have been brought low and met spiritual defeat through an insidious invasion of evil thoughts. None of us is immune from this hidden and ever lurking danger. When temptation comes we listen to the enemy of our souls. Thoughts we would certainly never want televised make in roads into the unguarded mind. For every person who performs some evil or immoral deed, there are a thousand who fall prey to unseemly thoughts which will always sap one’s moral strength. Christ, who knows human weaknesses better than we do ourselves, was tempted in all points like as we are and yet He was without sin. Therefore, we can go to Him for victory when the battle presses hard against us. The Bible gives us the blessed assurance, “Therefore, we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us and gave Himself for us.” * * * Knowledge is like a snap shot. If can be enlarged, but if if gets out of focus, every thing will become only a blur. * * * STORING TRUTH It was interesting to learn that some times when the weather is dry in the Southwestern part of the United States, one can dig into the ground and find an object which appears to be a little green grape. It is amazing to think of such fruit growing underneath the soil in dry, hard ground. Closer inspection, however, shows these aren’t grapes at all but what are known as honey-cask ants. These little creatures carry honey in their bodies. They take in the sweet sub stance until they have become swollen and are as round as a grape. They are responsible to give a drink of honey to any ant of their colony which may de sire it. Entomologists tell us that sev eral hundred ants are chosen to be “stor age bottles” in every colony. They are hung on the ceilings of the tiny ant cav erns. When food isn’t available else where, the other ants live on honey from these strange creatures. One can’t help but reflect upon the fact that the Lord has a similar plan in providing spiritual food for Christians. Paul reminded the Roman believers, “I, myself, am satis fied about you that you, yourselves, are full of goodness, filled with all knowl edge and able to' instruct one another.” Here were men and women of God who were filled up with the message of sal vation so that they could supply others 29
our country must face. Millions u/pon millions are spent in research trying to find cures for disease-killing maladies, while nothing is done to curb the alarm ing growth of alcoholism at its very source. Recently, on the campus of a large state university, a crowd gathered around the wreckage of a late-model car. A group of students listened to the chal lenge of a Vancouver lumber executive. His young son and a friend had been killed. Their vehicle was hit broadside by a car which had at its steering wheel a man who had been drinking. With his senses dulled, he had driven straight through a red light and brought death to these two promising young men. The wreckage on the campus was the father’s idea. He exhibits the car to the public in a personal crusade against drunk driv ers. He explains, “I felt that devoting my time and money to this was fa r bet ter than an expensive gravestone for my son.” How is it that our country can get so aroused on the subject of tobacco smok ing (which well it should), and then seemingly completely overlook the fact that alcoholism, drinking drivers as well as inflamed passions, can c o n tin u e bringing such devastation to every cor ner of this wonderful land? Where are the people of God who wiU step forth and let their voices be heard concerning this condemnation upon our beloved country? The Bible reminds us that, “Righteousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people." * When success turns a man's head, then he is facing failure. * * * DESTRUCTION FROM WITHIN On Long’s Peek in Colorado are the ruins of a gigantic tree. Naturalists tell us that it stood for more than 400 years. During that time lightning struck it on at least 14 different occasions. In numerable storms and avalanches beat and crashed upon it. The towering giant, however, survived them all. Then one day an army of beatles attacked it. Eat ing their way through the bark they gradually got to the trunk’s center, de stroying this magnificent tree’s inner strength. So, another king of the forest collapsed having been felled by beatles, tiny insects so small a man could crush one between his fingers. Similarly, men who have weathered fierce storms of life * *
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