parables and pearls (AS FEATURED OVER "TH E BIOLA HOUR")
posed that he was dead. A search party was organized by the government to find him. Since few of the remote tribal languages were known, they had diffi culty communicating with the people. Usually they wound up talking with their hands. Through this strange sign language they finally found a flicker of hope at one village. Livingstone had been there and had given them some gifts. The search party, however, made a mistake in what the natives were try ing to say. So it was reported to the government that Livingstone had given them cannons and was arming them for a revolt. Actually what he had pre sented to them were kettles and utensils of this useful variety. Misunderstandings like this happen frequently. Many people try to find out what God is like from the signs they see around them. Hearing of floods, tornadoes, wars and disasters, they erroneously conceive of God as be ing very cruel, or accuse Him of not caring what happens to man. There need never be any mistake, however, for the Lord has sent the human race a mes sage which is emminently clear. It came to us in the form of His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, who showed us ex actly what God is like, and how He really feels about us. For this reason the Saviour is called the Word of God. His sacrifice on the cross proclaims eter nal love and grace revealing that the Almighty Creator is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. For while estranged from the Lord, Christ died for us, the Just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God. * The will of God never will lead you where the grace of God cannot keep you. * * * A NATIONAL DISEASE While there seems to be little concern about a growing national problem, we want to go on record that the drunken driver is one of the greatest menaces * *
LOVE YOUR ENEMIES During W or Id War II, Bernhard Rogge, captain of the German vessel “Atlantis,” sank or captured 22 Ameri can and British ships. A s a result he took more than 1,000 men as prisoners of war. Unlike most of the enemy com manders, however, Captain Rogge was not generally despised and hated. While it is true he sank their skips, yet, after the war, many of these former prisoners sent “thank you” letters and even pack ages to him. The reason for these un usual gestures was that he was unlike any of the German war lords of that era. He had treated them with kindness and love even though they were his pris oners. He insisted on giving them as much food as his own men received. He allowed them to swim in the ship’s pool. Occasionally he even gave parties for them. Captain Rogge’s answer to being ensnarled in hatred was to repay it with love and kindness. He was the complete exception, explaining his actions by say ing, “I learned from Christ who said, ‘Love your enemies.’ ” Spiritually speak ing let us remember that we all have been enemies of God. We have hated, cursed, sinned against, rejected, and ignored Him. He returned only love, however, as He sent His own Son to be our Saviour. So the Lord also wants us to be kind and forgiving to our ene mies. Who knows but that in this way we may win their friendship and ulti mately draw them to a saving knowl edge of Jesus Christ. "Be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted forgiving one another, even as God, for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.” * * * Some speakers need no introduction. They only need conclusions. * * * READING THE SIGNS For a long time after David Living stone went deep into unexplored Africa to preach the Gospel, the outside world lost all contact with him. Many siop-
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