign on earth. They believe that the church is going to convert the world. Amillennialists believe that when the Lord comes again He is go ing to set up His eternity to follow and that there will be no earthly reign at all. Space does not permit a thorough refutation of these views. The church is to be delivered from the wrath to come. Q . Anderson, Calif. — “Since we are cdl descendants of Adam, how can we ac count for the difference in races ?” A. The most we can find in Scripture is in the 10th and 11th chapters of Genesis. While we are all descendants of Adam, yet here we find distinct groups which were formed. There are as many different views on this sub ject as on any questions ever raised. Some divisions came as a result of geography. The Bible nowhere tells us, however, the indefinite component elements which go into the difference in races. We can see why God divided the human family, but not how the races specifically came into being. The Bible does not deal with the pigmen tation of skin, which is a subject still widely discussed and disputed. * There is good advice for service found in an old Chinese proverb "cut your own wood and it will warm you twice." * * * Discontentment is the price one must pay for not being really thankful. 24 * *
the individual’s spirituality or his characteristics, as it does in Scripture when speaking of the Lord. The title so familiar to us shows a specific profession. The term is certainly not one of worship, and no doubt most ministers would rather be known simply as “pastor.” Q . Berkeley, Calif. — “ J Corinthians 11:5 and 6 seems to be so plain and yet I notice that in the morning prayer meetings at our church there are a number of women who pray without their heads being covered.” A. We must take this passage in the pertinent framework in which the Spirit of God caused Paul to write it. Not in every church do we have be lievers going before unb e liev ing judges. Not in every assembly do we have those who commit the awful transgressions and immorality spoken of in I Corinthians 5:1. The same is true with this passage. There were many problems of his day about which the inspired Apostle writes, such as the degenerated “love feasts” of the period. A women praying with her head covered was a sign of humility and reverence. In those days women were shaven because of immoral acts and deeds. Such is not the prevailing custom here in our nation today. So the paramount relevance of this is basically in the culture of that city of wickedness, yet it does indicate our need of showing humility in our own time. The New Testament clearly re veals that the place to display real piety is in the hidden man of the heart. It is this vital relationship we need to maintain with the Lord Jesus Christ. Q . Littleton, Ohio — “What is your stand on the tribulation? Are you ‘pre,’ ‘post’ or ‘a,’ or do you teach, as one institution I know of, all three?” A. We tell the students about all three views, however, we make it plain as to the view which we feel the Scripture clearly teaches. It does make a real
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