Biola Broadcaster - 1966-02

to do things which he himself was not willing to do. If he did it himself, however, this was another matter. I was then quite willing and delighted to identify myself in the act re­ quired. The Lord Jesus Christ never tells us to do anything which He didn’t do Himself. He never tells us to do anything He cannot work out through us. ' There are no two ways about it: God ordained personal evangelism. He tells us that if we are a new crea­ tion then we are to get on with the job. If you have been reconciled, exer­ cise your ministry. Wherever the Lord Jesus Christ went, He presented the claims of His heavenly Father. People were blessed because of it. Are others blessed because of your Godly life and testimony to them? Will you say, “Lord Jesus, here I am. I’m ready to go wherever you wish today to present the truth about you. Now work through me for your glory.” God will do just this, if you ask Him. Make certain you are honest with the Lord, however, and when the oppor­ tunities come, don’t let them slip through your fingers. God will richly and abundantly bless as you, moment by moment, seek His perfect will!

M IN ISTRY OF MUSIC In your leisure moments, spiritual growth can s o m e tim e s be indicated through the melodies you sing, hum or whistle to yourself. Are they the secular tunes, as well as the commercial ditties which actually do nothing to elevate the soul? While riding along on a train, a little boy’s singing of a familiar Sunday school chorus spoke to the heart of the drunken father of Joseph Parker. The man never drank again, saving the money to send his brilliant son to col­ lege. Later he became one of the most forceful preachers of the Gospel mes­ sage. While ploughing in a field, a Chris­ tian farmer sang at the top of his me­ lodious voice. A mother, in despair, standing on the bridge of a nearby river, was kept from committing suicide. Her preacher son was used of the Lord to turn multitudes to Christ. He de­ clared, “All that I am for God I owe to that humble Christian plowman who sang the praises of the Lord as he did his menial task.” It may seem that there may not be much you can do today. You may feel that what you have to offer the Lord is valueless and that no one even knows that you are around. God says, however, that a merry heart doeth good like a medicine. So may you and I be found, “Giving thanks always for all things^unto God and the Father, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” W A LK IN TH E LIGH T In some remote sections of the Orient, where electricity is still unknown, na­ tives use tiny lamps in the toes of their shoes. This provides just enough light to relieve darkness along the way, allow­ ing them to walk from place to place seeing the pathway ahead. What a prac­ tical illustration for us as God’s chil­ dren. We are told to “Walk in the light, even as He is in the light,” for “In Him is no darkness at all.” I f life is confus­ ing, perplexing and frustrating, if we cannot see the Lord’s clear hand of guid­ ance, we may be out of fellowship with God. Conscious-known sin will keep one from living in the light of the Saviour’s presence( R ep en ta n c e and confession brings God’s forgiveness and will re­ store His light to our pathway. Obe­ dience to the Lord’s known will keeps that light burning. Don’t let some trans­ gression blow it out. For, “I f we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to for­ give us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 8

John Glover (standing), Biola student from Gar­ dena, California, looks over leson text with Charles Hahn, asistant Dean of Men, from La Mirada.


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