PRESIDENT’S | message THE BENEFITS OF Teamwork by Patricia L. Brolin-Ribi, President, International Chapter of the P.E.O. Sisterhood During these summer months, many of our sisters will take a break for a family vacation, to undertake a long-awaited adventure or to tackle a home project. Many chapters also take a break from meetings during the summer, and instead gather for a fun summer social. Whatever your plans, I wish you joy and happy times that will be rejuvenating. That rejuvenation will be important when we enter the fall and chapters get back to Raising the Bar to the Stars for P.E.O.!
As we look forward to resuming business, it is helpful to remember the value of teamwork and the importance of a mindset of “we, instead of me.” That is something for members at all levels of our Sisterhood to keep in mind. Margaret Mead, American cultural anthropologist, stated it precisely: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can
member are important, we have the most impact when we are working in conjunction with our sisters toward the same goals. The key to the success of a chapter and what influences its vitality is all members working together as a team. We know intuitively that all members bring different skills to P.E.O. It is wise to recognize those individual
they have, even when the task requires hard work. It also offers an opportunity to better know our sisters. When we stress teamwork, we also celebrate the efforts of all those around us and let them all shine. It is crucial to lift up our sisters and recognize them for their efforts. Freely giving kudos to the team for
MARGARET MEAD, AMERICAN CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGIST, STATED IT PRECISELY: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed. It is the only thing that ever has.”
change the world. Indeed. It is the only thing that ever has.” This is a great example of what our wonderful P.E.O. sisters have accomplished through teamwork by helping to educate women for 153 years. P.E.O.s are the very essence of teamwork, especially as we are all volunteers who rely on each other to be successful and accomplish our mission. We each accept and perform our duties as a part of the team—whether that be as a participating chapter member, a committee member or even as an officer. While the efforts of every
strengths and blend them together to their greatest advantage. Whether the goal is to find an applicant who would benefit from one of our projects or to organize the chapter’s fundraiser, simply stated “more heads and hands are better than one” when it comes to achieving the task at hand. Members working as a team find satisfaction and joy in their assignments which leads to more willingness to participate in the future. Encouraging a collaborative approach yields a better outcome and also more support for the endeavor. Those pulling together as a team often express what fun
a job well done goes a long way to increasing self-confidence and brings joy to their efforts on behalf of our Sisterhood. The next time your chapter undertakes any endeavor—whether organizing meals for a sister who is ill or helping host your state, provincial or district convention— remember the benefits of teamwork and how that will help your chapter sisters Raise the Bar to the Stars. WITH BEST WISHES AND P.E.O. LOVE, Patti
July–August 2022 | THE P.E.O. RECORD
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