2023 Musana Annual Report

UGANDA TEAM Musana’s team is made up of 570+ full-time Ugandan employees. These local leaders are igniting economic and social change by championing our core values of local leadership, sustainability, social entrepreneurship, and accountability.

UGANDA BOARD MEMBERS Loida Nambi — Chairman Haril Kazindra — Secretary Andrea Kazindra — Treasurer Beth Baleke Dr. Peter Kawanguzi Edward Kimalyo Beatrice Tanaguza

Haril Kazindra — Executive Director & Co-Founder Oliver Kwagala — Human Resource Manager John Mary Mungere — Financial Controller Susan Akunu — Administrative Manager Denelson Magumba — Procurement Officer Noah Waako — Estates Officer Doreen Nafuna — Accounts Officer

U.S. BOARD MEMBERS Leigh Dunn — President

Tracy Pirnack — Vice President Seth Gunderson — Treasurer PJ Martin Justin Mihalcin

Yona Ibanda — Public Relations Officer Joseph Opolot — Guest Liaison Officer Joash Paul Ndizaawa — Head Outreach & Social Work Mike Nalugoda — Technical Manager at Musana Primary Schools Henry Ngobi — Head Teacher Moses Ntawu — Head Teacher Esther Agwang — Head Teacher Carol Agasha — Technical Manager at Musana Community Hospitals Suzan Kibodyo — Iganga Hospital Administrator Jesse Naaya — Medical Officer/Head Clinical Team Raymond Raanga Owino — Technical Manager MVHS Oliver Batale — Head Teacher Victoria Ahumuza — MEC Administrator Hannington Kabala — Sol View Manager Harun Wansadha — Head Chef & Guesthouse Manager STATESIDE TEAM Andrea Kazindra — Co-Founder/Executive Director Erin Moser — Development Director Cory Wolven — Communications & Marketing Director Tami Hall — Operations Manager Susie Knight — Community Engagement Coordinator Nicole Unger — Development Officer Kelly MacDonald — Merchandise & Volunteer Coordinator Monique Garcia-Carson — Merchandise Coordinator

John Sawyer Keith Kasten Sara Swearingen Kay Morrison

U.S. BOARD ADVISORY David Morrison Pat Pauline

Stew Pirnack Bob Rensink Don Dolifka Bob Moser

UK BOARD MEMBERS Jim Wicks Andrea Kazindra Haril Kazindra

Don Dolifka Jen Wordley


Brad Fischer — Accountant Ellen Conner — Bookkeeper

UK TEAM Paul Smith — UK Director Sheila Brown — Accountant/Bookkeeper

OUR TEAM IS GROWING! We’re thrilled to share that Musana is expanding globally with the launch of a new Musana Funding Office in the UK! Be part of our international journey and share this exciting news with your friends and family living in the UK so that they can learn about and join a mission that you’re passionate about! To learn more about this milestone, reach out to Paul Smith , our dedicated UK Director, at INFO.UK@MUSANA.ORG.



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