with God’s Word of life. Could this be said of us as well? Our Saviour de clared, “Freely you have received, so freely give.” * * * A man's worthmay readilybe judged by what hedoes when heneedn't do anything. * * * CAUSE OF GAMBLING A newspaper recently quoted a for mer gambler who had been at one time proprietor of some 36 gambling houses in New York City. He stated, “All of the policemen in the world can’t suppress gambling. The fault doesn’t lie with the underworld. The underworld is simply the result. The real problem comes from the home, in fact, from the home life of some church members. I think I can speak with authority when I say that this is where recruits for the city’s ‘hell holes’ come from. I ’m not proud of what I ’ve done, and yet I can’t help but ob serve that during the twenty years I was in the game, I found that about all the men and women who filled my houses and bet themselves to ruin were the product of homes where card playing was encouraged. Believe me, it’s across the friendly poker table or bridge game where Satan places his fiery brand on the young men and women of America. I’ll say it again, it’s in the so-called Christian homes where gambling fever sometimes begins. The underw o rld doesn’t have to try to drag the innocent down; unthinking mothers and fathers are turning out more recruits than they can possibly handle.” These penetrating words from a former New York City gambler. How vital for every parent to carefully consider the Scriptural injunc tion, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” * * * A good word for you wives: so live that when a man says he's married to you he'll actually be bragging. * * * SOWING AND REAPING During World War II a man who be came k n o w n only as “Cicero” stole many top secrets from the British am bassador for whom he worked. He then sold this top-level information to the Germans, realizing a profit of more than a million dollars. In later years, how ever, when he tried to spend the money, he discovered it was all counterfeit. To
be sure, “Cicero” had betrayed the Brit ish, but he himself was betrayed by the Germans. It is certainly a graphic por trayal of the Scripture telling us, “What soever a man soweth that shall he also reap.” Have you ever stopped to think about that? What do you suppose would happen if God actually made us reap what we have sown? What if He treated us in the way we sometimes treat others as a result of our pride, hatred, jeal ousy, or just plain lack of love. He would certainly be within His rights if He punished us in this manner. Yet, to keep us from reaping what we have sown the Lord Jesus Chrisi came into this world. He was betrayed by friends, mistreated by enemies, and put to death by His own people. He actually reaped what we have sown in order that we might never have to suffer what we rightly deserve. As a result we can reap the benefits of all that Christ has done. * * * You willnever be able to carve your way to success bymakingcutting remarks. * * * JOY AMID SORROW An old but interesting legend coming from India tells about a king who tried to shield his young son, Gautama, from all the unhappiness which he might ex perience in the world. The child was en circled ■ with only young, healthy and jubilant friends. Dissatisfied, however, Gautama and one of his companions sneaked out of the palace. For the first time, wandering the streets of the city, Gautama saw all kinds of people. There were the sick, the old, the lame and the blind. He was confused and bewildered, sorrowfully complained, “Now I can never be happy again!” What a tragic story. No one can go through life with out disappointment and heartache. For the Christian, however, there is that which makes the glorious difference. Paul summarizes it in that blessed ex hortation, “Rejoice in the Lord, and again I say, rejoice.” The Saviour shared our troubled life by suffering for our sins, conquering death, and making it possible for us to possess the promise of eternal life. As redeemed children of God, we cannot possibly shut our eyes to the sad tragedies found in this world. There may not always be happiness as far as external circumstances are con cerned. Yet we can have an abiding con fidence and assurance of that which God has done for us through His Son Jesus Christ. 30
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