NBA Champion/Rhodes Scholar Double Cover (Fall-Winter 2020)


"Brother Gale Sayers was the consummate Kappa brother, athlete and caring individual. He was always willing to help another person any way he could and never asked or expected anything in return. When I was an athlete at the University of Kansas, he was Assistant Athletic Director. He was always available for advice and you could never tell by his demeanor that he was a world class athlete destined for the Pro Football Hall of Fame. The world was a much better place with him in it and we will surely miss him.

—Grand Polemarch Reuben A. Shelton III, Esq.

body for KU Athletics. In 2000, KU named him as an alumni representative for the Kansas University Athletic Corporation. In 2009, he returned to KU Athletics as Direc- tor of Fundraising for Special Projects. KU established the Gale Sayers Microcomputer Center honoring his commitment to both education and technology.

of 46 years Ardythe (née Bullard) Sayers, daughter Gail; sons Timothy and Scott; two grandchildren; stepsons Gaylon, Guy, and Gary; two brothers Roger W. Sayers Jr. (Al- pha Eta 1961) and Ron Sayers (Alpha Eta 1966); and close relatives, friends, business associates, KU teammates, Chicago Bears teammates, and generations of NFL fans around the world. On October 3, 2020, Kansas Univer- sity unveiled Sayers' bronze statue outside the Anderson Family Football Complex at halftime of the KU football game with Okla- homa State University.

In 2007, Sayers authored a new autobi- ography entitled My Life and Times .

Brother Gale E. Sayers is predeceased by his parents. He is survived by his wife

Above: Sayers in the February 1966 Journal.


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